Chapter 28

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****WARNING. The next three chapters will include strong language and violence scenes****

***If this constitutes a trigger, please skip to the last chapter. Your safety will always be more important than any number of reads and votes.***

**Stay safe <3**

The human brain is a complex little thing, isn't it?

Anatomically speaking, if you look at two healthy brains, they pretty much look the same. Yet put them inside two different human beings, and watch as the magic happens, when they are faced with the exact same situation. It will blow your mind to see how two people with apparently equal brains, react so differently.

But thinking about it objectively, it's never really the exact same situation, is it? The way we look at certain events is not just moulded by our anatomical traits, by our genetic codes, or even the situation itself. The way two people look at the same fire situation, depends on the answer to a few questions that boil down to three major topics: self-preservation instincts (Is the fear circuit in my brain, more activated than yours?), education (Did anyone ever tell me that fire burns?), and experience (Did I ever get burned by fire?).

So, it wasn't really all that surprising that, when that door opened, and Kali appeared behind it, my first instinct was to run for the hills, whilst Harry's was to fight. You won't run from a needle if you've never been stung.

My instinct did me no good, though. As I tried to bolt, dragging Harry with me, Jenna decided to grace us with her presence, and she wasn't alone. In her hand, there was a very shiny, very intimidating 9mm Beretta. Ben had been a gun enthusiast, and I'd picked up a thing or two over the years. Actually, I was pretty sure that particular gun belonged to my late ex-boyfriend.

"Leaving so soon?" Jenna's smile was psychotic. Harry pulled me behind him quickly, shielding my body from harm with his own. "Look at him, trying to protect you. I'm touched. Kali, dear, be a doll and take our guests inside, will you?"

Harry didn't move, angling his body awkwardly, so he could protect me both from Kali, and Jenna. "No, let Nina go. You can keep me, ask for a ransom, whatever you want. My team will find a way to pay you, no matter how much you ask for. Just let her go."

I grabbed the back of his shirt, panic filling my brain. "Harry, no..."

"Aren't you cute?" Jenna was tilting her head, evaluating Harry from head to toe. "Isn't he cute, Kali?"

"Oh, he is very cute. We're gonna have a lot of fun with these two." Kali took a step back, gesturing inside the house, inviting us in, like we were just guests to her tea party.

"Let her go," Harry repeated. His voice sounded calm, totally in control.

"Honey, please. You and your pretty face are just a casualty here. I don't care about you. I never did." Jenna's eyes moved to me. The amount of despise I saw in them made me instinctively curl behind Harry. "This is about you. What you have taken from me. And what I am going to take from you, in return."

"NO!" I struggled to free myself from Harry, but his hands were strong, holding me firmly behind himself. "Why are you doing this, Jenna? Why?"

Jenna laughed at my desperation. A fake, cold laugh, that brought chills down my spine. The laugh stopped just as abruptly as it started, and her expression got serious. "Get inside. Both of you. Now."

In a swift move, Harry pulled me to his front, turning his back to Jenna. He was determined to keep me as far away from that gun's barrel as he possibly could. Slowly, we walked inside.

To be so lucky  {H.S.} ✔️Where stories live. Discover now