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            "I told you to stay here," Jack said a few hours later as they sat in Jack's office. Kayden was asleep on Jack's lap, the two men had no let go of their son for more than a few minutes since getting him back.

            Alice and Steven had left half and hour before, Alice telling her father over and over that none of what had happened was his fault.

            Owen and Tosh, much like Jack and Ianto, had been holding Daniel close. They were still sitting down in the Hub, waiting for The Doctor to tell them what was going to happen.

            For the past couple hours, since Ianto knocked out The Godfather, The Doctor had been in the TARDIS doing... whatever it was The Doctor did when he was in there. Rose was in there with him and with Jackson. Like the others, she had yet to put the little boy down.

            "I told you not to come," Jack said slowly, "It wasn't safe."

            "And yet, here we are," Ianto said and Jack gave him a look. "Look, Jack, I'm not going to apologize for not listening to you. Everything started shaking and all I kept thinking was that these two babies may lose their father and older brother before even meeting them. Or, worst case, we were all going to die, in which case I wasn't going to let us be apart when it happened."

            Jack groaned softly and leaned his head forward to rest it on Ianto's shoulder.

            "You are going to be the death of me," he said.

            "Probably," Ianto nodded in agreement, "But you'll just come back."

            Jack laughed, shaking his head. They sat quietly together for a few moments before they heard Tosh calling them. They walked down to the main part of the Hub where everyone was waiting.

            "Where is he?" Jack asked.

            "Secure," The Doctor told him, "I've contacted the Shadow Proclamation and they're going to make sure he can never do anything like this again."

            "Good," Tosh sighed in relief.

            "Thank you for all your help," The Doctor shook each of their hands, but when he reached Jack, Jack hugged him tightly.

            "Don't stay away forever, alright?" Jack said.

            "Don't worry," Rose said, "We'll be back to see those two." She pointed at Ianto's stomach and he smiled at her.

            The Doctor and Rose said their goodbyes, got in the TARDIS, and left. Jack looked around at the others. They all looked exhausted.

            "Go home," he told them, "Get some sleep. Spend some time with that little guy. So long as it's quiet, we don't have to come in. I think we could all use a break."

Thanks so much for reading! There's only one more chapter left in this fic! Let me know what you thought and thanks again!

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