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"Ah L\N. Welcome to the citadel of Ricks!"

I looked at the guy at the very right with a blank face. I didn't even wanna give him the satisfaction of seeing some sort of emotion on my face. He continued to look at me expectantly but gave me an agrivated look, once he got the memo that I wouldn't react. He sat down and looked over to a Rick with long flowy hair, who nodded then looked my way clearing his throat. "Y\N we have reason to believe you have taken this test and finished it at exactly 6:55 am with a positive result, am I correct." He said politely. I looked up at him, glaring and shifted in my spot. "Well, you see yo-" I was cut off as I was taking a step closer. A guard Rick grabbed me by the back of my neck and forced me down to my knees. "What the fuck." I mumble under my breath as a blue beam shot out of the ground, taking hold of the cuffs and roughly pulling my hands to the ground. I grunt in discomfort and look back at the guard with a 'you gotta be shiting me face' and look up at the straight haired Rick. He cleared his throat awkwardly. "Continue." He said with a straight face. I rolled my eyes and looked him in the eye. "Listen dude. I don't even know my score. I didn't even know it was gonna get me sent here! Ya know a memo would have been nice! Like what the fuck!" I practically screamed. I hear a series of murmurs and confused voices as I adjust in my spot. I moved my feet from underneath me  and crossed my legs with my hands forced in my lap. 'I feel like a kindergartner.' I think to myself as the crowd dies down. The long haired Rick nods. "Well as you can see you got the highest score of Rick intelligence . But also the highest of Morty stupidity." He says as a hologram pops up with my results. "Aaand?" I say impatiently. "You will be filling in the empty space of the Rick Sanchez that has never existed in your universe. We will also assign you a Morty once the transmute is complete." He says boredly. 'wait. Transmute?' I think to myself as the Ricks conversate with each other. 'transmute like transformation? Changing? Mutate?' I think to myself. The Ricks all stop talking and look down at me. "Y\N. It has been decided that your transmute will begin shortly. A guard will escort you too Rick Z-389 and Rick H-420." He sighs while waving his hand around.

The blue beam holding my cuffs disappears as a couple of guards grab me by my upper arms and lift me to my feet. "Wait what do you mean by transm-!" I try to yell but a muzzle like thing was slapped onto my face. "You are excused." The Rick on the very right with the three spikes for hair said waiving his hand in a dismissive way. I tried to yell past the muzzle but it only came out as a muffled response. The guards spin me around, and pull me through the large double doors into a large hall with marble and gold lining. I sigh as they pull me from where I'm standing, and pull me through the halls 

After about a good ten minutes of walking and, winding through grand halls and, corridors we come upon a green clouded glass door with, an unknown substance oozing out at the bottom and, a large crack running down the middle and, dispersing around the bottom. I quirk an eyebrow as the guard to my left nocked on the door and, stepped back to my side with an annoyed expression on his face. " The door is open!" A gruff yet feminine voice yelled from behind the door. The Rick from before rolled his eyes, stepping forward And pulling the door open for the other guard and I. The guard pulls me into the room, his grip tightening as he holds an annoyed look as well. I look ahead and see two tall figures behind a cloud of smoke. One with the classic crazed scientist hair with their hands on their hips. The other with desert plant looking hair leaning back on a desk that's just out of sight.

The one with their hands on their hips stands straight, and crossed their arms almost sassily. "What do you brutes want?" He said with an annoyed tone. Instead of answering the guard to my left shoved me forward with the back of his gun, and steps back, just out of reach. The figure behind the smoke hums and nods their head. "Alright. I'll see what I can do here." They said dramatically. I furrowed my eyebrows at them in slight confusion. 'Okaaay?' I think to myself as the guards exit the room, slamming the large door. I wince at the sound but stay in my spot.

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