Chapter 42

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We lay in bed without saying a word. I'm so tired after today, who knew it would be so exhausting looking after a little one and she's been well behaved. I washed the wet clothes and put them in the tumble dryer. Flynn and I watched TV on the couch until it was dinner time. It's funny how I remember to feed her three times a day but not myself. 
     Miley woke just before dinner and then she fell asleep an hour after on my lap as she watched the second Harry Potter film. I paused it so she can finish it tomorrow. Flynn didn't want to go to his apartment and I didn't want him to leave either. "I love you Ri, thank you for everything you're doing for her. You've dealt with more than I could have imagined and I didn't even ask, you just did it." 
     I turn to face him, "I'd do anything for you, she's a part of you which means she's a part of me." 
    His soft lips touch mine, not demanding like normal. They only lightly brush and it leaves me wanting more. I grab his face and bring him to my lips firmer than he did. I used to hate the mint taste he'd leave on my coffee but I actually welcome it now. Everything tastes better with his minty breath. I graze my teeth on his bottom lip and he growls. 
    I use my tongue to lick his bottom lip and I gently hold it between my teeth, "Ri," he gasps. I release him and he flips me on my back pinning me into the mattress with his weight. He pushes his errection against my sex and I gasp. He rests his face in my neck as he pants through his lips. He prizes my legs apart with his knees and moves my shorts and panties out the way and slides his fingers inside me. 
    "Flynn," I warn. He flexes his hips creating friction against me and he repeats the process over and over. 
    "No sex involved, come on Ri," he says breathlessly against my neck. He sucks gently and nibbles my neck. I groan, this is still breaking the rules but I flex my hips creating more friction for him. My stomach is tingling and I have butterflies. Damn, him rubbing himself against me is such a turn on. I'm so wet as he swirls his fingers inside me in a sweet rhythm. I don't know what to focus on, his fingers, his cock rubbing against me, his sucking and nibbling on my neck or his heavy panting. 
   So much pleasure radiating across my body. This is wrong but it feels so right at the same time. I feel it building from the pit of my stomach. He senses my close release and his lips claim mine muffling any noises. "Mine," he whispers between each kiss. "My fiancee," he bites my bottom lip and I groan. "We are connected, baby." I'm too far gone to correct him. His mouth muffles my orgasm and he follows shortly after. I'm lost, darkness takes over. 
   "Angel," a voice says. I'm so fricking tired, what time is it? "Angel," the voice says again. My eyes fly open and I see Miley standing next to the bed in the dark. "I had a nightmare and you were gone." I lift the covers and she climbs in. She snuggles up to me and I shut my eyes holding her. 
   "Sleep, baby. I'm here." They say you shouldn't let your kids sleep with you but I'm too tired and I think Miley is a bit different. She sleeps soundly with me, that has to be a positive, right? I smell her hair, I'm going to miss her. I'm just recognising her unique scent. Flynn turns over and hugs me from behind and I fall asleep in minutes. 
    "Just wake them up! That's what I'd do!" A voice says, who the fuck is that? "Just do it Mom," I recognise that voice. It's Tyler, are they in my apartment? Moments later the bedroom door opens and I open my heavy eyes. 
   I see Mom and Tyler standing in the doorway. I feel Miley on my shoulder again and Flynn on my stomach. I guess this is their automatic sleeping positions. I bring my finger to my lips to get them to keep quiet. Mom sits on the edge of the bed. "Honey, half the day has gone. Are you feeling okay?" 
    "It was a long day yesterday, why are you here?" I don't remember her saying she was coming. Flynn nuzzles my his nose on my stomach and he grabs my boob. I blush and move his hand further down. 
   Mom frowns and Tyler curses and leaves the bedroom. Christ, I'm sure Flynn's going to pay for that unconscious mistake. "I wanted to see you. After all the information yesterday and I didn't know when I'd see Miley again." She looks at Miley fast asleep on my shoulder and looks at her with nothing but love. "Shall I make some food?" 
    "Thanks Mom, I'll try wake them up." She smiles and nods. She gets up and leaves the room. I slide my fingers through Flynn's grown out hair and he grumbles. "Flynn," I say and he grumbles again. "Flynn, I think my brother is going to kill you. We need to get up," I continue to stroke his hair. 
    "Hmm," he's so cute. He makes no attempt to move. 
    "Babe, come on. My parents are here with my brother, I want you in one piece." Flynn's eyes flicker open. 
    "Say it again," he mumbles as he looks at me. I frown not understanding what he's talking about. "What you just called me," Huh? 
    "No, that's not what you said." 
    I go through my words, oh fuck. I called him babe, I've always hated referring to each other with sappy names. I guess Miley brought that side out of me. I have no trouble calling her those names. "Babe, you need to get up. My brother is going to kill you." 
    "So sexy, why is he going to kill me exactly?" 
    "You er, touched my boob whilst you were asleep and he saw," he laughs causing Miley to stir. 
    "Well, I had better go cool him down then," he rolls his eyes and gets out of bed. He slides his jeans up and does them up. He bends down to grab his top and he enters the living room shirtless with his top in his hand. 
     "Angel?" I stroke her hair and she sits up rubbing her eyes.  
     "We need to get up honey. Nana and Pops are here to see you," she smiles a huge smile and jumps out of bed. She runs out the room, is she actually going to interact without me or what? I sit up and stretch. 
     I walk into the bathroom and freshen up. I head out the bathroom and scan the room. Mom is in the kitchen, Tyler, Flynn and Dad are on the sofa and Miley is sat on the floor by the door watching the wall. I wish she would get out of that. I hate to think of her in the home sat in front of a wall all day. 
    "Honey," I say to Miley and she looks at me and smiles. She runs to me and holds her hands out, I lift her up and pull her into my arms. They all watch us and I frown. 
     "You're good to go Abigail," Flynn says and they go back to talking as they watch my telly. Mom comes towards us and she kneels down. I set Miley on her feet and she hugs my leg. 
      "Hey honey, I bought you something." Mom walks to the table and grabs the gift. She comes back and kneels on the floor again. I notice Mom's new prosthetic hand, I'm not sure what I prefer. It looks strange. Mom holds the gift out to Miley. 
    "For me?" she squeals. Mom nods and hands the box to Miley. She sits crossed legged on the floor. She opens the lid of the gift wrapped box and a small box sits on the top of tissue paper. Miley grabs the small box and opens it. 
    It's a pandora bracelet with charms on it. I kneel down next to her so I can see the charms. An M pressumably for her name. A heart shape with special grandaughter written on it. Another that says family, one horse charm and a charm that says Harry Potter. How did she know all of this? Did I tell her? It's such a thoughtful gift. Miley touches each charm with her tiny fingers. 
   "Do you like it honey? I'll return it if you don't like it." Miley places the box back on the tissue paper. I stroke her hair prompting her to reply. She stands up and leaps into Mom's arms. 
    "Thank you Nana, I love it." Mom hugs her back and Miley clings to her. 
    "There's still another present in there honey," Another one? That was more than enough. Miley releases Mom and she removes the small box and places it on the floor carefully. She removes the tissue paper to reveal a soft blanket with a horse on it. It has Miley's love Nana and Pop's written on it. Man she's so thoughtful with her gifts. 
    Miley picks the blanket up and wraps it around her, "Thank you, Nana." I grab the box off the floor and take the bracelet out. I open it and hold it out to Miley and she holds her wrist out for me to clasp it on. It's a little big on her but I'm sure it will stay secure on her small wrist. 
    "Honey, why don't you go and thank Pop's too," I say. She nods and runs to the sofa and I stand up. She climbs on Dad's lap and she hugs him. 
    "Thank you Pop's." Dads unsure how to react but he hugs her anyway. 
    "You're welcome, Miley." Miley releases him and crawls across the sofa to Tyler. She climbs on his lap and Tyler holds his hands in the air like she's contagious. She sits on his lap facing towards him. 
     "We went to the park yesterday and Angel saved me from a scary dog," Tyler is looking at Miley like she's grown three heads. "But Angel showed me that the dog wasn't scary really and she's going to get me a dog." 
     "Okay. . ." Tyler says cautiously. 
     "And I have a new car seat, and towel. We went for lunch in a cafe, I had Dinosaurs. I had some of Angel's delicious chocolate milkshake."
     "Cool story," he pats her head essentially dismissing her. 
     "Then I watched the rest of the second Harry Potter." Tyler's eyes widen as she keeps talking. "I want to watch the rest of them." I walk over to the sofa and sit next to Flynn in my seat. I rest my legs on his lap and he puts his hand on my bare thigh. 
    Flynn shifts his weight and pulls his phone out of his pocket, "Hello." I roll my eyes. "No, I can't today, I told you." Miley continues to talk to Tyler much to his disgust. "No, you can't come round." 
   "Flynn dear, you can invite her over." No he bloody well can't. Flynn looks at me for approval. I roll my eyes and get up. 
    "Honey, let's get you changed and go to the loo." She jumps off Tyler's lap and I keep the blanket on the couch. She grabs my hand and I lead her to the bathroom. "I'll be in your room Honey. Make sure you wash your hands when you're finished and brush your teeth like I showed you last night." She nods and I leave the room. 
    I find her some clothes to wear and sit on the bed. If Flynn invites her here then he's stupid. What's he going to say she is? His girlfriend? Miley will get confused, maybe I should take her out if he does invite her. Hell! 
    Miley enters the bedroom and I help her change into her clothes. She sits on the bed and I brush her hair. I leave it down today, I haven't planned anything anyway. I stand up and she hugs my leg as we walk into the living room. I sit her on the sofa next to Flynn. "Honey, I'm going to get dressed. Stay here with Flynn?" She nods. "Flynn play her next film please." 
   He grabs the remote and I leave the room. Please please don't be by the wall when I come back in. I find my skinny black jeans and black biker top with the string by my boobs. I put on some ankle socks and brush my hair. I consider make up but Miley is used to me without make up these days. I spray perfume on and leave my bedroom. I sigh with relief when Miley is still watching TV. 
     I walk to the back of the sofa and stroke both of their hair and Flynn touches my arm. My two favourite people in the whole world. "Mom, can I help with anything?" 
    "No honey, I'm nearly done. Sit down, I'll bring it over. Miley what would you like to drink?" Miley looks at Mom. 
    "Milk please, Nana." I'm glad she likes it. I walk around to the front of the sofa and sit next to Flynn. We watch the film for another ten minutes or so until the door goes. Mom goes to the door and opens it. 
    "Come on in Regan, it's nice to see you again." I groan and Miley crawls over Flynn's lap to get to me. She sits on my lap but faces the TV. I hold her around her middle so she feels safe. Regan comes in and greets everyone but I only nod in her direction. She sits next to Flynn where Miley was. This is going to go really well, not. "I'm just serving lunch," Mom announces. 
    Miley keeps peering at Ariel probably wondering who she is. Mom passes each of us a plate. Mom serves Miley's on her new plate. "What is that?" Miley points to her plate. 
    "It's called a waffle honey, bit like a pancake like Flynn cooked yesterday." She nods and then points again, "It's an egg muffin, baby. Just try them, if you don't like it you don't need to eat it." 
    She nods and starts cramming food in her mouth. I start doing the same, "Who is she?" Miley asks. 
    "That's my friend," Flynn says quickly. Hell, why did he agree to invite her? "Regan," Miley frowns. 
    "Hi, what's your name?" Ariel asks. I roll my eyes thankful that Miley can't see me. 
    "Miley," she looks back at the Telly and continues watching her film. We continue to eat our food in silence. Once we're finished I set Miley on Flynn's lap and then I gather up all the plates. 
     I take the stupid wrist brace off so I can wash up. "Ri," I look over to Flynn. "Tablets," I roll my eyes and grab the stupid meds and take them. I start washing up zoning out of the awkward situation around me. 
     He's deluded if he thinks this will go well. I just hope they don't upset Miley. I finish washing up and wipe the sides although Mom is a lot tidier than Flynn so it's not much. "No," Miley whines and I snap my head around to her. She's pushing Ariel away from Flynn. "No," she repeats.  
    I walk over to her and I lift her off Flynn and she clings to me. "It's okay baby, calm down." Why is she so upset? 
    "No, she can't kiss him. He's ours," I stroke the back of her hair to soothe her. Shoot me now, I knew this wouldn't end well. 
    "Regan is Flynn's girlfriend, kid. Suck it up." I glare at Tyler and he shrugs. I need to try diffuse the situation. I sit on the couch with Miley in my arms. 
    "No," she shouts at Tyler. "Angel's!" Oh hell, I nuzzle my nose in her neck and try gather my thoughts. 
     "Ty stop antagonizing her, she's just kid," I growl at him. 
     "I'm only stating the truth," he holds his hands up in defence. 
     "No, Angel is my brother's fiancee. She belongs to us," Miley insists. I widden my eyes at Flynn as if to say this is his fault. Miley grabs my hand and holds my ring hand up. "See, ours," Miley says. Tyler's eyes pop out of his head. I set Miley on the sofa and I walk to Tyler and grab his wrist and pull him to his feet and I pull him out the door. 
    "The fuck is that?" I release him and I roll my eyes. 
    "Calm down, Ty. You'll scare her. Look, for me to see her in the home I told them I was Flynn's fiancee so I could see her. Miley is worried that if I didn't have a ring then I would leave. Flynn thought that if I had a ring then she wouldn't be so insecure. It's all a show Ty, she needs to feel safe. I didn't exactly agree with it but it has eased her mind." 
    "So it isn't real?" 
    "No," I sigh. "You don't need to worry anymore Bro. I'm giving him up, I have to for her. I can't angonize over him when she needs me. I know you are keeping us apart, I'm not stupid. I don't know if I'll ever forgive you for it but it's over all the same." 
    "Lee," he whispers shocked. 
    "Don't, you should have been happy that I found someone who could fix me. Who's healed me, saved me from myself, I'd be dead without him and you still think he's bad for me. I'm only whole when he's with me. He's the only one for me, there will never be anyone else. He's treated me better than any of your friends yet he's still bad for me. If it wasn't bad enough you do this to your sister but you are hurting him too you know? Your best friend, your brother." 
    The door opens and Miley comes out crying. I pick her up and give him one last dagger before entering my apartment. I hear Flynn and Ariel in my bedroom arguing. Fucking traitor for taking her in my room. It's lucky I've accepted people in my room. "What's wrong baby?" 
     "Flynn's shouting and you left me." She cries into my neck and I sit on the sofa next to Mom. She reaches for my ring hand and examines it. 
     "I'm sorry baby, I'm never far away." I promise her. Mom frowns at the ring. 
     "Lee," she gasps. "This isn't just a ring, it's meaningful." I know, hence why I was so confused yesterday. "This would have set him back a couple of grand." I start coughing. What? 
     "What did you say?" Miley's tears dry up and she starts watching the TV. 
     "Honey these diamonds and the white gold looks like a 14ct. Not to mention the sapphire on it plus the engraving." Hell, a couple of grand? How the hell did he afford that? Tyler walks into my apartment and sits back down. He seems deep in thought. 
     Minutes later Flynn and Ariel come out of my room. Flynn frowns at us and instead of sitting down he walks to the kitchen and retrieves my brace and I roll my eyes. He joins us on the sofa and he holds it out to me. "Ri," he urges when I don't put my wrist in it. I roll my eyes and sigh. I slide my hand in and he does it up. 
    "What are your plans for today?" Mom asks. 
    "Well, I haven't decided yet but looks like I need to get her out of this environment." I glance at Flynn and Mom nods. "Honey, is there anything you'd like to do today?" I ask Miley and she looks at me. 
     "Umm, swimming!" I didn't even buy her a swimsuit. She turns to face me and jumps up and down. "Please Angel." 
     "Okay, me and you can go swimming. We can get a bus there," Flynn's hand grips my leg and I look at him and he glares at me. 
     "Are you pushing me out? I don't want you getting the bus Ri." 
     "I'm not pushing you out, I just thought you were busy with Ariel." 
     "You know I want to spend as much time as I can with her, I'll take you." 
     "We can all go, family afternoon," Mom says. Part of me is glad that I love family time now but that also pisses me off. Without Flynn I wouldn't be here, is he not thankful to Flynn at all? We discuss amongst ourselves about the plan to go swimming. This isn't how I saw today going but I wouldn't change it. 

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