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(Btw the photos I put on here don't have anything to do with the chapters, I just want to share some if the cute pictures I find! :)

Before I could scoot away from the man I've despised for so long, his hands are wrapped around my waist and holding me close in something close to comfort, but his arms are too hard and caging to be comforting. Niall's arms are soft and soothing.

I don't say anything. Isn't he supposed to hate me? I mean I pissed him off pretty good from the day before I was taken.

When I try to sit up, his arms hold me back down and soon enough my sobs are slowing down.

"Get off of me." I hiccup. He reluctantly let's me go like I asked him to, is this real? Is River actually being nice to me? I never thought I would live to see the day.

"Are you okay? What happened?" He asks and it almost looks like he is actually sad for me.

"Like you care." I scoff and wipe under my eyes.

"What makes you think I don't?" He scoots closer to me.

"The only thing you ever needed me for was to do you homework, River. Other than that you never even glanced at me." I glare at him and scoot further away.

"Evanna, I've always noticed you." He softly says and sits himself next to me yet again and runs his hand through my hair. I stand up in hopes to get away from him, but he pulls me back and makes me sit on his lap.

"Bullshit." I says and struggle in his arms.

"Please, Ev. Just listen to me." His grip tightens around my waist.

"Don't call me that."

"I know I was an asshole to you, and I know I did some stupid shit but I really like you."

"Too bad I'm not interested." I finally free myself of his tight grip and start to walk down the sidewalk and head back to my house. His heavy footsteps follow me as I walk down the pavement. I pull out my phone and angrily swipe the screen heading to the number that I know will make me feel better.

"Hey Darlin'" Niall answers the phone. I giggle at the name while my heart melts. My mood changes drastically.

"Where are you?" I smile slightly and look back to see River right behind me. I glare at him and turn my attention to Niall's voice.

"I'm just over by your school." Perfect.

"Okay, great! Can you pick me up cause a creepy teenage boy is following me around like a lost puppy and I'm really fucking annoyed!" I say happily.

"What? Are you okay? Who is it?" His protective mode switches on and I hear the honk of a horn in the background.

"Please, just come get me. I'm by the park on my street." I plead and hang up before he can ask too many questions.

"Telling Alex on me?" River chuckles.

"No." I glare and see the headlights of Niall's range rover.

"Can I not be friends with you?" He asks as Niall's car comes to a stop in front of me.

"No." I roll my eyes and turn around, Niall got out of the car and he stands by my side.

"Who are you?" He angrily asks, putting a protective arm around my waist. I lean into his touch, it's so much more calming than Rivers.

"River, Nice to meet you." He smirks. "I'm a friend of Evannas."

"Please, you didn't even know my name until tenth year." I scoff. Niall's gaze stays on River as he continues to glare.

"I've lived on the same street as you for a long time. You think I didn't even know your name?" He takes a step forward and Niall's grip on my waist tightens.

"You sure didn't act like it. You were always teasing me and referred to me as 'geek girl', what makes you think I want to be friends with you after all you put me through in grade school?" I take a step back pulling Niall with me.

"And who is this?" River asks, pointing to Niall as his eyes travel down to his arm around my waist.

"Niall, Evannas boyfriend." Niall introduces himself sternly. "let's go." He whispers to me and pushes my back lightly towards the car. I do what he says and he opens the door for me. I climb I and buckle my seatbelt as Niall walks around the car, leaving a disappointed looking River standing alone as we drive off.

"What the hell was he doing with you?" Niall nearly growls. I sigh and lean my head against the window.

"Okay, after you left I said some things that I shouldn't have and left. I walked down to the park to calm myself down and I had my head in my hands while I cried and he out his arms around me. He was trying to comfort me, but his touch was just so.. cold. I didn't like it so I walked away from him and he just kept following me." I explain. Niall let's out a sigh and rests his hand on my thigh. I smile a small smile and put my hand on top of his.

"I'm sorry I left. I should have stayed to make sure you were alright." His eyes divert from the road to look at me then back.

"It's not your fault, Blondie." I smile at him.

"But still. It's my job as your boyfriend to protect you." He glances over at me again, then turns on the turn signal. I smile at his over protectiveness and squeeze his hand.

"The weird thing about it, was River actually looked like he cared. He wasn't even the slightest of an asshole like the last time I saw him." I look at Niall while he drives in the dark, he looks so attractive behind the wheel, his hand on my thigh. This moment is perfect.

"Whatever." He shrugs it off. "I don't like him." My eyes widen and I immediately prepare myself to tease him.

"Is Blondie jealous?" I gasp.

"No." he defends and takes his hand off of my thigh.

"Okay, your not jealous." I laugh and grab his hand, intertwining our fingers. He laughs, as he turns into my driveway and shuts off the car.

"What did you say to your dad?" He asks curiously, the smile vanishing from his face.

"Things that I shouldn't have." I mumble and put my head in my hands. "I brought up my mom and why she left."

"Well, shit." Niall runs his hand over his face and sighs.

"I know." I cry. "When I said it, I knew it was wrong and I still kept going. I said it to hurt him. I don't know what I'm going to do now." Niall puts his hand in my back and rubs small circles, calming me down. I lean over the console and rest my head on his shoulder. "Can you come in with me?" I sniffle.

"Of course, Darlin'" Blondie whispers and kisses my hair. "Come on." I nod and scot back over to my side, and before my hand reaches the handle, Niall has already opened the door for me. I smile at him and we walk in together.

"Dad?" I call when I open the door. Niall closes it behind him and leads me over to the living room. "Please, I'm sorry." I sob.

"Mason!" Niall calls.

"Evanna." My dad rushes to my side and holds me tight. "Where did you go? I was so worried, you were gone for a long time."

"I just went down the street." I truthfully tell him. "I'm sorry I brought up mom. I shouldn't have."

"About that." He puts his hands on my shoulders. "I need to tell you something." I look back to Niall then my dad and nod. He motions for me to sit down so Niall and I take a seat on the couch across from my dad.

"Ev, your mom didn't leave." oh god. "Your mother died."

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