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I glared silently at my laptop screen as I deleted the many emails from my old high school asking to have the ceremony despite me missing it in the span of time I was in prison, the school board not wanting anything to do with me after they found out I was an intergalactic space criminal with a group of fellow "rag tag" criminals. Well, after they found out how corrupt the federation was they wanted to try and redo the entire ceremony.

"Fuck that shit.." I grumbled to myself before hearing an oddly patterned warping sound and instantly shot at it without so much as a thought as the sound of shards clattering against the ground echoed through out my room only to slightly jump as the door was slammed open Richard running to the middle of the room in excitement before it depleted into complete disappointment.

"What happened to the vendibecon?"

"Aaaah it over heated."

"N/N it's literally a crystal on a pedestal."

Richard and I stared at one another neither of us even daring to make any sort of movement as we practically read one another with slight scowls.

"Shit you right. Fine. I shot it."

"WHAT!? Why?" Richard whined at my bluntness as he sauntered his way over to my side and sat down in the extra swivel chair that was off to the side.

"Dude. Literally half the team was offed last time because the other half was too lazy to fight. I still have nightmares of that day. Thank God I was able to get that memory removed from your head."

Richard looked to me with a quirked brow before nodding in understanding.

"Alright. I get it. Too dangerous and mentally damaging even if we did have all the weapons in the world?" He stated a slight smile playing on his lips as he glanced down at me from the many posters that hung from my wall in a large messy collage.

"Exactly. I'm sorry tho man. I know you had fun meeting all the.. Heroes..? But also getting to be a part of something outside of this mess." I said sincerely as I grabbed one of the many protein bars that sat on my desk, handing him one to which he gratefully took.

"It's alright. Lady katana and Kalypso were the only cool ones anyway." Rich cracked with a taunting smile to which I instantly knew where he was going.

"You know Diablo Verde was the only cool one. Kalypso and Lady Katana only had cool costume designs!" I argued with a smile as I shoved the azure males shoulder playfully, only for my smile to drop as an all to familiar wobbly warping sound erupted from behind the both of us, only to get yanked into the green almost blinding light not even seconds later.

"- ight as well bring the short stack. At least I won't be the only one uninterested in this bullshit of a knock off Chriss Prat film."

I stumbled a bit, soon catching my footing, quickly spinning around to come face to face with Morty and the old fuck-tard. Why is it always me!? I glared at the two in slight disappointment, Morty awkwardly curling in on himself wiliest the old man only rolled his eyes before reaching to slap me upside the head to which I dodged only to feel a hit land at the back of my head, watching as the old man pulled his other hand out of a smaller portal.

"Are you shitting me?"


I groaned before pulling out my portal gun only to jump as a hand was practically slammed on my shoulder the smell of smoke, diesel, and sandal wood

invading my senses like a violent wave.

"Nice to see ya again Start Shooter. Didn't think you would make it with the connection going down out of nowhere." A smooth voice said as my figure was shook around a bit. 'Oh god no..'

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2023 ⏰

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