Chapter 21

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When I wake Flynn is still laying on his front on my back. He's breathing softly in my ear. The light is peering through the curtains. Man, what time is it? A phone rings and I groan, can't be mine nobody contacts me and besides, I've no clue where mine is. "Fuck," Flynn groans reaching clumsily for his phone. "Hello?"
"Who?" he mumbles kissing my shoulder. "Shit. . . Regan." I groan and move away from Flynn. He sits up on the bed. "Hey, I just woke up." Fucking red head. I pull the covers over me moving closer to the wall facing it. Flynn's hand places on my hip. I want to push him off me but I also don't. "Yeah, I miss you too. I'll be back in a couple of days and I'll take you somewhere nice." I'm going to be sick. I sit up and go to crawl out of bed but Flynn pushes me back down. "Don't," he growls.
I cross my arms as I sit up next to him in bed. I watch him as he talks on the phone, I don't listen to his words. I hastily yank the covers from Flynn's legs and he frowns at me, "Can I call you back later?" I crawl over between his legs and I gently bring his nipples between my teeth. I smile when his cock begins to grow harder. Flynn holds the speaker on the phone. "Riley," he warns.
I smile innocently whilst I take him in my mouth. "Christ," he hisses through his teeth. "Nothing, Regan, it's just fucking cold." I suck on him tightening my lips around him. He grabs my hair with his free hand pushing my head further down. "Yeah, course." I reach down to his knee and stroke him knowing how much it turns him on. His body jumps from the bed in shock. "Riley," he hisses. I grin, "No, I didn't. Look, I need to go. I'm getting in the shower." I know he's not far from his release, I think I know him well enough in that aspect now.
I just need to get him off the phone before then as I don't want her sharing this with me. "Yeah, bye babe." I roll my eyes and I hear his phone place on the bedside cabinet. "You're quite the green eyed monster, Ri."
"Whether this is real and that is fake, it still hurts you know. How would you feel if I had a fake boyfriend," he frowns at me and once he's thought about it he glares at me.
"Okay, Ri, I see your point. I'll break up with her when we are back, I promise. Now can you please finish what you started," he looks down as if giving me a silent command.
"Don't do anything on my account. Wouldn't want you doing something you didn't want to do." I bring him into my mouth again.
He clentches the sheets in his fists, "Ri, I only want you. She means nothing to me. Keep fucking me with your mouth." I groan at his words and he flexes his hips causing me to gag. "I love you Ri," it doesn't take long for his legs to start to stiffen. I continue to suck him and there's a knock at the door. "Fuck, great timing." He pulls the covers over me, "Ri," he says panicked as I'm not stopping. I graze his cock with my teeth and he empties himself into my mouth and I swallow every last drop.
"Bro!" Tyler calls and knocks again. I lay back on his body whilst Flynn tries to recover. He rests one hand under the covers stroking my hair.
"Come in!" Flynn calls. He still sounds a bit dazed. I hear the door open and I wonder how long I'll be under here this time. Lucky the covers are thick and I'm slim.
"Yo, I thought you were never waking up. It's nearly midday." Midday? Fucking hell, when was the last time I slept in that long? Well, not without being so intoxicated that I'm unconcious for days.
"It was a long day yesterday. That zip wire shit took it out of me and the drama with that sleezeball." I shiver at the memory and he continues to soothe me stroking my hair.
"My Dad thinks you're a legend over that. My parents love you and I guess I'm lucky Riley has accepted you too. I thought she'd be hell with you here. You know what she's like with eating around people and shit. My Dad has threatened to throw sexual assualt charges at him if he goes near her again. Brad is facing trial, my Dad hopes he will get five years plus." My body starts shaking, five years?
"Good, they deserve it." Flynn's hand distracts me whilst he strokes my hair and cheek. I didn't ask for him to be locked away for so long.
"Do you wanna go to the lido out of town today? It's new and I've been told to check it out. We go back soon, making the most of the break, you know?"
"Sounds good, bro."
"I'll go tell Riley."
"Riley's coming? Fuck sake."
"I thought you didn't mind? Well, I owe you a night out over this but is she really that much of a downer? She can be a lot worse than she's been behaving."
"I don't partically want to see your sister in a bikini that's all."
"Liar!" Tyler laughs, "You're a guy, no matter how annoying she is you can't deny she's hot. She has my genes after all. Anyway, that's why you're my best friend because you wouldn't betray me like that." I don't know what I'm more annoyed from in this sentence.
"Well, I need a bath before we go Bro. My muscle ache from all that exercise yesterday." I know what I ache from and it wasn't the assault course.
"Course, I'll see you downstairs. I'll leave you to wake my sister up," I hear the door click shut and Flynn moves the covers off me. I rest my head on his hip and he continues to stroke my hair.
"Hey, it's okay, Ri. He deserves life in there in my opinion. You're safe away from that arsehole."
I circle his other hip with my finger, "It doesn't seem right taking another life. He didn't do anything that bad."
"Not that bad? He assaulted you. No man should touch a woman like that. He made those choices, don't feel bad for that scumbag." I guess he's right, I didn't force him to lay his hands on me. "Can we bath now?"
"I umm, I've never bathed with a guy before." I say still not looking at him. I continue to swirl my finger over his hip. Well, I've bathed with Tyler when I was younger but that's different.
"Why are you embarrased about that? You know I indulge in firsts with you Ri," he reaches my chin with his hand and forces me to look at him. "You can't be embarrassed considering you wouldn't stop when your brother was coming in, my naughty girl." I giggle and he sits up. I sit up too and he kisses my lips.
He gets up off the bed and I hear the telltale sign of the pill box. He comes to me and places the pills in my mouth. I love Flynn's version of getting me to take my pills. He bends down and passes me his shirt that was discarded. He slides his boxers on, I look around the room and my clothes aren't visible thank god.
Has Flynn been storing them somewhere? Flynn walks to the door and looks out. "Out you go," I smile and walk to the door. His hand slides up my backside and I squeal. "Shh, you'll bust us." I walk out the bedroom and walk down the hall to the bathroom. I shut the door behind me and I run the bath. I tip in some bubble bath and the bathroom fills with Jasmine.
I miss my bath stuff, strawberries all the way. The room continues to steam as the bath fills. The door clicks open and I don't look around. I check the temperature leaning over the bath. "What a view first thing in the morning." I blush hiding my face from him. His hands cup my backside and pushes his top further up towards my armpits. I hold the bathtub supporting me. "One day I'll take you like this," he says and lightly slaps my ass. One day? He's leaving me wanting him to make good on his promise. "But we will never leave this bathroom if I take you now." I whine and he chuckles, "In you get," I do as he says and lower into the hot water. I turn the taps off. He gets in behind me and he pulls me back to him.
I grab his hands and his fingers slide through mine from behind. I can't get enough of touching him even simple hand holding. It's not even awkward silence between us because it feels like we are saying all we need to say with touch.
We spend ages in our own little bubble just simple touches until the bath water starts cooling down. Flynn grabs some body wash and squirts it in his hands. He lathers it up and starts rubbing his hands over my neck. Down to my breast that pucker instantly at his touch, to my abdomen which I find so sensitive. I never normally let anyone touch me there.
He doesn't linger though and slides his hand between my legs. "Flynn," I whine. Nobody has ever washed me quite like this before.
"Sorry baby, no time. Do you want to wash me?" I turn around and kneel sitting back on my heels. I grab his body wash and eagerly spread it over his abs and chest lingering as I marvel in touching him over his soft skin. I love free rein of touching him like this. I run my hands up and down his hard cock and he growls closing his eyes.
"Sorry baby, no time." I repeat his words as he relishes my touch. I take my hands off his cock and I place my legs either side of his body and grab his face. I lean down and kiss him, he's too irresistible right now. I want more time like this, more memories of Flynn. He's clouding all my bad memories.
I need many more of these memories where he fixes me slowly. To think how far I've come in a few weeks is phenomenal. I never expected any sort of change let alone this drastic. His piercing toys with my tongue again and I groan into his mouth. I don't care if we have no time, I'm not going to need long anyway. I ease onto him, "Riley," he hisses.
"Please," I whine and I move up and down. He holds my hips pushing me up and down assisting my movements. I twist my hips and he flexes his. Water begins to splash over the side but I don't care.
"I love the way your tits move up and down when you ride me," I smile and touch his parted lips with my finger.
"I love the way you pant through your parted lips, so hot." I bite my bottom lip and he raises his eyebrow.
"Christ, I'm going to come, Ri, hurry up." I love that he's trying to wait for me to climax before he lets go. I throw my head back and my body reacts to his words. I collapse on his body and he holds me as we slow our laboured breathing. "Ri, we need to get out the bath. It's cold and Tyler will come looking soon."
"I need to wash my hair," I mumble without moving.
"You are a really bad influence. I have no control where you're concerned. Turn around so I can control myself better." I do as he says and sit up. He grabs the jug from the side of the tub and he fills it with the luke warm water from the tub and he pours it on my hair.
Once it's wet he grabs the shampoo. He rubs it into my hair and a sounds grumbles out of my throat, oh that's so good. His fingertips massages my scalp, fuck. After a few minutes, he starts rinsing my hair. I'm definitely getting him to do that again another time.
"Come, we really don't have time, baby." He stands up and climbs out the bath. I look at him and he holds his hand out to me. He pulls me out the bath and wraps me in a fluffy towel. "I'll see you in a bit," he kisses me and leaves the bathroom.
I brush my teeth before leaving the bathroom. I bump into Mom in the hallway, "Oh, honey. Sleep well?"
"Yeah, I was exhausted."
"Bacon and egg sandwich before you go?" I nod.
"Yes please." I wander back to my room but I'm stopped by Tyler. I roll my eyes as he blocks my doorway.
"You, me, Flynn Lido today. We are leaving soon sis," I groan.
"Nope," I mutter.
"I wasn't asking, Lee Lee. You'll love it," I try pushing him out the way but he doesn't move. I don't want to stand here in a towel all day.
"I don't have a swimsuit."
"Bullshit, I know Mom never chucked out your clothes."
"Yeah, but I don't have a black one."
"Who cares what colour it is? Just be ready in twenty minutes." I roll my eyes and he moves out of my way so I can open my door. I slam it and lock it behind me. I rummage through my draws finding my bikini that I used to love. It's a dark teal blue colour. I used to love it as it went well with my skin colour and my eyes.
Now, I'm not particularly keen on it as it's not my usual black. I put it on without looking to see what it looks like. I put on some clean black clothes that my Mom must have washed which are folded on the drawers by the door. I grab some underwear for after swimming. I find a small bag from the wardrobe and place the underwear in it.
I walk over to my bedside table and pick my phone up. I take it of charge and I have a few text messages. One from Jesse and two from Nathan. I scan the messages, Jesse wants to know where his pictures are and Nathan wants to know if I'm alive.
I ignore both the messages and shove the phone in my back pocket. I slide on my boots and I tie my hair back. I don't bother with make up if we are going swimming. I make a detour to the airing cupboard to grab a towel. I head downstairs and Tyler and Flynn are sat eating in the dining room.
I sit down between them and Mom places a sandwich in front of me. I look at the apple juice in front of me, I drink it waiting for my coffee. Mom sits down opposite watching us eat. "Mommy, can I have a coffee please?"
"No honey, remember no caffeine, no alcohol." I groan and pick up Flynn's coffee and take a sip. He takes it back from me and places it out of my reach. "Lee, you need to be more careful. I've booked you an appointment for tomorrow."
"You've got your gross germs on my cup now," Flynn groans. I roll my eyes. I bite into my sandwich and I mutter my appreciation.
"Man, Abigail, such a good cook. Bloody banging," Flynn says stuffing his face. My Mother laughs.
"You're welcome dear, what you've done for my daughter." She blushes and quickly adds, "And of course Tyler." My mouth gapes open and food falls out of my mouth, does she know? I close my mouth, no she can't know.
"Gross Riley," Flynn shoves me with his body. I scratch my forehead, the way she worded that sentence I could have sworn she knows but we've been careful, haven't we? I shove more food back in my mouth and try distract myself. I look at Mom and she smiles sweetly at me.
"Are you taking your tablets okay, Lee?" Mom asks. I nod with my mouthful, I love Flynn's version of taking my tablets.
"Course Mom, every morning." I glance at Flynn and his mouth lifts each side. So subtle yet so significant to me. His hand slides onto my leg and I rest my cheek in my hand as my elbow rests on the table. I drink some more apple juice.
"You guys nearly ready? We are already behind schedule. It will take about an hour to get there," Tyler moans, "Can't believe you both slept the day away."
"Are you taking your car?" I look to Tyler and he looks down at me.
"Yeah, why?" I shrug.
"Good, I'm glad you're driving." I beam at him. His car, his driving.
"Actually, Flynn's driving there, I'm driving back." What? I slump back in my chair. I slide my hand under the table and put my hand over Flynn's and our fingers entwine. "Is there a problem with that?"
"Well, yeah actually. I don't trust him to drive. Why can't you drive?" I trust Flynn, I'm just putting on our little show. "He's probably really shit at driving."
Flynn snorts his objection, "Please, I'm better than him. I only let him drive as he has the better car."
"Well, I had better bring Rosie to protect me then. We're all screwed," Tyler stands up and leaves the room.
"I hope you have fun, don't leave it too late. It's supposed to rain later," Mom says. I shiver thinking of the wet roads. Tyler joins us again with Rosie in his hand. "Take my coat again Lee Lee, you'll get cold." I nod, I'm always cold except when Flynn burns me.
We stand and Tyler passes me Rosie. We head out to the car, with Rosie in tow. I wish Tyler was driving so that I can hold Flynn's hand. I'm more comfortable in Tyler's car but it still gives me bad memories. I don't know how I was always so calm at Duke. The alcohol blocked it all out but the fear is real, so surreal.

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