Chapter 8

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"Spoiler alert: this will probably disappoint you, but everything that happened after I left you, and Charles, last night, is completely PG-13 material."

Ava had finally settled down on the sofa, next to me. She'd ordered Chinese food and opened a bottle of wine. I'd tried explaining to her that my stomach was still slightly upset, but my friend insisted, and I had far too much on my mind to argue.

"Wait. You're telling me you had the chance to spend the night with Harry Styles, and you didn't have sex with him? What the fuck did you guys do? Netflix and be tense?"

"Can I tell my story?"

Ava sipped her wine, rolling her eyes in disbelief, but motioned for me to go on.

I managed to tell her everything with just a few minor distortions. Little details that didn't make a difference in my version of events, but that would make a big difference for Harry. Details like me not remembering the number of his hotel room, or the details of his car. Well, the last one wasn't a lie.

It wasn't a trust issue, I trusted Ava with my life, but I also knew she was a blabbermouth, and... Well, better safe than sorry.

"So, long story short, you blacked out on Harry Styles, he took you to his hotel room, slept on a chair. Then you woke up, told him everything about your life, you guys kissed, and then... YOU LEFT?"

"Yeah, I guess that sums it up."

I shrugged, trying to look indifferent to the fact that what had meant so much to me could be summarised in a single sentence. Ava was completely astonished.

"Well... Nina, darling... You did it. You finally got me lost for words."

I laughed at her reaction.

"No, seriously... I don't know what to say. I mean... I think I get why you left. Falling in love with someone like Harry Styles... It's a recipe for disaster."

I felt my stomach drop. What Ava was saying made sense, I had gotten to that conclusion myself. But, somehow, it still hurt me to hear someone else say it, like I'd been holding on to some tiny thread of hope that things could be different.

"On the other hand... It's Harry Styles! How you managed to get the kind of self-control to just get up and leave... It's beyond me."

"You do realise that he isn't Harry Styles, the big celebrity, to me, don't you? Of course, I know he is a big thing in the music industry..."

Ava interrupted me, holding her hands up. "Hold it there, missy! A big thing in the music industry? Honey, that guy can't even go to a public restroom in mother fucking Cochinchina, without being recognised."

"Cochin... What?"

"Besides the point. I just don't think you get how much of a big deal this guy truly is."

This conversation was making me uncomfortable. Not because I had no idea what being Harry actually meant, but because it was getting clearer by the minute that, as soon as he left, I'd never see him again.

I took a few bites of the Chinese noodles that had arrived in the meantime, just to give myself a few seconds to gather my thoughts.

"Ava... I don't care." Now that was a straight-up lie. "He isn't celebrity Harry to me. He's just a guy I met, felt a connection with, and now we're trying to be friends."

"Sure, if you say so." She finished her own food, and traded the plate for Oscar, on her lap. "Oscar, please tell your mom she's lying to herself."

"I am not lying to myself."

"Then you're in denial. Don't get me wrong, honey... Do you know how many times I dreamt of this for you? How many times I wished someone good would just show up, and sweep you off your feet? Someone who would treat you the way you deserve to be treated? Someone you'd feel comfortable opening up to? If that person is Harry, so be it. But I need to make sure that you know what you're getting yourself into."

To be so lucky  {H.S.} ✔️Where stories live. Discover now