Ice Fractures

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 I touched his withered cheek. The skin flaked under my thumb. He leaned into my hand for a moment, eyes closed, before he opened them again. He looked distraught. "I've made you cry."

"Because I love you. Now will you come out of here? You have to face the others sometime."

"No, I don't. They don't want to see me. You should return to them, though. They need you and love you, and they are good to you, won't hurt you like I will...and have."

"You can't hide down here forever and Korr wants to see you. He's so much better, Ethat."

Ethat shook his head.


"No. I am a monster. I belong down here. Go be happy with them. I am happy knowing you still love me."


He sighed and drew me close against him. He smoothed my hair before releasing me retreating back into his corner. He shifted into dragon form, tucked himself into the corner and burrowed his head under his loops of neck.

Fine. He couldn't stay down here forever. Maybe Korr would know what to say to coax him out. But I wasn't going to drag him out by his tail, and it wasn't going to be easy to face the others, especially when they were still good and mad about it.

I retreated into the hallway, where Itek and Asund still waited.

"He won't come out," I said.

"Good. I don't want to see him," Asund said. He glared at Itek. "You could have warned us how dangerous he was."

"He's never attacked a lover," Itek retorted.

"He didn't attack me," I hissed. "And keep your voices down!"

"He grabbed you hard enough to leave bruises and rattle your teeth."

I threw up my hands. "I'm not arguing this."

Asund tried to pick me up. I snarled at him.

"You can't walk up all those stairs with your leg. Be mad at me all you like. You think my last charge didn't get angry at me when I didn't let him do something foolish? You're an amateur in the anger department." Asund clearly gave no shits.

Itek shook his head at Asund. "I'll do it. Sometimes you have no polish, wolf."

Asund glared back at the room where Ethat hid.

"You'll tear your leg up walking up these stairs." Itek loomed close to me.

I sighed and looped one arm around Itek's neck. He picked me up easily and carried me up the stairs. Asund stomped after us, grumbling to himself.

"Ignore him," Itek murmured.

"I heard that," Asund said.

"Ignore him," Itek repeated, louder this time.

Asund fumed while Itek carried me up the stairs, and returned me to the room where Korr waited, his beautiful face drawn in concern. He and Ormiss had been having some magical conversation that dropped once we arrived.

Itek set me down carefully.

"Did he speak to you?" Korr asked.

"He did, but he won't come out. Tell me he will come out. He thinks he's a monster who deserves to be in a dungeon. Do not," I pointed at Ormiss and Asund, "say it."

Ormiss and Asund exchanged glances. They shrugged at each other.

I sank down next to Korr. "Tell me he does this and will come out."

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