Chapter 2

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Kili smiled at Primrose, longing to put a braid in her hair to indicate she was his. Obviously they wouldn’t be engaged so he couldn’t put a special clip in her braid to signify she was his intended.

“If we did marry could we have children? What would they look like? They’d be half dwarf half hobbit. Is such a thing possible?” Primrose asked.

“I don’t see why it isn’t possible and as to what the children might look like I have no idea,” Kili said.

“I’d stick out like a sore thumb if we lived in Erebor as I don’t have a beard but your women folk do,” Primrose said.

“Honestly I’m sure that won’t matter,” Kili said.

He slipped his arms around her and held her close.

“I want to be with you and that’s what’s important,”

“Kili you can’t possibly marry Prim. She’d never be happy living underground and she’s right she’d stick out like a sore thumb,” Fili said.

“Who says I wouldn’t be happy living underground. I have lived in a hole in a hill until now,” Primrose said.

Kili smiled at Primrose happy to hear that.  He was seriously considering getting Elrond to marry the two of them while they were in Rivendell.

“How would you feel about us getting married while we are in Rivendell. I’m sure Elrond could marry us. It is going to take us another 37 days or so to get to Rivendell,” Kili said.

“I will see how I feel and how things are going between us when we get there,” Primrose said

The rest of their watch passed uneventfully and finally they were relieved by Ori and Nori.

“What were you two up  to eh,” Nori asked Kili.

“Never you mind. We’re going back to bed now,” Kili said.

The two returned to their bedrolls where they quickly got back into their night things and into bed. They fell asleep again their fingers entwined. The next morning after a hearty breakfast the company got on the road again.

“I’m hoping we can get some alone time tonight,” Kili said quietly to Primrose.

“Will you be on watch again?” Primrose asked.

“Yes,” Kili said.

“What were we watching for anyway?” Primrose asked.

“Orcs. It’s no laughing matter if we get attacked by them,” Kili said.

“Oh right,” Primrose said.

“I promise you that I will protect you and ensure you don’t come to harm,” Kili said.

Primrose nodded and smiled at him. She had never seen an orc or anything like them in her life.

“I will also teach you how to fight so you can defend yourself if necessary. I use both the sword and the bow,” Kili said.

When they stopped for lunch they were near a stream so after everyone had eaten it was decided to have a swim.  The dwarves began stripping down to their breeches and Primrose watched as Kili removed his outer clothing and placed it and his weapons in a neat pile beside her. When he took off his undershirt it was the first time she’d seen his chest and she liked what she saw. His chest was covered in thick dark hair which was the same shade as the hair on his head.

“Are you going to swim too?” Kili asked.

“Sure why not,” Primrose asked.

She slowly began undressing conscious of Kili’s eyes on her, roving over her body. She left her slip on to preserve her modesty just as Kili had left his breeches on. The other dwarves were already in the water laughing and splashing each other. Kili jumped into the stream followed by Primrose and the two began splashing each other. Then Fili splashed Kili and he splashed back. The water was cool and refreshing and Primrose lay back and floated her hair splaying out behind her.  Suddenly she was under water and she came up coughing and spluttering, spotting Kili laughing. She knew instantly he’d dunked her so she lunged towards him intending to dunk him back but he leaped to the side and she missed. A fun chase ensued with Kili keeping ahead of her and avoiding her grasp until he tripped on a submerged root and pitched forward with a big splash. Primrose doubled over laughing as he scrambled back to his feet water running down his back and chest from his hair.

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