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            Jack and Ianto arrived at the Hub with Steven and Kayden a short while later.

            “You got your project?” Jack asked Steven as they walked in through the tourist office.

            “Yup,” Steven said, “Are you sure Owen won’t mind helping me? I thought you guys were busy searching for aliens.”

            “It’s a science project right?” Ianto asked.

            “Yeah, we have to do this thing where we mix stuff together and write down what happens. Most of the kids in my class said they’re gonna heat up salt water like our teacher did one time. But, that’s boring,” Steven told them and Jack and Ianto laughed.

            “Well, you’re in luck,” Jack sad, “Owen can be a mad scientist when he wants to be and this’ll just give him a reason to blow stuff up.” The four of them entered the hub and found Owen and Tosh already there with The Doctor and Rose.

            “Why don’t you go and ask him now?” Ianto suggested to Steven who nodded and walked over to Owen.

            “Hey Steven,” Owen said.

            “Hi Owen, um, could you help me with something?” Steven asked hesitantly.

            “Yeah sure, what d’you need?” Owen asked, spinning around in his chair.

            “Can you help me with science project? I don’t want to do what the rest of my class is doing because it’s boring and I thought that maybe you might be able to help me do something interesting,” Steven said this very fast and Owen smiled.

            “C’mon then, let’s see what we can do that’s not boring.” Owen stood up and walked down to the med bay, indicating for Steven to follow him. Jack watched them walk away as Tosh told him what she had been doing to try and find the Godfather.

            “So, if we try to get some images from CCTV around Cardiff then maybe we’ll be able to find a location he visits more frequently.” Tosh finished explaining this as Ianto and Rose came out of the TARDIS where they had left Kayden with the other two boys. Normally they would've left them in Jack's office. But Kayden had started exploring more and Jackson, even at his incredibly young age, had his father's sense of adventure and knack for trouble. As a result they had put together a playpen for the three boys inside the TARDIS and The Doctor had fool proofed it so the boys couldn't escape.

            “Alright Tosh, nice job, keep working on it and let me know what you find. Ianto, can you…”

            “Make the coffee and then keep sorting through the archives to see if I can find any files on Time Lords that may have been missed,” Ianto finished the sentence.

            “Oh Ianto, you always know how to please me,” Jack said, winking. They all began working, Rose helped Ianto while The Doctor and Jack did… whatever it is The Doctor and Jack do.

            They were all working quietly when suddenly... BANG! Everyone ran in the direction of the med bay where smoke was gathering.

            “Owen? Steven?” Jack called. He didn’t get an answer right away but they could hear the two of them laughing.

            “We’re good Jack,” he heard Owen say as the smoke cleared.

            “Owen, I told his mother he’d be back in one piece.”

            “He’s fine,” Owen said defensively, “See? Safety goggles, gloves, and he wasn’t even the one handling the stuff, I was.”

            “What was it?” Rose asked.

            “Potassium, highly reactive with water, and obviously we put a little too much in,” Owen said looking at the water that now covered the med bay floor.

            “That was awesome!” Steven said excitedly, “That definitely won’t be anything like the other projects in my class.” Everyone laughed at how pleased he was when they were interrupted by a different bang from behind them. The team whipped around just as the alarms went off and The Godfather appeared. The team all drew their guns and The Doctor sent Jack a scathing look.

            “Like your guns will work against me,” The Godfather said laughing. He slowly walked across the room, looking at them.

            “Whatever you’re planning isn’t going to work,” Jack told him, “Nothing you do will bring Gallifrey back.”

            “YOU’RE WRONG!” The Godfather shouted, suddenly looking furious, “GALLIFREY WILL COME BACK! THE TIME LORDS WILL RETURN!” He stopped shouting and then turned and ran towards the TARDIS.

            “No!” The Doctor shouted, running forward to try and stop him. The Godfather slammed the TARDIS doors shut and locked them out. Setting the TARDIS for a destination, the team was helpless to do anything except watch. Watch as The Godfather escaped. Not only with the TARDIS, but with Kayden, Jackson, Daniel, and, unknown to them at the time, Steven; who had slipped inside during the commotion.

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