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//Cato's POV\\

Slowly she went, farther she was, I felt empty in the instant she left my arms. I wanted her to come back and never have to worry about the games or face the dangers I know she will face. As I stood there trying not to sob too hard, I watch as she leaves me, but then I pull my brave face and turn towards the elevator that was about to leave. I enter the elevator with another Mentor but don't pay any mind to her as I get lost in thoughts. In a few moments I arrive at the second level floor, where I step out and walk quietly to the living room where everyone is. I take a seat by Lyme who gives my shoulder a reassuring squeeze and watch the screen. Twenty minutes passed by with Caesar and his companion talking about all the tributes when the countdown for the Games began. Anticipation flooded my system as I continued to look at the screen showing the numbers of the countdown until it reached thirty seconds and the live stream of the tributes came into view.

There she was on the fourth pedestal on the left side of the screen...

I continue to watch Ash as she seemed dazed for a few seconds then realization washed over her face and I held my breath, "Five... four... three... two.....one." it all happened at once I lost track of Ash before it showed close-ups of all the different fights, then it showed hers. I edge myself towards the end of the seat I was sitting on when I realized the skinny guy on top of her was choking her. My head started to swim slightly from lack of air before Ash took action and started fighting back, then I released the breath I was holding. I watch in awe as she uses the techniques I taught her just a few nights ago to kill the guy instantly and grab the bag right beside her before running, then she was gone since the scene changed. This time it showed Selv killing a tiny girl with a small dagger, all with a smile on her face. I grimace at her actions, then the scene changes again, but in the background of this one I see Ash running and a girl coming in front of her with a sword. Just when I thought I was going to lose sight of her again, the next scene was her.

Everyone in the room looks at Ash as she is knocked onto the ground, causing me to grip the couch with a death grip. I watch the scene fold out in front of me. Ash kicked forward from her position, towards the girl aiming to kill her, and we all heard a painfully loud pop. I cringe and look away as I catch sight of the girl's leg bending in the opposite position. I peak back up to the TV and watched as my fiancé scrambled back up taking the sword and finishing the injured girl off. Proud at how she's doing in the beginning, I start to ease back into the chair as I watch her run off sword and bag in hand towards the safe haven of the broken buildings. This environment was new in many ways for I never heard of the Hunger Games being in an actual destroyed city. From the clothes they gave the tributes I was expecting a forest, not a city over run with plants. After a while the screen shoots an over look of the Cornucopia, the aftermath of a complete bloodbath. Memories of the Games I partook in flash through my mind and I have to lean back against the chair to comfort the growing headache. Relaxing as best as I could I hear talking on the screen that catches my attention, "We need to snag her first... she's top priority as of right now." I open my eyes only to glare at the screen because Ziath's ugly face was consuming it. I lean forward and listen carefully as he goes down who to kill first and who to save till the end as the group of four nod and agree, luckily they don't mention Ash's name, yet. I know I was heartless in the Games, but I was never this cold to plan someone's death unless it was in the second I ran into them. The way he said his plans sent a chill down my spine causing me to look at Lyme beside me. She was expressionless. I sigh and look back at the screen not interested in the way the kid from District three was stupidly trying to start a fire in a glass building. Idiot. A few minutes pass watching four kids setting up camp in different locations, but nothing was shown for Ash and I prayed in that moment that she was okay and alive.

I get up from the couch after they broadcast the fallen tributes from earlier today making me relax when I don't see Ash's name on the list. I tell Lyme to call me if anything happens, before I make my way to Ash's room and throw myself onto the bed. I sigh and bury my face into the pillow shutting my eyes as I relax into the bed completely, falling asleep. Once I'm asleep I begin to dream of many things, the first one is of me and Ash's wedding, the next my wish for our future with both us parents and living life to the fullest, but it is the last scene that terrifies me. In this last scene that was completely different from the first two, I am in a dark room with a single object on the wall, a TV showing a static screen. As I look at it confused it lights up to show a scene I dread. The TV shows Ash fighting a tribute that I don't see for their jackets hood was up. Hit after hit is delivered to Ash, knocking her about and I'm too paralyzed to move or make a sound. All I could do was watch. Horrified I see the tribute pick up Ash's fallen sword and walk slowly over to her beaten form, I try to scream but I can't. I'm force to watch as the person walks closer and closer, all the while raising the sword above their head preparing to strike. In the next second the sword moved, making its way through the woman I fell in love with. As the sword came down upon her I could clearly hear her screaming my name, begging me to help but I was helpless to move. I could feel the tears falling as she died, the light I loved so much leaving those pretty eyes, and all I did was sob. I sobbed and sobbed, then I heard her voice screaming my name repeatedly like a broken record. Now I was finally able to move and the first thing I did was cover my ears to try and stop her voice, but it was still loud and clear. Then after a while it just got louder, and louder, and louder. Then I woke up. I shot up in the bed sweaty and confused as I heard my name being called but it was not Ash's voice.

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