💋 Chapter 16 / Careful What You Wish For

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💋 Chapter 16 / Careful What You Wish For

Marina Cooper looked at the signup sheet on the wall asking for officers to participate in the upcoming Bully Prevention Month Programs with the local Sugar Heights school district.

As she read the name of the other officers who’d already signed up, she worked her aching jaw back and forth reflecting on her confrontation with Grace just that morning. Grace called her a hateful bitch right before she hit her. Other than a few scuffles when apprehending a perp, Marina had not gotten into a fight since middle school.

She was so not a hateful bitch. Was she?

She had her moments when she was not the best person like with Carter or Matt or Grace for that matter.  She had left town without making things right with her former best friend.

The one person who always saw the good in her--because he was so bad--was Cyrus Foley. So much for making that fresh start in Sugar Heights. Her problems only followed her. Marina took out a pen and wrote her name down as Bully Prevention presenter.

Just then the door to the station opened and in walked one of the objects of her thoughts, Cyrus “escorted” by two officers. “Detective,” he called out as all three men passed by her. “Fancy meeting you again.”

Before Marina could respond, her supervisor approached her with an assignment. She was to go out to the lake where a family who had been camping reported some suspicious activity. They thought they heard gunshots.

Marina arrived to find a body in the lake.

Was this Karma, Marina wondered. She was talking to Brenda the day before about being bored. The very next day, first thing in the morning,  she gets sucker punched by her former best friend, Later Cyrus is brought into the station for God only knows what and now she finds a dead body in a low crime rate community.

Like the saying goes, be careful what you wish for, you just might get it. Things had definitely livened up in Sugar Heights.

Marina was afraid to wonder what might happen next.


Written by 🌸 Blossom





Marina Cooper played by Mandy Bruno

Cyrus Foley played by Murray Bartlett

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