Chapter 2

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I sit at an empty table at Joe's waiting for my brother to arrive. I sip on my tequila my second favourite weapon of choice to drown everything out. He better bloody hurry up or I'm leaving. I've cooled down somewhat since out argument earlier.
TYLER- I'm on my way. X
ME- You better be or I'm leaving.
He promised me dinner on him and endless drinks for a week. I cross my legs and take out my diary again. There is no way I'm going home for break. They can't ship me off two hours away from home and then summon me home when they feel like it. Anger. . . is what I'm feeling right now.
I look up to see two figures joining me at my table. I see Tyler and fuck. . .Flynn. What is this? "Sorry, Lee Lee, I got caught up." Tyler moans.
"One. . . don't call me that and two what is he doing here?" They take a seat and I stand up. I don't eat with anyone other than family.
"Lee Lee? lol." Flynn mocks.
"Sit down Riley. I was with Flynn and I ask him to join, I'm paying so who gives a shit?"
"I do, I don't do this." I use my hand to gesture from me to Flynn but look at Tyler.
"Do what? Eat a meal? Sis, you need to get out more. You spend too much time either partying or locked in your room on your own." I roll my eyes, who cares?
"I don't socialise with anyone. It's not me--" I trail off not knowing what to say. I sound stupid speaking it out loud.
"Afraid to spend time with me? Riley it's food, it's not a big deal, just sit down." Flynn says looking at me with boredom in his eyes. I slump in the seat and cross my arms. I down my tequila and his eyes burn me, literally burn me. I feel icy cold but his penetrating stare seems to heat up something inside me. I put my diary away just in case dick face here decides to toy with me.
"Double shot of T, Bro. Also, I'll have the cowboy burger with a side of onion rings. Urm. . . and the breaded mushrooms."
"How are you not fat?" Flynn scoffs. I glare at him and he laughs.
"Mind your own business." I work out a lot for one not that I'll tell him that. I run every day, sometimes twice a day if I can.
"I guess I'll go order then. Flynn you coming?" Flynn takes his eyes off me and follows Tyler to the bar. Why did I even agree to this? Tyler knows I don't do this with anyone other than family, it's one of my rules.
I get up with my bag and head to the toilet. Reeks in here and I gag. I quickly go for a wee and wash my hands. Looking in the mirror I look tired. Black rings are appearing under my worn makeup, my eyes aren't as bright as they used to be. My cheek bones pretrude more than they used to. I guess I lost a bit of weight from that dreaded day.
I retreat out the bathroom and I sit back down and they both look at me, "I thought you left." I thought about it.
"I nearly did but I needed a wee and then my drink was here." Flynn slides me my drink and I take a sip and I end up spitting it back into the glass. "The heck is that?"
"What?" Flynn throws his head back and laughs. "You don't like apple juice?"
"Don't overreact Lee. He suggested maybe that you take it easy with your drinking." Tyler cowers but Flynn keeps laughing.
"Don't overreact? Who are you two to decide what I should do? If I want to drink all day everyday I will do so." I grab the glass and I lob the juice on Flynn and he stops laughing and stands up.
I stand up too and grab my bag, "Fuck, Riley!" Flynn curses.
"Don't meddle in my life again." I yell and I walk away.
"You didn't even finish your lunch." Flynn calls from the table but I keep walking. Fucking interfering bastard. Well there goes dinner as well as lunch. I walk back to the dorms and I change into my running gear. Fucking Flynn making me run for the second time today. Well he didn't make me run the first time, no, that was my parents.
I leave the frat house and head out of campus. Why has he suddenly started watching me? My life is not his concern. Running helps clear my head, it was 6.30 pm when I left. It's dark but who gives a shit? Not like I'm scared of the dark anymore. I continue pounding my feet on the concrete pushing my body to the max. Feeling the blood pumping in my veins.
Sweat beading on my skin. Once my head is semi clear I head back to the frat house. When I reach the grass I'm aware the party is in full flow. I roll my eyes at the drunk girls on the lawn screaming in laughter. Calling for her boyfriend who seems no where in sight.
I pass the kitchen grabbing a drink as I head up the stairs not bothering to see who's here yet but I know he's here. I can feel him, fuck. . . what did I just say? Feel him? Sappy bitch. I take a shower before I make my way to the party turning the heat up to the max. It just doesn't quite go hot enough, probably for safety reasons.
I wrap a towel around me and walk into the hall. "Put some clothes on." A random red haired girl says in disgust. One fucking girl sends me over the edge. I use my forearm to push her into the wall. Her head slams against the wall and it echos in my head.
"The fuck did you say to me?" she cowers under my stare. "I live here little girl, I'll do as I please."
"Riley, the hell are you doing? Let her go." Tyler curses at me. I release her and she hurries downstairs I follow her with my eyes as I go. "Riley!" he says demanding my attention. "Where have you been?"
I walk away from him and unlock my door before I slam it. I find a tight black dress to wear tonight. I put on my black lace bra and matching panties when I hear the door open. I grab a book from my bedside table and lob it at the door. "Whoa," Flynn says as he ducks. The book falls loudly on the floor in the hallway. "What was that for?"
"Get out! No one is allowed in my room." I'm not even bothered that I'm half naked. His eyes rake my body once he stands up straight.
"Why not?" he doesn't comment on my half nakedness but his eyes don't leave my body. He shuts the door but he sits on my bed.
"Because this is my. . . personal space. Not even Tyler comes in here." Flynn rolls his eyes at me. I grab the dress from my bed and I slide it on. I fumble around trying to zip up the back of the dress. Bloody shitting annoying dress.
"You don't let anyone in your room? Ever?" he stands up and he helps me with my zip without saying a word or acknowledging my struggle. Once he pulls the zip up he sits back down.
"Nope, not ever."
"That's strange." I grab my make up bag and start reapplying the make up. He watches me as I do it. Why aren't I forcing him to leave? He gets up and starts exploring my room. I keep an eye on him whilst he does it. "No photo's, no posters, no personal items, why? Why can't people come in again?"
"I don't need worthless items in my life. They mean shit to me." I groan why did I just tell him that? I start brushing my wet hair through as he looks through the pile of books on my desk.
"Worthless items? You don't want photos? Memories?"
"Nope, who wants to remember that?" I rummage through my shoe rack and find my black high heel shoes.
"Why do you always wear black?"
"Why do you always wear black?" I fire back at him. He asks me all these question but he gives me nothing in return.
"Because it brings out my eyes," he jokes. "Now answer the question." I roll my eyes, brings out his eyes? Doubtful, blue or white would make his eyes pop. I bite my lip looking at him. I shake my head and slide my shoes on.
"It's the colour of my soul," I smirk. He throws his head back and laughs thinking I told a joke. I'm deadly serious but I'm not sure why I told him so I grin masking my truth.
"Are you ready? You really do take fucking ages."
"I didn't ask you to wait. You weren't even granted permission yet here you are," he winks at me and walks out the room holding the door open for me. Bloody arrogant fuck! I grab my phone and slide it down my bra and find my key. I slide passed his body and catch a whiff of soap and a strong musky smell and my heart skips a beat.
What the fuck was that? I shake my head and shut the door locking it behind me. I slide the key on my wrist and I look up at Flynn staring at me. I'm 5 ft 4 but damn he towers over me. "You lock your door?"
"Yes, I told you. No one in my room." I snap and walk downstairs. Nathan comes towards me and hands me a drink. He puts his arm around me and I swear I heard a growl from behind me from Flynn but I must have heard wrong. Nathan pulls me onto his lap on the sofa and I take a sip of my drink.
"Truth or dare time guys." Rainy claps her hands. She's too squealy and I cringe blocking out the noise. Her blonde hair wraps around her chin in a bob. Her green eyes shine as her sequin dress twinkles in the light. I roll my eyes, who invested this shit ass game? "Okay, Tyler. Truth or dare."
"Truth," he says simply. I thought he would choose dare. Nathan slides his hands onto my thighs circling his thumb on my bare skin. Should have put tights on.
"Who do you love most?" she asks. She must like him if she asking that. Who cares about love anyway?
"My sister," he says like it's obvious and all eyes are on me. I scoff whilst rolling my eyes. He's a bloody idiot then. "Okay, Flynn truth or dare?"
"Dare," Figures. I turn to look at Nathan and he looks down at me. I'm bored of this already. I kiss Nathan blocking out the rest of the game until I hear my name.
"Blake, truth or dare?" Matty asks. I roll my eyes and pull away from Nathan's lips. Pepperoni breath. Ew. . .
"I'm not playing." I whine.
"You have to if you are sat here. It's the rules," I roll my eyes at their fake made up rules.
"Fine, dare."
"Okay, I dare you to kiss Flynn." I cough in suprise. Kiss Flynn fucking Archer? My brother's best friend? Seriously?
"Do I need to explain the rules to you again?" Matty says smirking at me. Fuck my life. My palms are sweaty just thinking about it. Why am I nervous? I stand up and Flynn follows my lead. We stand in the middle of our little circle and I stand awkwardly.
My heart beats erratically and I gasp stepping back. "Are you nervous Riley?" Flynn whispers to me? He takes a step towards me and I don't like the way he's making me. . . feel. Flynn reaches for my face and I stop breathing. His lips claim mine and a strange current zaps through my lips travelling down my body kick starting my heart. That same minty freshness like my coffee this morning.
My body reacts to him. . . for him. My hands entwine in his hair and I hear my brother cough and I realise my legs are wrapped around Flynn's body. I unwrap myself from Flynn and I step back away from him. Fuck was that? Never have I felt that before. He made me feel so alive and he barely touched me. I storm away from the the circle and I hear many people calling my name. I grab a bottle of alcohol not even looking to see what it is and I climb the stairs two by two.
The further away I get the more clarity I can regain. I had no control of what I was doing. I lock the door behind me once I'm in my room. I kick my shoes off and I jump on my bed bouncing for a few beats. I look at the bottle, fucking whiskey, hate the stuff but it will do.
My door gets a few pounds the rest of the night but I don't answer the door. I'm back to being numb and not giving a shit. Drinking has taken that scary fear of not being in control like what happened with Flynn. He's going to joke about that now for a long time. Why would anyone dare me to kiss him anyway? My head swamps with questions but the more I drink the more they spin around. I pass out at some point in the night.
I wake dripping in sweat from a nightmare from that day. Beautiful dirty blonde curls swarm my head. Why am I remembering this shit? I look at the time and it reads 3 am. Fuck, I'm not sleeping tonight. I climb out of bed and head out the door. My head is spinning from that mank scotch.
I lock my door behind me and walk down the hall. I look at the doors, eenie meenie miney mo. Who do I choose tonight? I walk to Jesse's door and I don't knock I just walk in. It's dark but I can make out his body sleeping in the bed. I lock the door before I climb into bed with him. "Blake?" he says sleepily.
"Pick up where we left off this morn--" I don't get to finish that sentence when his lips crash to mine. This is where I forget things. When the guys use my body for their pleasure. I feel nothing, they always climax, I do not but that doesn't bother me. They all know I like it rough.
They use me, I use them. Jesse climbs on top of me placing one leg either side of me. He sits me up to unzip my dress. I move his lips off my lips and push it to my neck. I don't mind kissing on the lips to get going but during sex, no kissing. Lips stay on my body not my mouth.
Once he unzips my dress he lifts it over my head. He unclasps my bra whilst he's there and then his body presses on my body into the mattress. His body is warm yet I feel cold as ice on the inside as usual. My hands reach for his boxers and he assists me pulling the off. He reaches into his bedside table for a condom.
I hear him rip open the packet and his warm body disappears from mine. He slides my panties down and he flips me over and pushes me up onto my knees so my ass is in the air. He thrusts into me hard and he groans. He withdraws and repeats the process digging his fingers into my hips pulling me onto him with each thrust.
"Yes, Blake," Jesse hisses as he pickes up the rhythm. "So fucking good," I roll my eyes as he talks dirty to me. Sure, it makes me feel wanted but it does nothing for me. Doesn't push me any closer to a climax.
He withdraws and picks me up and pulls me on to his lap facing him. I don't look him in the eyes as I rise up and down. He kisses my neck and he bites me probably going to leave a mark. Fucking Jesse Lomax leaving marks on me. His hands cup my breasts but my nipples don't harden. I'm broken and fucked up.
He plays with my nipples not that it does anything. We spend ages changing positions until he finally comes. He collapses on top of me, his breath wafts all over my face. His breathing softens after a while and I know he's fallen asleep. God damn it, I push him off me and I get out of bed. I can't find my fucking clothes in the dark. I pick up an item of clothing and it feels like a t shirt. I pull it over my head and it swamps me. His scent invades my nose.
I leave his room, I'll get my clothes tomorrow. I walk back to my room and unlock my door with the key I have attached to my wrist for this very situation. I lock it behind me and I flop on the bed. Exercise like running and sex really help with my thoughts and it exhausts me enough to sleep. I touch my tender neck, bloody Jesse Lomax for giving me a hickey. Coffee, Vodka, party, sex, sleep. That's what my days consist of. It doesn't take me long to pass out again.

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