The Reaping and Good Bye

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I know this is from one of the movies but needed a good picture of the justice building... So yeah, enjoy the chapter!
//Ash's POV\\

It's finally here.... The day of the Reaping is here and I am not prepared in the slightest. The trainers at the Academy have been placing custom "Orders" from the bakery which is giving me a few hours of training with them for the pass week. My hand has healed immensely since the director of the Academy has so kindly put a special cream on it from the capitol. As I was training throughout the week I noticed that the trainers where pushing me hard but were also careful as to not injure me in any way before the games. I know I'm weak physically but I have the intelligence to maybe outsmart my way to the end of the games and hopefully win. I just hope my brain is enough to help me survive against the other tributes in the game.

I sigh and slowly sit up in my bed and looked around the room still trying to get use to the fact that I'll be living with Cato from now on... if I make it through the games that is. I rub my face and get up as I hear footsteps walking pass my room giving me the idea that Cato was already awake and dressed for the day. I walk into the bathroom connected to my room and turn on the shower before taking my toothbrush and brushed my teeth while the water warmed up. After I brushed my teeth I stripped from my clothes and jumped into the shower, washing myself thoroughly since today is the Reaping and I needed to look my 'Best' for the cameras. Once I finished my shower I walked into my room then to my closet where I took the one dress that I knew would bring me confidence and comfort for the day. I took the dress that came to my knees and was a nice flowing dress that was the color grey. This dress use to belong to my mother which is why I love and cherish this dress so much.

Once I had the dress on I straightened it out then looked in the mirror to see that I fit me just perfectly causing me to smile at my reflection. I took my brush and untangled my hair before I pinned one side up with a clip. In the end I looked simple yet, formal and calm causing me to put on the best smile I could muster and walked out of my room. As I walked downstairs I heard some talking coming from the kitchen making me curious as to who was hear this early in the morning. As I walked into the kitchen I saw Cato dressed in a blue dress up shirt and dress pants, talking to my little sister Ella that was no doubt wearing a new dress that Dane's girlfriend bought her. I smile as I hear Ella shout my name in delight before attacking me in a bone crushing hug. I laugh slightly hugging my sister back before letting her go seeing that she was still smiling brightly even though in an hour we will both line up in the town courtyard as we await the names to be called and the 'Volunteers' to step up and take their place as a tribute.

"Are you excited for the day Ash? Xia was telling me that her and Dane are sure that I won't get picked for the games since no official from the Academy came up to me. I know they didn't come to you to Ash, which is a big relief because I would be so scared if you got picked to go into the games as a tribute." Ella spoke with confidence making me frown knowing that I have been keeping my training and the fact that I have to volunteer as a tribute a secret from everyone except the officials of the Academy and the mayor himself. I nod and put on a fake smile hoping that the two people in the room won't see through it and notice I am nervous and guilty of not telling them the truth. I sigh and walk to the refrigerator taking out an apple and eating it quietly and slowly. As we all stood in the kitchen I jumped slightly when I heard the siren go off telling everyone to head to the town courtyard for the Reaping. I take a deep breathe before dumping my unfinished apple into the trash and walked to Ella taking her hand in mind as we walked out of the house and into the streets with the other teens going to the Reaping with their grieve stricken parents behind them. I could feel Cato walking behind me making me more nervous about the events that will be happening in less than an hour.

As we approached the line where me and Ella check in I felt Cato take my hand in his making me look at him to see that he felt my nervousness. I smile timidly while looking him in the eye before taking a step back from him. I only had one thing to tell him at this point. "I so sorry... make sure my dad knows I love him please..." Cato was confused at my words but nodded none the less before walking to the section where the victors stand with the parents. I take a deep breathe before turning around and taking Ella's hand in mind as I led her to the line for the girls. I give her hand a tight squeeze before placing her in front of me where the peacekeeper took her hand and drew some blood placing it on a sheet to clarify that she was who she was. I sigh and walk up since it was my turn and I've been through this process so many times before. I nod my head to Ella who smiles and walks along with the other twelve year olds to where she's suppose to be.

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