📜 Chapter 17 : All On The Line !

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📜 Chapter 17 : All On The Line !

There was a tornado about to hit the town that JR Chandler was in, as he and along with other people were running for cover. The alarms were heard all around the town for those to evacuate or find a place to hide so that the tornado didn’t hit them. JR was getting flashbacks of when Babe died in the tornado about twelve years ago and finding her body, hearing the words from Angie that Babe died, it broke the man into pieces as he couldn't have that happen again to anyone. Thankfully AJ was safe and at home in Pine Valley staying with Tad and Dixie, as the last time he called his son AJ told him everything was okay and the town was on tornado watch. JR was in this other town that was not the one he was staying in, but the man’s car was out of gas and had to get it quick. Unfortunately when the man heard the alarms around this town, JR knew his car was going to get messed up, but he had to move and move fast. Not knowing where to go, he decided to take a chance and follow a group of people inside of a bar but right off the bat, he saw some punk grabbing Annie Lavery, JR’s former lover, and shoving her against the wall.

JR - “ HEY! ,  Let her go ! ”

The guy looked over at JR giving him a WTF look is this guy impression shakes his head and laughs, but JR wasn’t playing around. He immediately walks up to the guy and grabs his arms.

Anytime when Annie was threatened, being provoked or pushed around, JR had to step in to get the person to back off of her, because Annie is not weak but she wasn't as strong as JR was.

JR - “ I SAID..let...her..go...NOW ! ”

The guy pushes JR and laughs before shaking his head, looking at Chelsea. JR’s eyes burned with rage as the other people ran inside the bar, ignoring them as they went somewhere to hide so the tornado wouldn’t affect them. The guy wasn't going to just back down because of this nobody coming up in his face, demanding to let go of Annie? Did he know her that well? Was he a friend or her boyfriend.

Annie -
“ Let go of me Michael ! ”

Michael -

“ Why don’t you buzz off dude, whatever your name is, whoever you are, before I put you AND Annie out here to pasture!?”

JR showing no fear immediately grabs Michael but Michael knees him in the chest causing JR to fall down on one knee almost in pain.

Michael - “ Look at you, you can’t even stand up for this trailer park trash of a con who did nothing but stood in my way to steal what’s mind ! ”

Annie - “JR, please just stay down! I don’t want you to get hurt by Michael, just go away and run, get out of here before the tornado hits!

JR - “ Too late ”

JR immediately charges at Michael straighto the floor before he starts to attack him with his fists. Michael flips JR around and hits him with his bare hands, as Annie watches helplessly, wishing she could do something. Looking at a glass drink with no fluids in it, Annie immediately grabs it before smashing Michael in the back of his head causing him to fall to the ground, knocked out. Annie helps JR up as the son of Adam Chandler shakes his head and groans before seeing Annie Lavery. This was the woman he fell in love with during the many times they danced around their feelings until they let their lust and love take over on that rainy night. It was more than just sex but of love, sweet, sweet love until other factors came into play.

JR - “ It really is you isn’t it Annie?”

Annie - “ Yes, it’s me JR...how did you find me?”

JR - “ None of that matters right now…we need to get inside somewhere so the tornado doesn’t come after us ”

Taking Annie’s hand, the two of them saw some guy going somewhere inside a small room. Following that man JR and Annier saw he went inside and before the door closed, JR grabbed the door now from behind. He made sure the guy didn't close the door since that would leave Annie and JR to suffer through the tornado.

JR - “ Don’t even think about it pal”

The guy put his hands up, showing he was innocent and moved out of the way before JR and Annie saw a group of people downstairs in some basement. They were all hiding, in fear of the tornado and what it could do, as JR looked at Annie and nodded so they had to at least stay protected. Going downstairs the person behind them closed the door. Sitting down in an empty spot, JR wrapped his arms around Annie who could have just moved away after what Michael did to him, but she accepted JR. She never turned her back on him in that moment, laying her head on his shoulder.

Annie - “ I missed you so much JR....I am sorry for causing our downfall, we had so much planned for the future and I just threw it all away”

JR - “ Stop that Annie, it takes two to tango but what matters now...you have me, you're safe and I am not going anywhere”

JR and Annie looked and gave at each other for a moment, almost hesitating to make the next move but they leaned before they kissed. The people around them were not paying attention to the two lovers reuniting, they only cared about when it was a good time for them to leave the bar and go back to shelt when the tornado passed. Suddenly the ground started to shake as all of them could feel the tornado was passing by and making its way through the different buildings, shops, stores, destroying windows and such. JR and Annie didn’t pay attention to it at all, as they continued to kiss, not caring how long it took. What mattered was the two were back together and once this tornado passed by the town, JR and Annie were grabbing everything that mattered to the two of them, before they went to their new home, Sugar Heights. That’s where JR and Annie will begin their new life together, no one is going to stop them this time around. They were going to be happy for the first time in their lives away from all the toxicity, all the negativity and all the drama...right?

Introducing -

Special Guest Writer

Nathan Banks


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