
3.2K 110 15

(This chapter will be switching povs)

I don't exactly know how much time I was running for, well I wasn't running the whole time... But it felt like hours. The boys should know that I'm gone soon. I didn't leave a note, or anything. That'd be dumb. But I left the window open and my small footprints in the snow.

I have been avoiding sidewalks, staying on the side of the road, leaving the least amount of tracks I could.

My phone is still, hopefully, in that mans car, leading Niall to wherever he went. That probably bought me some time.

I don't know where I am going. I really never have been in this part of London, apparently. I try to wave cars down, ask if they will tell me where I am, but none of them stop. It's like I'm invisible. Wasn't I like, everywhere on the news?

I turn around to look behind me and I start jogging again. I need to put as much space as I can in between me and Niall's house. I just hope that I will see a familiar road. That's all I'm asking for.

I wave down the next car I see. It's a teenage girl. she looks pretty nice. Either way she stops and I am thankful.

"Thank you for stopping." I smile to her as I lean against her window.

"Do you need help?" She asks.

"Well... I have no idea where I am at the moment." I give a knowing smile. "I was hoping someone would help me out with that."

"Oh, you are in Bradford. " She smiles. "Where are you trying to go?"

"My house is in London. I went to a party, got drunk and my boyfriend left me there without any way to get home." I chuckle. "Guess he's not my boyfriend anymore." Hey, I'm a pretty good liar.

"Oh my gosh! I'm on my way to London right now. I would never pick up a hitchhiker but you seem nice enough." She smiles.

"Really?" I ask in disbelief.

"Yeah. I'm going there anyways." She shrugs. "And you shouldn't be walking in this cold!"

"Thank you so much." I breathe and get into the passenger seat of her car, just as a black limo drove past.


That interview was way shorter than any other I have been to. They asked us like five questions each and then we left.

The traffic on our way home wasn't too bad, but we were about three blocks from home and there was a car stopped in the middle of the road. She was talking to someone. I get she probably saw a friend or something but could she at least pull over? Damn.

"Home sweet home." Louis sighs as the limo stops in front of the complex.

"Do you guys think that Evanna would like to go see a movie or something?" I ask them as Liam unlocks the front door

"Not with you." Zayn snorts and walks inside. I shake my head and walk in after him.

"Ev!" I call. The house is dead silent. She must have fallen asleep. I run downstairs and check her room first. She's not there. She showered though... I hope she didn't hurt herself again.

I start to panic as I run upstairs and check the living room. Nothing. I run my hands through my quiffed hair and run upstairs to our rooms. I check Harry's first. Still, nothing. Same in everyone's rooms. Empty. The house is empty. Evanna is gone.

I stop In my tracks when I get chills. It's cold in here. The heat is on, so... a window. I run back into my room and check the window. Won't budge. How did she get out? I go into the bathroom and check the window there, that one is locked too. Until I catch my eye on the smaller one. It's open half way. There is no way Ev could fit through there. Yeah, she is skinny but not tiny bathroom window skinny.

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