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Typically, he wouldn't go so deep into research for such a simple thing. But he liked Winnie, and he wanted her to stay around as a friend. In order for that to happen, there was a whole lot of awkward tension and hate between her and Clay that needed to be ridded of.

So, it was almost 5 P.M, and George was sitting on his bed going deep into social media. He had found out what high school they went to, so now he was finding people from their class and common interests they had.

As far as he had come, he had found out a decent amount of information. They were both in the Debate Club, the Random Acts of Kindness Club, the Photography Club, and the National Honors Society. But that wasn't all George had found.

Apparently they had some funny memories revolving around a game of dodgeball, and there was also a few common friends between them. George felt like he was living a whole second life as an FBI agent.

All of this research was interrupted by an incoming call from the man himself.

"You said you were gonna get on my stream, loser," Clay joked and rolled over in his bed as the call connected.

"I had other important things to do," George mumbled, going on pause and getting back to what he was doing.

"Like what?"

Ignoring his question, George inquired, "why can't you two put your problems behind you like normal people do?"

Clay immediately knew who he was referring to.

"Because even though we're normal people, our relationship never has been. There's lots of things you don't know," he responded.

George scoffed, "ok, well, confront those issues! Or whatever they are! From an outsiders perspective, it really isn't that hard."

"I'm done with this conversation. Patches needs to go to the vet anyway. I'll talk to you later."

Giving George no time to respond, Clay ended the call and rolled over in bed. Patches had already gone to the vet the day before.

. . .

Winnie had just finished her weekly FaceTime call with her mom, in which they had planned for her to visit home. It was the end of September, a Friday, meaning Halloween was just about a month away.

So, the weekend of the holiday, Winnie was going to fly home and spend a week or so there. Teigan wasn't planning on traveling with her because she was going down for fall break, earlier in October.

𝗔𝗕𝗦𝗢𝗟𝗨𝗧𝗘 𝗕.𝗦,   dreamwastakenWhere stories live. Discover now