What Do We Know?

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            A couple days later and they had heard nothing more from the Godfather. After the incident at the Millennium Centre he had taken off and they had no idea where he was. They had tried tracking him but were unable to as Jack had removed all files on The Doctor and Time Lords when he took over Torchwood. However, they had managed to find out a few things through The Doctor’s and Jack’s many connections. So that was why, two days after The Godfather’s appearance, they were sat around the table in the board room discussing what they knew.

            “So,” Owen started, looking at Jack and The Doctor, “What did you two find out on your little escapade in the big blue box?”

            “For the third time,” The Doctor said, “It’s called a TARDIS, T-A-R-D-I-S; and second of all, not a lot.”

            "Helpful,” Owen said sarcastically and Tosh kicked him in the shin.

            "We did find out a few things,” Jack said, giving Owen a look.

            "Like what?” Ianto asked, interested to know what was going on outside the Earth.

            "Well,” Jack started, “We know how he managed to come back. The Doctor was right, his memories were stored away and, for some reason, he opened the watch and remembered who he was.”

            "And also,” The Doctor added, “We know why he’s come back. Once he got his memories back he remembered everything about the Time War. He remembered that Gallifrey had been destroyed and is convinced that if he destroys another planet or another galaxy then it will somehow balance out and Gallifrey will come back. But! When he destroyed one planet, and then another and nothing happened, he thought that perhaps the populations have to even out so; he came here, to Earth. He’s going to try and destroy it and will keep going, wiping out galaxies and entire civilizations so long as he believes it will bring Gallifrey and the Time Lords back.”

            "So...” Tosh said slowly, “We have to either convince him that this won’t bring all the Time Lords back and stop him before he wipes out basically everything, or, we all die and then he kills even more species?”

            "Pretty much,” Jack said, nodding.

            "Great, well, that’ll be really simple,” Owen said, “Especially since we can’t track him, we have absolutely no clue where he might be, and he could do anything at anytime.”

            "That’s true,” Jack said, “But we do have a few things he doesn’t.”

            "Which is…?” Owen asked.

            "A brilliant computer tech,” Jack said smiling at Tosh, “An amazing archivist, and a Time Lord on our side.” Jack smiled at Ianto and then at the Doctor. “Not to mention, a brilliant ass-kicking blonde,” Jack flashed his charming smile at Rose, “A dashing Captain; oh, and a snarky, sarcastic doctor.”

            “Oi!” Owen exclaimed, indignantly, “Don’t you be rude about me.”

            Jack just smirked before continuing, “Alright, let’s get down to work.” Tosh, Ianto, Owen, Jack, The Doctor, and Rose all stood up and walked down to the main part of the Hub. Owen and Tosh both sat at their stations and started typing while Ianto, Jack, The Doctor, and Rose all sat down and started going though stacks of papers. They worked in silence for a while, the only sounds that could be heard were Owen and Tosh typing away and the rustle of paper. The silence was suddenly broken by Tosh’s mobile ringing.

            “Sorry,” she said, blushing brightly. She answered it and listened for a minute before smiling widely and looking at the others.

            Hanging up she said, “That was Rhys…”

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