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That's all I heard in this moment. The sound feeling almost as if it were surrounding my head in a inescapable void. Groaning, I slammed my hand on the hot pink luminescent key pad of my ship, ending the constant ringing but unknowingly staring a video call in the process. "Holy fuck, you look like shit." 

I could hear the voice of the old man ring through my ship as I sat up rubbing my eyes, and fixing my tangled hair in the process. "Nice to see you too, ya old bastard." I answered with a quiet groan, pinning my hair back out of my face, looking up at my screen, seeing Rick through a camera, the old man obviously flying through space in his ship, though the hot pink undertone did kinda throw me off a bit. 

An annoyed groan resonated through the speakers as the old man rolled his eyes, flicking his attention towards the camera before back on the open space ahead of himself. "Whatever short stack. Anyway, how would you feel about going back to high school for the day?" Rick asked, not even sparing me a glance, holding an almost constant bored expression.

"Are you shitting me old man?" I asked in annoyance, not exactly wanting to go back to high school or deal with this current episode, knowing it was gonna be edgy and angst filled as fuck. "You realize I just officially graduated like months ago right? There's no way I'm going back to school unless it's for the damn ceremony." I snapped, pinching the bridge of my nose in annoyance as I laid my forehead on the cool surface of the key pad. 

Rick quirked a brow at my response as he looked down at the camera, looking as if he were looking right at me.

"Figured you'd say that, that's why.." The old man trailed off as he adjusted his camera to face the back of his ship, revealing Richard who was playing on his phone only to then quickly looked up upon seeing my face on the screen. "..I've got a special guest here with me."

"N/N! H-h-hi!" Rich said enthusiastically, waving like he didn't just see me a few hours ago. 

"What the hell old man!? Did you seriously take him out of school!? Do you know how much trouble I could get in!?" I shouted through the speaker, causing Richard to slightly wince at my sudden outburst. What did he expect though? They threatened my custody over him, which I didn't know I had but still!

"Exactly. Now it looks like the both of your asses can join this adventure!" Rick cheered through his drunken hype.

I groaned once again for like the fifth time since I woke up and glared daggers at the old man as I started up my ship that was currently floating through the middle of space. "Where can I find your ass?" I asked, getting ready to set the coordinates.

"My garage." He simply responded as the view of his garage appeared behind him suddenly before he hung up without any sort of fare well.

"Fuckin' ass hole."

Letting out a sigh I set the coordinates to just a few blocks from the old mans place, shooting a portal ahead of myself, flying right through into thick clouds that hung over the neighborhood lazily. 

I dove below the clouds looking around the houses for a bit, soon seeing the Smiths home, the garage wide open, and the space ship of the old man in the front part of the driveway. I slightly bit my bottom lip as I hovered my ship just above the driveway behind the old mans, landing with a soft thud. Lifting the glass barrier, I tumbled out of my ship dizzily not used to the sudden gravity shock, shaking my head deciding to focus on the task at hand. Rickard. 'That old bastard better not drag me into some emotional bull shit or I'mma fucking steal his god damn ankles.' I mentaly cursed the old man as I walked into the garage looking for the azure ass hole himself, only to exclaim in surprise as the floor began to lower itself, revealing an underground base sort of thing that seemed to get darker for a second, only to slowly glow brighter with a blue light below the platform. 

Portal jumping and lab coats?? | Rick and Morty x readerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon