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Blondie wrapped my wrist in a bandage before taking my hand again and pulling me back into that dark bedroom.

"Wait." Shit. Why did I do that? "If I'm going to be alone, could I at least have something to do?" I sigh. I didn't want to talk to him but I might as well not be in there alone with my thoughts. I'll just make myself cry.

"Uh, yeah. Sure. All the books I have down here are on the shelf by the tv." He instructs. I look back at him, expecting him to take me there himself but when he doesn't, I take it upon myself and move towards the bookshelf. His eyes never leave me as I examine what books he has.

There are only a few, but he does have good taste in books I'll give him that. I pick two. Divergent and the hunger games. I walk back towards Blondie and enter the room myself. He follows me in, shutting the door.

"I won't hand cuff you again cause I don't want you hurting yourself, but if you try to run I will have to tie you up or something." He runs a hand through his hair and looks back up at me.

I just nod, afraid to say anything, and sit back down on the bed. I am actually looking forward to reading these books. Reading isn't really my forte but maybe it will get my mind off of things.

"Alright. I'll be down later to check on you. Don't bang on the walls or anything cause the boys will be home soon."

"The boys?" I ask immediately. "Are they in on this kidnapping too?" I roll my eyes and lean back on the headboard.

"They are just my roommates." He shrugs.

"Whatever you say Blondie." I wave him off and pick up divergent. I just want him out of here so I can cry in peace.

"Niall." He corrects me.


"It's ni-" he cuts himself off and sighs. "Whatever. Goodnight princess."

"Princess? I'm far from being treated like a princess asshole!" I yell after him as he shuts the door.

"You do have quite the mouth on you don't ya?" he laughs before I hear his footsteps going up the stairs. Finally he's gone. Not for long though.

I stare at the wall for a few minutes before making myself comfortable in the arrangement of pillows and diving into my new source of entertainment.

What am I going to do without the internet?


I wake up hearing Niall's loud footsteps coming down the stairs. I close my eyes again and lay back down, hoping he won't notice I'm awake.

"Niall, what did you do?" I hear the same voice from earlier ask Niall.

"I love her, Liam. What was I supposed to do? Keep stalking her? Live my life off of pictures? I need her." Blondie sighs. His accent is unmistakeable. Wait did he say he loves me? This just got awkward. I don't even know him.

"Dude you kidnapped her." Liam argues. "Her dad is an FBI agent for crying out loud. Everyone is going to be looking for her. And you were stalking her? Niall, come on." He sounds very frustrated. That makes two of us. "Are you going to tell the others or just me?"

"Well they are going to find out about her. But they aren't going to know that she is abducted." He says sternly. He finally opens the door. The light is still on. I fell asleep reading so I didn't turn it off. Blondie walks over to me taking the book out of my hands and putting it on the night stand. Hopefully he doesn't notice my trembling hand.

"Evanna?" he whispers. I don't reply. I'm asleep. "Liam come here." He whines. Oh my god. Not only does he call me babe and princess but be whines too. So much for a manly kidnapper.

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