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"Alright Rick, just load these crystals into the trunk. I can fix up a tablet that'll help you with your anxiety like you asked. Sadly it should only last for about 24 hours." I said as I tossed the Kalaxian crystals into the trunk and dusted off my shirt of the microscopic psychedelic crystals. "A-alright thank you. T-this won't end up like with my last Morty right?" He asked nervously as he threw in his own pile. "Nah. Not sure what happened then but I'll test the crap before giving you the supplements." I said as I hopped into the ship and put on the seat belt. "O-okay, thanks." He stuttered as he got into his seat. I smiled at him before taking off and flying into space. "How about we jam to some music." I said with a smile as I turned on 3 one oh and began to bop my head making Rick laugh and sing along with the music. I laughed as we sang along to the song and danced in our spots. 

We were having one hell of a fuckin time until a message popped up on windshield with a pissed off looking C-137 as the contact image, intruding in on our little interaction. "The hell does he want?" I mumbled annoyed as I swiped the message away and continued to fly through space only for another message to pop up but it was a large image of Rick flipping off the camera saying 'Pick up the phone bitch.' in large cursive font at the bottom. "The fuck?" I said swiping away the image before having a call come in. Groaning I answered the call and pinched the bridge of my nose in annoyance. "The hell do you want C-137!?" I shouted causing Rick to jump in surprise before holding onto his arm awkwardly. "Listen up bitch, I fucked up and I need your help. Don't give me a stupid ass reason to say no because your most likely not doing shit right now." Rick said into the mic sounding fed up. "First off! I've got more important shit to be working on instead of lollygagging with you! And second of all! If you're gonna be asking me for assistance you better start thinking about what your gonna say before you even say it, because I was actually considering hearing you out before your gonna spill that bull shit in my face!" I said already pissed off at the blue haired man. "R-Rick can you not right now. We've really messed up." Morty said in the background awkwardly before taking the phone from Rick. "H-Hey Y/N, I'm sorry about Rick h-he still hasn't gotten over the whole citadel situation. B-but I really need you - I-I-I mean I really need your help. Rick fucked up and made the entire world fall in love w-with me and now he has no idea how to c-change it back. S-so could you please help us?" Morty said awkwardly as he hand was practically making the entire phone vibrate. I sighed not having the will to say no to Morty and looked at Rick with a slightly annoyed face while he countered that with a small sweet smile. "Alright. We're headed there right now. Just hold tight." I said boredly before turning the ship around and shooting a large portal just ahead of us. "T-thank you so much Y/N!" Morty cheered into the phone. I could hear Rick scoff in the background of the call before taking the phone away from Morty. "We're in the desert." He said about to hang up. "Which one?" I asked annoyed as I flew through the portal soon seeing the alternate version of Earth. "What?" Rick said into the phone seeming confused. "Which desert. Like the Sahara, the Arctic, the little Sahara." I said as I flew just above the stratosphere.

"We're in the Mohave desert. Now hurry the fuck up." C-137 complained before hanging up and sending me exact coordinates. "Piece of shit. Sorry we gotta delay this project." I apologized to Rick who only gave me a sweet smile. "I-It's alright. I know you're just t-trying to help them. Your a lot n-nicer than my last Morty." He said with a smile. "Well no duh. He's got a mind of a Rick not a Y/N." I said with a smile as I flew through the desert looking for the C-137's. "Th-thats true." Rick laughed as he looked through the desert looking for the dynamic duo. "I-is that them?" He asked looking at a light reflecting off of a reflective surface. "Most likely." I said before zooming over infact seeing the duo right then and there, with Morty waving at me and Rick just drinking from a bottle of alcohol. "God now I gotta wear this shit." I sighed as I put on a helmet that cleared the air of any bacteria before landing the ship and hopping out, shoving my hands into my coat pockets. "Why the hell would either of you do this. Like voles seriously? And Morty! Your a nice kid, if you want to ask s girl out don't let some ass holes put you down. Just do it." I complained as I walked over to the two. "H-how'd you know?" "Don't matter, what's the plan?" I asked as I brushed off the question and looked over at Rick with an annoyed expression. "I've already made an entire serum to fix this entire shebang, no thanks you short stack. This thing will do the trick, though. It’s koala mixed with rattlesnake, chimpanzee, cactus, shark, golden retriever and a smidge of dinosaur. Should add up to normal humanity." Rick said casually as he swished around the mysterious serum. "Aight fuck up your reality if ya want." I said with a shrug before sitting on the ship. "What! How does that add up to 
normal humanity?!" Morty shouted angrily as he looked at Rick. "What, you want me to show you my math? I’m sorry, Morty, are you the scientist or the kid that wanted to get laid?" Rick retorted annoyed as he shut the trunk of the ship. "Oh that's gotta hurt." I winced before hopping off of the ship and inching closer towards my own. "Right well now that you guys got this in the bag I'm headed out of here." Said turning around on my heal walking back to the ship only to be yanked back a be slapped up side the head. "We brought you here for a reason ya piece of shit. Now sit." Rick complained as he forced me back onto the ship side. "Uuuugh what the hell do you need me for?" I groaned as I crossed my arms in annoyance. "Shut the hell up. We're gonna use you as reenforcement if this goes to shit." Rick said as he nocked on my helmet with a fed up expression. "God damnit. I only agreed to this because Morty needed help right then and there. Why the hell would you as me for help if you don't need me now?" I complained as I leaned back on the glass of the ship only to be yanked back into a sitting position. "Don't lean on the glass you piece of shit." Rick said annoyed before going around and looking through the ship. "Mort, the hell am I really here for?" I asked as I hopped off of the ship and looked at my own ship that held Rick inside. "I'm honestly not sure. I think he just wants to piss you off." Morty said as fumbled with his torn up suit. "Aight thanks for the info." I said before turning around and booking it to my ship ignoring the calls and shouts from C-137. "Nope nope nope nope nope!" I shouted as the ship opened up giving me access to the inside.

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