Tracking the TARDIS

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            Back at the Hub, the Torchwood team had had no luck tracking the TARDIS or the kids on it and everyone was starting to get frustrated.

            "We need to find them!" Jack said loudly.

            "I know! I'm trying!" Tosh exclaimed, "There's nothing! The TARDIS is practically untraceable, even with our tech. Not having any knowledge about the man flying it makes it even harder!"

            Before Jack could respond, his phone rang. "Alice? ... "You're outside?" ... "Alright, Ianto will let you in." Jack hung up as Ianto walked up to the tourist office to let Alice in He returned a few moments late with Jack's daughter in tow.

            "Have you found anything yet?" she asked.

            "Not yet," Jack shook his head, "The TARDIS was designed to not be found so even Torchwood is having a hard time of it."

            "Have you tried tracing Steven's phone?" Alice asked and they all turned to look at her in shock.

            "I didn't even know Steven had a phone," Jack said and Alice groaned.

            "I knew I shouldn't have listened to him when he said he'd give you the number," she said, "I gave it to him for emergencies, he probably doesn't even remember he has it."

            "What's the number?" Tosh asked and Alice reeled it off for her. Tosh began typing rapidly and after a few moments she made a joyous noise.

            "I've got it!" she exclaimed, "It's faint, but it's there!

            "Where are they Tosh?" Jack asked.

            "They are... not far from here," she said in confusion, "They're really close actually."

            "He probably didn't think this far ahead," The Doctor said, "He had the beginning of his plan and the end, but no middle."

            "Well what are we waiting for?" Owen exclaimed, "Let's go!" They all stood and prepared to leave. Jack ran up to his office and Ianto followed as quick as he could.

            "Jack-" the Welshman began.

            "You have to stay here," Jack said, "I don't know what we're walking in to. You and Alice wait here and you can relay back to us if they move."

            "Jack," Ianto said again and Jack turned to look at him, noticing the dejected look on Ianto's face.

            "We'll find them," Jack promised, "We're going to find the kids, stop The Godfather, and bring them home."

            Ianto nodded and embraced Jack quickly for a moment before the captain raced out of the room.

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