xv - Fortress Chaos

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-- Halsey --

Once a prophecy said...

They shall begin their way;
The acquaintances must get her
And they shall conclude--
The next labours of the Zealots.

Yes, Diana. We're coming, even if Nate's not with us.

"Okay, last one on the top!" said Notch. That soon, Lukas has filled the last block missing.

"There..." mumbled Lukas, graciously, as he admire the border that he built.

"Okay, stop mumbling around now. You must make a spark now on that portal of yours." Jessica snapped with her crossed arms.

But before she could end up her line, Lukas is now climbing down the scaffold and ending up standing in front of the portal.
Then, Lu pulled his flint and steel and walks up towards the obsidian border and made up a spark that soon glimmers in a violet walkway.

"Ready guys...?" asked Lukas, stunned, not even removing his attention from the portal.

"Born to be..." replied Jessica.

"Oh, let's not waste any moment... let's go!" snapped Notch, as he walks toward the portal and disappearing behind the violet passage.

I walked after him, and see the Nether in front of my eyes. And to see Notch standing, a few blocks away from the portal, looking at the view with wonder on his eyes.

I walk up over and stopping beside him to hear he say, "The Nether seemed it has to be every time I visit it."

"Yeah, no changes at all."

Then, someone I knew snapped and ruined the moment, "Of course, what do you expect Nether everytime you're stepping out of that portal? Heaven?"

I looked behind to see, Jessica scoffing, and with Lukas walking behind her.

"You always knew how to ruin a moment, Jae." Lukas ended.

"Okay, enough. We have a job to take care of, let's just proceed, shall we?" asked Notch.

"That's fair." Jessica replied.

"Oh, you're not going to tell us we're walking again, aren't you?" questioned Lukas.

"Yes, I won't. Because I'm too lazy to go and too busy to make my legs stomp to those lava out there." Notch answered.

Jessica scoffed, "Huh, another lazy-bones on our side, I see. What are we going to do then?"

Notch pulled a strange-block out of his inventory. It was colouring in orange with wires and codes on it. "We're not doing anything."

And after he said that, we have been arrived to the fortress as we looked around.

Typical fortress it is, Netherbricks, fences and torches, and bridging maze on the go.

"Okay... something odd. Well that's what Nether is about, something 'odd'."

Lukas agreed, "You're right, Hals. But where's the castle?"

We looked at the very middle of the fortress and saw Bastion Remnant instead of a towering castle.

"I think we have misplaced. This is not the place we're supposed to be. Notch, I think you might have--" I said, but stopping on my end line as I looked behind and finding out that there is no Notch in there. "Notch..?"

I started to look everywhere and to find nothing, "Guys, have you seen Notch?"

"No, I haven't." answered Jessica, summoning at my back, suspiciously.

I looked at her and hung for a moment, but Lukas snapped that catches my attention, "I think Notch have teleported us out here while he on the other fortress."

"So, if we are here... he might be on the other fortress where the castle is?" guessed Jessica.

"Indeed you are, Jae. But if he's the lord and he knows everything, there might be a good reason why does he send us in here!"

"So, what are we waiting for? Let's go and find something Notch meant us to find without him." I protested.

"Without him." Lukas repeated.

We nodded at each other and soon, making it on the fortress.

After a few turns and staircases; we've finally reached the Bastion Remnant that's located at the very heart of the fortress.

This is very rare in the history of the Nether. Finding fortress and Bastion Remnant at once is sporadic or perhaps... suspicious. They mustn't be generated on their own, must they?

...or they're not produced for no intentions, is there?

I guess there is...

"Okay, this is getting very doubtful now..." said Lukas.

"A Bastion Remnant and a Fortress all at once? Pretty making me curious I guess." Jessica commented.

"I think this is not intended to be generated here for no reason, is there?"

They looked at me at once, confused.

"Of course, fortress and Bastion are obviously different structures and they should not be placing in one place together, should they? This is generated."

"Oh, 'this is generated' by whom?" asked Jessica, scoffing.

"Of course the beast himself-Herobrine."

"You dare to speak his name!" commented Jessica.

"At least it made sense." Lukas defended.

I smiled at him.

"Fine, fine. Let's go then." Jessica ended.

He smiled back.

And with that, we smiled at each other, and completely ignoring Jessica that's making her way to the Bastion alone.

She turned to us when we didn't come after, "What?!"

"Shall we?" asked Lukas, straightening his hands.

I took his soft and delicate hands, "Not yet minding."

We smiled at each other as we made our paths close to Jessica, hand-in-hand.


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