🏵 Chapter 2 - " Once A Thief "

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🏵 Chapter 2


Once a Thief

It was the kind of scam, that even as an experienced thief, Cyrus Foley never would have dreamed up or he might have tried it himself as one last score before leaving his life of crime in the rearview mirror.

“Of course, I don’t believe him,” Barbara Ryan said as she clutched the string of pearls at her throat.  The attractive older woman was sitting across from him so he couldn’t tell if the necklace was real or if the wealthy business woman wore fakes during the day while keeping her authentic jewels under lock and key only to be worn on special occasions.

His fingers itched to pull out the loupe magnifier he kept in his top desk drawer for old times sake.

“The fountain of youth is a myth right? Plus I know what James looked like when he was in his twenties and he looked nothing like Mick Dante.”

Cyrus was only half listening as he was now eyeing the fine gold chain around Barbara’s wrist. Since that was probably a piece she wore every day, most likely it was the real thing.

“He actually offered me some of this snake oil. I refused of course. As if I need a youth serum.” She tossed her dark hair out of her eyes.

No she doesn’t need a serum because she was most likely paying some Sugar Heights Valley plastic surgeon a mint to do a little work here and there while keeping it all hush-hush and discrete  So that all of her Oakdale friends wouldn’t know and judge her tho they were doing the same thing.  Cyrus wondered again and not for the first time if it was truly possible for him to help rich people with their problems instead of stealing from them.

“Yeah it sounds like a crock to me,” Cyrus said. “And from what I gather you also believe it’s a crock. So why do you want this con artist investigated especially by a Sugar Heights detective when  you live hours away? Just tell him where he can stick his youth serum and be done with him.”

“Because there is one percent of me who thinks Mick Dante is telling the truth and he really is James Stenbek. James used to say, you don’t regret what you’ve done, but what you didn’t do. If I don’t find out the truth, I’ll always wonder.”

“Hey, it’s your money lady,” Cyrus shrugged. “I charge by the hour, plus expenses.”

Tonights Episode is Written by ..

Special Guest Writer // Blossom

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