The Search Party

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Chapter 7

/Ash's POV/

Cato kissed me. He actually kissed me! I'm freaking out here, what am I suppose to do now? How could he just kiss me then walk out, like he didn't do anything at all? Oh gosh I'm so confused! I need help, but the only person who will actually talk to me is my sister and brothers, and even they won't understand. I shake my head and go back into the kitchen where I pulled Cato's cake from the fridge and put it carefully on the table. It's a sort of big cake and I could carry it so that was good, but what troubled me was the empty space that I didn't know what to do with. As I looked at the cake then at the design I drew on the paper for the cake I finally got an idea. I looked at the clock to see I had about 3 hours to work on this cake before I had to deliver it and basically attend the party. I start to take out the tools and ingredients I would of needed to start making the designs for the empty side of the cake. As I started to make the outside design of the frame I was making I heard the door being opened and closed so I thought that it was just another costumer here for pastries. I set the finished frame down gently then wiped my hands down on my apron as I stepped out of the kitchen and into the store and up to the counter.

"Hello?" I said since I couldn't see anyone anywhere in the shop. I waited for a bit until I heard a giggle coming from below me. I leaned over the counter to see a little girl and a little boy sitting right in front of the counter just out of my eye sight. I smirk and play along with the two kids, "Oh, man... I thought for sure there was someone here... I wonder where they went." I say playfully as I slowly walk around the counter. I look down to see the kids still giggling quietly thinking I didn't see them. I walked up to them quietly until I was by little boy, while the two kids had their backs to me. I kneel down beside the boy and put my face close to his. "Who we looking for?" I hear their laughter stop and their breathing hitch as they slowly turn their heads with shocked expressions to me. I smile as they look at me shocked and I recognized the girl as Talia, Cato's little sister but I didn't know who the boy was.

"Talia why are you here? and who is this lovely boy with you?" Talia smiled and poked the boy's cheek and then looked at me sitting on my feet in front of both of them. The boy scooted foward and then looked at me with the most innocent eyes I've ever seen on a child and that's when the boy started to speak to me. "Uh... My name is Jamesin but big brother calls me Jame a lot." I nod and stand up then walked to both Jamesin and Talia. "Talia, do you want to help me with your brother's cake?" Talia nodded excitedly while Jamesin looked at me confused, "Cake?" He asked and that caused me and Talia to giggle. I picked up the little boy and took Talia's hand. "How old are you Jame?" I walked back around the corner and into the Kitchen with both of the kids and put them both on a table beside the door. "I'm five!" I laugh then look at Talia, "Where is your Brother or parents?" Talia looks at Jame before looking at me again, "Well, Cato left this morning and my mother went to take a nap and my dad is at work so we got bored."

"So you left the house by yourself?" Talia started to fiddle with her fingers and looked down, "Well I didn't want to leave Jamesin alone at home so I took his jacket from his closet and then I got mine and then I took some of the change from my room and we came here.... I wanted to see you again and when I told Jamesin about you he wanted to see you so I thought we could come here." I sigh and shake my head and looked at Talia to see she was about to cry and that's when my eyes softened and caused me to hug her tightly. She hugged me back just as tightly so I smiled and wiped the tears from her eyes. "Alright, you can stay then I'll take you home, but right now I have a cake to finish and I think I may need your help." They both nod excitedly and I smile once again fetching them aprons, before we all started on the cake designs.

******Cato's POV******

'I can't believe it!' I thought angrily as I slammed the front door of my house. 'I just can't believe she lost her own kids!' "I had to take a nap... Geez, can't she care more about her kids safety than her 'Beauty naps' she takes every four hours?" I walk down the street out of the victors village into the streets of town trying to think of where Talia and Jame may of went. Mother said she went to sleep over two hours ago so they could be anywhere in town! I shake my head and start running towards the center of town thinking I should start there, since the park is there for the kids.

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