Chapter 14

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Everyone moves out to the battlements at the front of Erebor where they can see Lake Town. They can see Smaug in the distance and suddenly he is breathing fire. Kili wraps his arm around Primrose's waist to comfort her as she is still upset at what is happening. Soon the town is burning and the company can see Smaug diving again and again on the town and breathing fire. Primrose feels so helpless and hopes that some of the townsfolk survive. Suddenly Smaug falls from the sky and the company stare in disbelief.

"The Dragon, he's dead," Balin said.

"How can that be? Only a black arrow could have killed the dragon," Primrose asked.

"They must have had one there," Fili said.

The Town is still burning but there is nothing that the dwarves can do. Returning inside they bed down for the night. The next morning Thranduil and Bard arrive at the gates to Erebor and request that Thorin meet with them. He, Kili, Primrose and Fili make their way to the gates where Bard and Thranduil request their shares of the treasure. It transpires that Girion, Bard's Ancestor was Lord of Dale and Smaug had taken some of Dale's treasure and it was mixed in with the Dwarves treasure in the hoard in Erebor.

"I will give you nothing. Not one coin," Thorin declared.

Kili, Primrose and Fili looked aghast.

"Uncle please. They are entitled to what they are asking for. Please be reasonable," Primrose said.

"I will not. This is dwarf treasure and it will stay right here," Thorin said.

He turned and walked away leaving the others with Bard and Thranduil.

"I am sorry King Thranduil and Bard. I fear that Uncle is succumbing to the same madness that took Grandpapa and Great Grandpapa," Primrose said.

"It is not your fault and we respect the promises you have made. Unfortunately your Uncle has left us no choice but to declare war," Thranduil said.

"We will not fight," Kili and Fili said.

Primrose gasped at that. Surely their uncle would expect them to fight.

"How did you kill the dragon?" Primrose asked.

"There was one black arrow left after Girion tried to kill Smaug all those years ago. I used it and aimed for and hit Smaug in the place where Girion had knocked off one of his scales. It killed him and he fell on the town, killing The Master. Many people survived but there were also casualties," Bard said.

"And did your children survive?" Primrose asked.

"Yes for which I am eternally grateful," Bard said.

"We are aiding the men of Lake Town providing food and things like that for them," Thranduil said.

"We will try to talk some sense into Uncle," Kili promised.

They bid farewell to Thranduil and Bard and withdrew into the mountain. There they found Thorin pacing up and down muttering about moving the treasure deeper into the mountain.

"You! You know where the Arkenstone is don't you," Thorin said to Primrose.

"I may have seen it but if it is still where it was I wouldn't know," Primrose said.

"We will search for it and we will not rest until it is found," Thorin said.

"Uncle please. Be reasonable," Fili said.

"Fili don't argue. You will understand when you become King Under the Mountain. The Arkenstone belongs to us. It's a family heirloom you know that," Thorin said.

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