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It was a dangerous idea, but he hoped it would be a beginning to them starting over.

"G'day folks! I told y'all on twitter I'm doing a stream tonight for random shit, so I'm doing parkour with Winnie! Oh, Dream is here too," Nick started, loading onto Minecraft.

"Thanks for forgetting me," Clay sassed, but sarcastically. His voice was still so foreign to Winnie, but for the greater good, she decided to forget about her anger toward him.

"Lemme show you my favorite parkour server. Dream can show you how bad he is," Nick told her.

"I am not bad! And I cheer you on, so I do not deserve that type of commentary," he paused, "oh, and to the chat going crazy about me not screaming at Winnie, we decided to be mature now that she's stealing my friends," Clay said. There was a teasing, but evil tone in his voice.

"I'm not stealing your friends. They just didn't like you in the first place."

"Hey Sapnap, do you mind if me and Winnie P.V.P. since I can't murder her in real life?"

"I don't mind it all if it means you two bonding!" Nick cheered like a toddler.

"It's not bonding. He is my punching bag and I am Captain America. Prepare to feel a hundred years of built up rage!" As their Minecraft server loaded up, they both joined a private match and immediately ran at each other.

With of a combination of gapples, sword and axe play, shields, and even archery, Clay came out on top. This resulted in him screaming so loud in the mic she thought he would break the sound barrier.

"Jesus Dream, could you yell any louder?" Sapnap mumbled.

"I would but it'd hurt my throat. Still, I just beat your ass!"

"Ok, well, I'll just accuse you of cheating and get the internet to be mad at you. You may of won the battle, but I'll win the war." She was just messing around, making the chat erupt with reactions.

"Says the one afraid of bugs."

"Says the one afraid of heights," she was quick to bite back.

"Says the one afraid to say their first name."

"Says the one afraid to do a face reveal."

Nick gasped. They weren't getting too serious, but Clay got a little pissed when his friends—well, mutuals, said anything about his face reveal. It was his decision, and if he was making over two million dollars without showing his face, he didn't plan on revealing it any time soon.

"You win. I would say something else but this could go south very, very quickly."

"It always does. Now that we know you're better at fighting, perhaps I should do this parkour?"

Clay let out a deep breath, and they continued on with the stream.

. . .

The stream ended up going very smoothly, much better than any of the three had expected; there was still a very awkward tension between Winnie and Clay. It was like a knot in a muscle—slowly sorting itself out, but still causing pain along the way.

Once Winnie finally got off, she left her room for the first time in hours, and saw that she was home alone.

That's odd, Teigan should be home by now.

So, in a non-creepy way, she went on her phone and checked Teigan's location. It said she was driving home, but it was just rush hour traffic. Nothing to worry about.

Winnie cooked up some ramen noodles for the two of them, and as soon as she finished, Teigan walked through the door.

"There you are. Thought you'd never get home," Winnie announced, her back facing Teigan at the countertop.

"You know how rough that traffic can be. I was stuck there the entire time."

Now, if Winnie would've been looking at Teigan just then, she would've seen Teigan anxiously look to the right. A clear sign of lying.

"I know, which is why I made you your favorite! Takis and ramen!" With a little dance, Winnie presented the plate and bowl to her best friend.

Teigan laughed and rolled her eyes at how childish Winnie's behavior was, but nevertheless, gratefully took the meal from her hands. They ate together in peace, discussing old memories from their high school after Winnie told Teigan about the situation with Clay.

"It's so weird that everyone knows him as Dream now. He will always be Clay to me," Teigan said through a mouth full of food.

"You're telling me! And Teigs, even though I can't see his face, his whole demeanor is completely different now. He seems so much more welcoming. In high he was all 'Don't come near me and my elitist friends!' and now he's like 'Love my fans! Yay charity!' Not that there's something bad about that, it's just surprising that he's so much more extroverted now."

"I get what you mean. Just promise me you two won't start going head to head again. I don't need another war."

"I promise, Teigs."

Winnie eventually got up and headed back to her monitor, checking notifications to see how her fans were liking her new friendship with George, Nick, and Clay.

She had been doing this ever since her first stream with George, and while she was receiving lots of nice enthusiasm, the hate seemed to be relentless from certain crowds.

Winnie couldn't help but feel hopeless, like no matter what she would do, some fans would just never accept her.

Twitter, 8:29 P.M.

@chocolatemilkst4n / minecraft girl🙃
hi guys!! i've been trying to respond to as much as you as i can, but i would like to once again tell you— if you don't like my page, block me. no need for negativity. pls don't keep ruining my evenings :(

replying to @chocolatemilkst4n haters r stupid and you r cool so just stay cool

reply to @chocolatemilkst4n George told me to start interacting with you so here I am don't be sad
replying to @dreamwastaken & @chocolatemilkst4n WHAT THE FAWK IS GOING ON DIDNT THEY HATE EACH OTHER LAST WEEK😃

replying to @chocolatemilkst4n um. you know i used to hate winnie but now i'm lowkey vibing with her 😮😮

replying to @chocolatemilkst4n Winnie we all love wiping out the haters, we'll keep doing our best at making sure you only see nice comments :))
LIKED by @chocolatemilkst4n

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