Chapter 4

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Liz's POV

"So Liz, do you have anything to do, today? Do you have a call time or something?" Avan calmly asked but I could see the nervousness in his eyes as we were sitting by the kitchen counter, having the breakfast we just made.

But my question is, why? Why would he feel nervous?

I don't know maybe I was wrong about the nervousness I saw in his eyes. Just... don't know.

By the way, I had no call time for the day. And I was a total free woman, who was going to be bored. I usually take this days as a chance to sleep since I don't sleep much during the work days.

"No. How about you?" I asked, putting a piece of my pancake in my mouth. It actually tasted good.

"Me either. I was thinking maybe we could hang out. You know, since we both have some time free and we rarely spend time alone, I guess it's a good time." He soon reasoned.

"But what about Zoey?" I asked, feeling awkward about what we possibly were going to do.

"She's at the scene. She won't be free for about 2 days. Plus, this has nothing to do with Zoey. It's about us." I felt my face, warming up. No no. This should not happen.

I shouldn't blush. I shouldn't.

But I sort of feel like it. Specially when he said the last words, "It's about us."

'I don't know. I don't know. I don't know.' Was what was repeating in my brain when it came to the question. The specific question: Did I like him?

I couldn't deny that I still felt the same as when we were filming Victorious about him. I liked him, just like before.

But things had changed.

So did my feelings about Avan.

And if there was something I was sure about, was that this wasn't true. He had a girlfriend of 4 , almost 5, years. It meant that he must love her a lot. If not, Zoey and Avan would definitely broke up during this years. But they didn't.

So my feeling was the thing that wasn't right.

Maybe it wasn't even true feeling. Maybe it was just confusedness. Maybe I was just getting confused after Ariana teasing me about it.

Yes. That's probably it-

"Liz?" He stopped the train of thought in my head by calling me which was alright because I could tell I was zoned out for a long time.

"Hmm?" It was the only thing I said.

"Do you wanna hang out?" He questioned again, "Well if you don't wanna, you are not supposed to do it. I know you are feeling tired after working hard these days and I don't want to disturb-" He started talking so fast but I cut him off by calling him, "Avan."


"I would love to." I said putting my hand on his shoulder. He grinned wildly by my answer, which made me chuckle gently.

"Really?" He asked, not believing. "Really." I spoke, smiling at his face, making him smile back.


"Erm, Avan... where are we going?" I wanted to know so bad. Why? 'Cause after we had our breakfast and he got dressed, we sat in his car, driving to God knows where, without him telling me anything about the place.

"I told you. You don't have to know. Let me just take you to some places today and have some fun. I promise you'll enjoy." He stated.

Me on the other side, I just sighed, saying an "okay." and waiting for whatever was going to happen.

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