Chapter 25: Libraries and Hospital Wings

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Hermione, Dean, and Seamus were suddenly spending quite a lot more time together. Harry thought it to be suspicious, but Ron rolled his eyes.

"Merlin Harry, you think everyone is always up to something."

"I do not!"

"Whatever you say," the ginger replied, rolling his eyes again.

Hermione had asked Draco  to meet her in the library, since they were on the best terms out of the three. Surprise it was, when Draco entered and found the three of them, devilish smirks.

"Hello, Malfoy," Deam smirked. "How's it going?" Assuming this was a trap of some sort, the blond pulled out his wand and pointed it at the three, betrayal in his eyes as he stared at Hermione.

"Woah there, drama queen. Put the wand down, we won't hurt you," Seamus rolled his eyes.

"I am not a drama queen. And how do I know you aren't lying?" He heard Seamus mutter 'drama queen' again as the three took out their wands and rolled them on the ground towards Draco's feet. He picked them up, and handed them back. The three looked at him bewildered. Draco merely rolled his eyes.

"You get them back, because when you gave them to me, you showed you wouldn't hex me. And seeing the look on all of your faces, it wasn't expected, so you obviously didn't plan that. Honeslty, aren't you supposed to be smart, Granger?" Hermione flushed at that, looking at her feet, somewhat embarrassed. "Why am I here, again?"

"We have matters to discuss with you," Dean said, pocketing him want back in his robes. "Sit, why don't you?" The Slytherin nodded, taking a seat at the nearest table, the others doing the same. "Let's get straight to the point, shall we?"

"Alright," Draco responded hesitantly, not sure what exactly the point was.

"We know you fancy Harry," Seamus said, a grin spread wide across his face. Draco flushed, as Dean admired the goofy grin his boyfriend was sporting, before looking at Draco's red face his face also breaking into a grin. 

"Wha-I don't, why do you-of course I don't fancy Potter! Have you lost your marbles?"

"The blushing says otherwise, Malfoy."

"I am not blushing! Malfoy's don't blush, Finnigan!"

"Good thing you're not a Malfoy then. Or, you won't be for long at least," Dean smirked, and Draco got redder. Hermione rolled her eyes.

"Anyway, don't deny it, because we know. And it's your lucky day, because we're going to get you guys together," Seamus said.

"You guys are stupid, Harry's straight," Draco muttered. Dean and Seamus laughed at this.

"If we thought he was straight, would we be trying to get you two together?"

"Why are you trying to set us up anyway? I'm a death eater, and he's the bloody savior, it would never work out."

"Ex-death eater," Hermione said. "And it's obvious you've changed."

"How would you know if I've changed, I've never even done anything but insult you. And Harry and I don't even talk to each other, so your little plan probably won't work," the blond says, pointing a finger at the three.

"You can drop this stupid act right now Malfoy, Hermione's already told us everything. And you called him Harry, which was a dead giveaway."

"Granger, how hard is it to keep one bloody secret?! Merlin, you Gryffindors have no morals."

"It was essential I told them, or else Operation Drarry would have gone nowhere."

"What's Operation Drarry?"

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