Chapter 30

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Maybe I should have paused between the basement and the front door. I should have paused to look out the window, to make sure that I wouldn't come face to face with Jenna once I opened the door. I should have stopped, I should've listened. I didn't.

I ran out of that house like my life depended on it, because it did. And I was lucky. Jenna was not behind the door, she didn't catch me running, she didn't drag me back to that hellish hole. But my luck ended there.

As soon as I stepped into the night air, I froze. I had no cellphone, I couldn't call anyone, and the fear of leaving Harry in such bad shape, all alone, was taking over my body. I couldn't risk running to some neighbour's house, have Jenna come back to the basement in the meantime, and finish her vendetta by killing Harry. I had left him with a gun, but I doubted he was strong enough to actually use it.

Besides, even if she didn't kill him, even if I managed to call for help before she got back, if she noticed I had escaped, and managed to run, we would never feel safe again.

All things considered, there was really only one decision I could make. I had to go back to her place, and either be lucky enough to have the police officers still standing in her leaving room, or I would have to take her down myself, and then call an ambulance.

That plan sounded crazy, even to my adrenaline-filled brain. I was in bad shape, my chest hurt, and I was pretty sure that I was bleeding internally from Kali's blow to my stomach. But I had a gun, and I wasn't afraid to use it. Not if it meant saving Harry's life.

Ben had tried to teach me how to shoot, at the beginning of our relationship. I learned how to dismantle a gun, how to clean it, how to check the bullet count, but my aim had always been rubbish, and Jenna's gun was only offering me three chances to hit her. I was hoping it would be enough to at least immobilise her, giving my intentions were not to shoot and kill, anyway.

Cursing myself for not letting Ben work with me on my aim, I belted the gun in the front waist of my pants and started to make a plan in my head. There was a live fence separating Jenna's house from the one she'd held us in, so I couldn't really see anything from where I was standing. I would have to jog to the back, find the opening through where Harry and I had passed before, and then I would have to pray that Jenna was in her living room, because if she was in the kitchen, the odds of her seeing me approach the house would be too high. In other words, I'd be screwed.

"Get a grip, Nina." Slapping my own cheek, trying to keep it together, I started my suicide jog to Jenna's. As soon as I found the opening in the fence, and peeked to the other side, I sighed in relief. The police car was still there, both officers still sitting inside, talking to each other.

My muscles were loaded with a newly found energy, hope tingling my lungs, as I prepared them to scream. Opening my mouth, I used all my strength to let the words out.

Unfortunately, instead of leaving my lips, and getting to the ears of the people that would be able to save me, the air that carried my cry for help hit a hand. A female hand, covering my mouth, while another female hand pressed my bruised stomach. I fell forward, in pain, watching helplessly as my chance of survival rolled down the street, and disappeared around the curve.

"You really are a pain in the ass, aren't you? How the fuck did you manage to get yourself free?" Jenna was baffled, her hands on her hips, watching me squirm in pain. The moonlight hitting her eyes, showcased her insanity almost perfectly. "I'm almost impressed. I always thought you were just a spoiled brat with no real talent, apart from whining. I never thought there was actually a fighter in you."

"Go to hell, Jenna." My voice sounded strangled, the pain was too much. If only I could move, to get the gun on my waist...

"Oh honey, no. The only person who is going to go through hell tonight is you. You almost screwed everything up with your little stunt of warning Ava, but we're back to business." Jenna pulled me by the hair, making me scream in pain. She quickly covered my mouth again. "Shut the fuck up, you don't want to wake up the neighbours, do you?"

To be so lucky  {H.S.} ✔️Where stories live. Discover now