Meet My Costumer

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Chapter 2
I spent most of my free time before my appointment with Cato by making new cupcake designs for this week. I was on my fifth batch of cupcakes for a party this evening when the door bell rang. I looked up and smiled to find a little girl on the other side of the counter. "Hello, how can I help you?" she smiled and looked at the door, "Me and my big brother are here for cupcakes and to meet someone." "Oh really? Who is this mysterious person your meeting?"

She shook her head and stared in awe at the little ice crystals I was making to put on the cupcakes. I looked at the one cupcake I made separately for myself to eat on break, but I had something else in mind. I walked over to the counter and picked up the chocolate cupcake that had silver frosting, with a light blue fade out trimming, and in the middle stood a huge blue and black snowflake.

I smile and walk to the front of the counter and kneeled in front of the girl. As I passed her the cupcake I noticed her eyes looked similar to Cato icy blue ones, and that frightened me dramatically. I smiled at her anyways. "Is this for me?" I nod and she squeals in excitement. I laughed softly at her bubbly energy and just watched her looking at the cupcake. I then remembers the cupcakes I had to do but I didn't want to leave the little girl alone in here so I took her hand and lead her behind the counter with me.

I picked her up because she's so light and sat her on the table where I was decorating the cupcakes. She was facing the door now while I was facing the stoves and shelves. As I showed her how I decorate the cupcakes I took a small spoon and took a little of the blueberry and banana frosting I created this morning to see if she likes it. I put it in her mouth and her eyes widened.

"What was that?!" I chuckle while getting the two other frostings I created this morning out. "That my dear was my very own handmade Blueberry/Banana frosting... Wanna try some more frostings I created?" Immediately after I asked her, she bobbed her head up and down in excitement.

I was getting ready to have her test the second flavor which was a strawberry cheesecake flavor mixed with gold food colouring when the door bell rang again. "Talia! Talia, are you in here?!" the girl smile, "I'm in here!" The voice was oh so familiar but I couldn't name who it belonged to.

I turned around and watched as Talia ran out from behind the counter and to the front. I followed with the spoon still in my hand. "Talia, I told you before, don't just run off like that. You scared me!" Talia just smiled at him none the less, "But the pretty lady gave me really good frosting!!" I walked out from behind the counter, but froze as quickly as I came in.

There, standing in front of me was Cato, in casual jeans, a white plain T-shirt with a grey thin jacket over it. As I walked in to greet him politely like, Ella has been trying to tell me to do, I try my best fake smile. "Hello, may I help you?" Cato looked up at me but stayed silent and just stared at my face. I turned to look behind me to see if he was staring at something else behind me, but only found the stoves.

I turn back towards him and he shook his head a bit. "Uh... yeah, I'm here to see a cake designer that I requested for my party?" I fake a smile and nod, "Ok, just hold on a minute...What's the name again?" He fumbled through his jacket pocket before pulling a piece of paper out. "Uh... Ash Seltings?"

I nod and go back into the work area and grab my drawing book. After I found my pencil I walked back into the baking area and took the three small containers with the frosting out and put them on a tray. Then I took the three cakes I made an hour ago out of the refrigerator and also put them on the tray. I looked at all the things on the tray and was sure I grabbed everything.

I put the tray in the sitting room that looked like it was in a different building. The reason would probably be because it's set up like a huge dinning area. Once everything was set up I walked back out to find Cato and Talia in front of the class case that displayed the variations of designs I could make.

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