Chapter 24

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Avan's POV

As much as I wanted to know what was about to slip out of Ariana's mouth, I was scared to hear it too.

The feeling of tightness in my chest was another thing that was making me feel slightly more nervous.

Anything could have gotten out of her mouth.


I just took a deep breath as I prepared myself for the words.

Ariana went over to Zoey and got her by the arm "helping" her to get up.

As she did, Liz asked another time, desperate and confused, "care to explain what's going on? Am I the only one who doesn't know what's going on?"

"If you don't count me as a person then yes." I replied, since I didn't know what was happening either.

"I can explain but I'm going to let you figure it out yourself." She said handing the paper over to me.

It was folded in to half.

I took another shaky breath as I opened it up.


Liz's POV

"Where did you get this?" Those were the only words that came out of Avan's mouth

I had no idea what was going on but I was desperate to know and from the look on Avan's face, I could say it wasn't a good idea.

"I had suspects. From the day one. I called a friend who I knew could help me out with this. She promised me to find the hospital she got the test at. When they brought Liz here, I got a call from her letting me know it was the same hospital we are currently at. Last night I didn't leave right away. I did a little digging and found this." Ariana explained calmly then looked at Zoey as she continued, "It wasn't hard to get the man you paid to explain everything." 

"I-I don't know what you're talking about." Said Zoey nervously, as she looked down ashamed.

"Okay I am totally confused now." I butted in.

Avan through the paper ,that was crumpled by now as he was slowly crumpling it out of anger just a second ago, on the floor and simply left the room without looking at me or anyone.

Zoey tried to stop him but he refused to let her touch him.
"Avan I can explain."

Zoey gave me a look that was mixed of a sad, jealousy and hurt look, "Congrats, you won." and by that she left the room as well, leaving only me and Ariana in it.

Erm... excuse me? 
I was literally the only one who didn't knew what was going on and I received... that??

I kinda gave up on asking others what was going on so I got out of bed and bend down to take the paper that cause all of this stupid tension and took a look to figure out what was going on.

It was a pregnancy results. Zoey's results.  I couldn't realize what it was saying until I reached the end.



A/N. okay so you might be thinking why was this too short, well I had this update but I didn't know if I should've post the whole thing or make it two seperate chapters and post one now and the other on Friday. Cuz the ending of this chapter was exactly in the middle of the whole thing but that I wanted it to be the end of the chapter. But then again it made it shorter chapter.I kinda decided on dividing them so you will also receive another update on Friday perhaps or Saturday. See you then.
594 words

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