Chapter 17

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The two weeks following Harry's departure had been fairly uneventful. The project at work was getting close to enter production phase, and that meant lots of extra work. I took advantage of that, burying myself in my job during the day, sometimes during the night.

Every day one of my friends would pop by, to check on me. They had all been worried about what I'd told Ava and Val. Charles had actually been a little pissed too.

"Why didn't you tell us this sooner?" He'd called me, as soon as Ava shared the story with him.

"Britain is not doing wonders to your manners, dear friend. Hello to you too. I am doing rather shitty. How are you?"

"Nina, this is not a joke. I'm worried about your safety, and you should be too."

"I am worried, Charles. That's why I told the girls what happened. But what am I supposed to do? The police didn't find anything weird, and things have been quiet lately."

"You should at least come to stay with us." I liked how he'd said 'us' like he and Ava were officially back together.

"I'm not leaving my place, Charles. It doesn't make any sense, and it's not a negotiable thing."

I heard Ava singing "Told yaaa..." on the back.

"Fine. But I'm stopping by, every day. And so will Ava. To check on you."

"Okay, mom."

"You should be glad he ain't your mom, or he would be whooping your ass for not wanting to shack up with us!" Again, Ava on the back. She could always make me laugh, that girl.

"She does have a point, though." Charles chuckled.

Deciding against being rude, I sighed. "Guys, thanks for worrying about me. Really. You're good friends, and I love you. Both of you. But I refuse to live in fear of something that might as well have been just an isolated incident followed by a series of misfortuned coincidences."

"Do you really believe that, though?"

"I don't know what to believe, Charles. But I have to keep living my life."

Harry hadn't been too keen on my decision, either. We talked every day, over video call, and although me moving in with Ava hadn't come up before Harry left, knowing she had offered it as a solution and I hadn't take it, didn't make him very happy.

"Nina, don't be stubborn. This is your safety we're talking about."

"You're sounding an awful lot like Charles, right now."

"Well, Charles is a wise man. I like Charles." Harry chuckled, running his fingers through his curls. That gesture distracted me from his next words, my desire to be the one touching that hair was immense. "Babe? Are you listening to me?"

"Oh. Sorry, no. Got distracted by... something."

"Are you telling me that there's something you rather be doing than talking to your boyfriend? You break my heart, Ms. Correia."

"I'm sorry, but yes, as much as I love talking to you, there is something I'd rather be doing."

The look on his face told me he hadn't expected that answer. "Oh..."

"I'd rather be the one running my fingers through those adorable curls of yours."

Harry had laughed at that, and thankfully the course of the conversation had shifted, the talk of me moving out completely sidelined.

Those little talks we had every day, most of them happening after his concerts, at random hours, giving the difference in timezones, were the best part of my day. Hearing his voice, seeing his face, always managed to improve my mood. It was like an addiction like I needed my daily dose of Harry to survive.

To be so lucky  {H.S.} ✔️Where stories live. Discover now