Chapter 1

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“Uncle Bilbo, Uncle Bilbo, what’s going on?” Primrose Baggins asked, coming into the sitting room at Bag End.

“That’s what I’d like to know,” Bilbo said.

Primrose had heard the doorbell go twice and had noticed the other two men in the room when she’d entered the sitting room. Upon taking a closer look she realized they were dwarves and wondered what they were doing in her uncle’s sitting room.  Bilbo introduced her and she greeted the dwarves politely then chattered politely with them until the doorbell rang again. She continued to talk to the dwarves  until two more dwarves entered the sitting room. The doorbell had gone again just before they entered.  These dwarves were younger than the other two and one was fair headed and the other dark headed. They introduced themselves as Kili and Fili after greeting the other two dwarves. Primrose nodded politely her attention on the dark haired young dwarf, unable to tear her eyes off of him. He was extremely good looking and when he smiled at her Primrose felt her heart racing.

“I’m sorry we’re invading your house,” Kili said to her, sitting down beside her.

“It’s not mine it’s Uncle Bilbo’s. I just live here as I’ve nowhere else to go,” Primrose said.

“What’s a pretty little thing like you doing still living with your uncle. I would have thought the male hobbits would be falling all over themselves to be with you,” Kili said.

“Nah none of them are interested in me,” Primrose said.

Kili couldn’t believe it. Was she serious?.

“You’re kidding me right,” he finally said.’

“I’m not kidding,” Primrose said.

“Well then I guess no one will mind if someone like me was to snap you up,” Kili said.

“Are you flirting with me? What makes you think I’d be interested in a smelly ugly dwarf?” Primrose said.

Kili stared at her then realized from her smile that she was kidding.

“I suppose I am flirting. After all you’re very nice to look at. And I don’t have a she dwarf waiting for me to come back from this quest,” Kili said.

He smiled at her again then told her about the quest.

“So have you ever been to this home?” Primrose asked?

“No we, the dwarves had to flee it before Fili and I were born,” Kili said.

Suddenly Bilbo came back followed by 8 other dwarves and there was much greeting and happy talking. Some of the dwarves emptied Bilbo’s pantry and soon the dwarves were eating and talking amongst themselves. Primrose watched Kili talking and laughing with the others and was dismayed when he drank a flagon of ale, getting ale all over his stubble then belched loudly and laughed. She caught his eye and frowned and he looked down.

Later on after the dwarves had finished eating Kili joined Primrose again.

“I’m sorry if I offended you,” Kili said softly.

“You did to be honest. Your table manners are somewhat lacking,” Primrose said.

“I think we are all like that. It’s how we dwarves are,” Kili said.

Primrose had noticed the other dwarves also belching and laughing and drinking their ale in a slobbering manner.

“Well never mind what’s done is done It’s over now. Are you dwarves staying the night here?”  Primrose asked.

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