The Party

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//Ash's POV\\

I couldn't stay there any longer, so I ran. I ran until I reached the bakery and ran inside into the kitchen. I stood there catching my breathe as I looked around, then finally look at the clock. I had almost over an hour to get home and actually get ready for the party tonight. I sigh and get up walking to the huge fridge and looking inside to see Cato's cake still in good shape, so I picked my bag up and started to lock the shop until I come back to get the cake. I lock the door I drop the keys into the pot, then walk a block down to the bike garage that was there. I pay the guy taking care of my bike, leaving a generous tip behind before hurriedly making my way home.

I arrive back home to see my younger sister reading a thick book on the couch, while my older brother just came out of the study. I smile to my sister before rushing upstairs and into my bedroom. I sigh and drop my bag on my bed going straight to my closet only to find a few dresses that weren't even suitable for a party, much less Cato's party, which I know for sure a lot of fancy people are going too. I look once more through my closet hoping I skipped over something to find nothing. I just shake my head and get my other things ready before going to the bathroom and start showering. After a while I come back into the room to see a dress laying on my bed along with shoes and a hair-pin. I look into the hallway to see my brother disappear into his room calmly and quietly. I smile a little going back into my room and putting on the dress seeing that it fit perfectly.

I slip on the shoes and stand near my mirror lightly curling my hair as quick as I could then taking the hair pin and putting it neatly beside my right ear. I take a step in front of the mirror and look at my reflection and also the dress my brother gave me. The dress was a long slightly puffy dress that was fitted at the top with no straps. It was a white and grey combination with the grey fading out to a white towards the ends. the top half was a simple light grey color with elegant designs embedded into it giving it a nice design for the front. The shoes also matched the outfit by it being a 4 inch heel with a stable heel making it easy to walk in.

I smile once more before lifting the front of the dress and grabbing my bag once again running out my room and down the stairs. I reach the bottom of the stairs and I instantly feel nauseous and light- headed, while the room spinning my brother, Dane came down the stairs and looked at me confused. I waved him off and started walking out before my brother took my arm and led me to the car my dad so many years ago, and I can't believe he still has it. I get in and my brother quietly drives me quickly to the bakery, then leaves me behind on my own.

I sigh and unlock the door and instantly get the cake from the fridge. I put it gently on the table and run to the cabinet by the back door and frantically search for the keys to the delivery truck my boss was smart enough to buy. When I finally do find it I realized I had less than thirty minutes to get the cake to the party on the other side of town. I hurry to get the cake into the truck then go back in lock the place up grab my bag and run back out to the truck leaving the bakery in record time. I look at the clock in the truck and see that I had less than 15 minutes left. I swore under my breathe and picked up the speed a little trying to hurry. I see the building that was slightly crowded and overly bright, instantly knowing that, that was Cato's party place. I park right next to the building telling one of the men outside that I had Cato's cake, making them rush inside then come back with a cart to put the cake on.

I lift the cake gently then place it on the cart right when a guy came out of no where and swiftly rolled it inside. I follow quietly still trying to get use to the weight of the dress and how to walk elegantly in the heels. As I entered I finally realized how popular Cato was to District 2 and to the Capital. I mean, the ballroom was literally packed along with the balcony opened on both sides. I gulp nervously walking behind the man with the cake until we reach a table completely clear of anything. A guy was walking up to take the cake and put it on the table when I stepped in and told him I could do it on my own. The guy nodded and stepped back as I set my bag down and lifted the cake with ease. Once I sat it down I nodded to the men before walking away into the crowd where I either didn't know anyone, or wish I didn't know who they were. I sigh and just walk back to the table with the cake as I watched the other people dance, chat, and just overall have a good time.

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