Admit It

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I picked over breakfast. Or whatever meal it was. I couldn't tell. Hippocamp food wasn't anything I recognized, except for some strange things that might have been fish. But that wasn't why I wasn't hungry. I just felt sick over everything that had happened. I'd fretted away the previous day, now I was miserable over this, and wondering if I should ask to go see my consorts again, or just let them be in their anger and hurt.

Ormiss watched from his side of the rug, his attention never leaving my face. The scrutiny might have been obnoxious if I wasn't so exhausted and heartsick. He hadn't said anything since we'd come back the previous day, although he brimmed with a lot of choice words. Because of course he did.

"You have to eat," Ormiss finally said tersely. "I have watched you pick over three meals and eat exactly six tiny bites. You will not starve yourself over them."

I tried to ignore him.

"If you have our baby inside—"

I closed my eyes. "Please stop."

"The idea offends you?" he asked, tone brittle.

"I am not in the mood for this, Ormiss. I am worried about the others." I picked at my food more. I had a bad feeling about this. "Tell me when they can leave the dungeon. This is getting stupid."

He gestured with one hand. "I inquired after it, but have not heard back from my aunt. I'm certain she is trying to decide if she wants to expel the land-dwellers, or hold them as... guests...a while longer."

"She's going to have to face facts," I snapped. "Everyone knows who they are and that they're my consorts and aren't you mortified that they're there?"

"If I could let them free, I would," Ormiss said.

"You can, but you won't."


I scowl and stand. "I'm going to see them."


I ignore him and head for the door.

"You can't just march down there," Ormiss rolled to his feet.

"Watch me."

He stepped in front of me. "Theia, no."

"How are you going to stop me?" I asked. "Going to put your hands on me? Hold me down?"

"Of course not." He recoiled in disgust at the idea.

"Then you can't stop me. I'm done asking nicely and being polite. All it gets me is covered in squid bites and chased from shitty dream to shitty dream."

"This is not a dream," he said, frowning and concerned. He reached for me, then stopped. "Theia, please. You aren't making much sense and it might be the squid toxin having a delayed effect. Please go eat something and—"

"You know what's having a delayed effect? Being separated from my consorts! I'm worried about them. I'm worried sick, how about that? I'm going to go see them. You can come with me or you can get out of my way."

Ormiss twisted his hands over each other. I pushed past him and headed for the door. He hovered, starting to say something then stopping.

I pulled open the doors and stepped into the hallway. The guards and attendants jumped. "Lady-Consort," one of the usual attendants said instantly. "How can we—"

"I'm going downstairs," I told them. "No worries."

"Theia," Ormiss stepped after me.

"I know the way by now," I tell him, not looking at him and hurrying down the hallway.

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