The Soirée of Lord Soir (Part 2)

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 I let Soir pull me around some more before I couldn't take another fluttering preen. I finally found the ability to extract myself from his grip and stop being paraded around like some dumb animal. I excused myself without explanation and ducked through the crowds looking for escape. Or a scrub brush.

If I went outside, there'd be ravens on the rooftop watching all the guests. I ducked through some side hallways into a little alcove room off the stair landing coming up from the kitchen. The shelves were stocked with various loaves of bread and jars and other small things. Easier to stop here to grab something fast like a salt dish than have to trek all the way down into the kitchen.

I was turning into a high-bred. I was playing their games. I was a horrible monster.

And my brain kept trying to race back to something that no longer existed. I forced myself to run a hand over my shoulder and feel the scars under my silks. Still there. Not crawling or on fire.

I fell back aganist a support beam and took a deep breath, heart racing, and tried to settle the gross feeling all along my skin and inside myself..

A servant ducked in, deliberately ignored me, and grabbed a fresh tray of sweet breads. Yeah, I was in the way, but better pissing off a few servants who were used to it than letting the entire party see me try to scrub my skin off in the punch bowl or puking on Soir's silky vestments. People sneaking off into alcoves and getting underfoot of the servants was How It Was.

The scent of grass and spring made my skin itch slightly.

Ethat poked his head around the threshold.

Oh, thank the gods.

"Ethat!" I gasped. "You're here!"

"Of course I am here," he said, eyeing me through a fall of silky hair. "I always go to parties with Korr, when I can be trusted to not eat anyone."

He gave me a sweet, wicked smile.

I breathed out in relief.

He stepped into the small room. He seemed to take up all the space. "Itek saw you leave. We decided I should come after you, my love."

I threw my arms around his neck and held on tight.

He froze, then carefully put his hands behind my back. "Did that bird upset you, love? Because I--"

"No!" I shoved back. "No, no murder!"


"No murder at parties!"

His lips curled into a beautiful pout. The skin was cracked and raw in places, and he had dried, scaly patches of yellowing, unhealthy skin on his cheek and temple, and his usual green hair was striped with dry, withered patches. "You are upset."

Damn right I was upset, and I didn't know why. I held tighter to him, trying to figure it out. Damn, he was so strong, and yet sort of yielding, like tough grasses. I pulled myself into him. I needed him to wash away the feelings of Soir's hand in mine.

"My love," he said hoarsely.

"Am I holding you too tight?" That seemed impossible but maybe I was. "I'm--this is wrong, I--"

"Never." He moved one hand to my cheek. "Take whatever you need from me. Or want. Even if it's to drop me and watch me suffer later."

"I never want you to suffer," I whispered. "Please, tell the others I'm not interested in Soir, I don't even know what's happening. He had me and I couldn't get free."

"I shall go murder him," Ethat stated.

"No! No murder at parties! I—I'm... just playing the game, I think? I don't know." I bashed my head on his strong chest.

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