Chapter 11: Did I just call Malfoy cute?

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Seeing as though the entire school would go bonkers if they ever found out they were friends, Scarhead and Ferret had decided to keep their newly found friendship a secret. Even so, they were together all the time. Always sneaking off when classes were over, usually hanging out in the library or the lake. The only problem, what the queasy feeling Harry got in his stomach every time he was with Malfoy. He assumed he must be allergic to something, perhaps his cologne?

Draco, on the other hand, was going quite insane spending all this time with Potter. It was all he could do not to kiss him, or hug him, or hold his hand. He had to keep reminding himself over and over again that Ha-Potter was straight. Still, the friendship was intoxicating, filling the blond's mind with unrealistic hope.


"I'm telling you 'Mione, Harry's got a secret girlfriend or something!" Ron stated. The two had noticed Harry's frequent disappearances. And he was happier than before. Not quite happy yet, but happier. 

"Well Ron, even if your right, we shouldn't go about pestering him with it. Whoever this mystery girl is, is good for him."


"No, Ron. Harry will tell us when he wants, and that's if he's even got a girlfriend."

The ginger sighed in defeat. "Alright Hermione." Hermione nodded, stood up, and went to her room. Pansy was there, doing her potions homework. When the bushy-haired girl walked in, Pansy looked up, a smile forming on her lips.

Pansy had liked Hermione since their sixth year. She had never told anyone this, not even Draco. Although, he did know she was lesbian. 

"Hey Pansy," Hermione said, flopping onto her bed.

"Something wrong?" she asked, with a bit of humor in her voice.

"Well, Ronald thinks Harry's got a secret girlfriend now. I mean honestly, I think I would be able to tell if my bro-best friend had a girlfriend."

"You can call him your brother you know, its alright. I refer to Draco as my brother all the time," Pansy exclaimed, walking over and sitting on the edge of Hermione's bed.

"I know, it's just...nevermind. Anyway, how are you, Pansy. I feel awful coming in here and blabbing about all my problems."

"Honestly Hermione, its alright. And I'm doing great thanks." There was a silence, that was awkward, and yet...comfortable. But, Pansy broke it by saying, "Wanna play a game?"

"Sure." Hermione sat up on the bed, facing the other girl. "What game?"

"I'm not sure really. Don't know why I said that." Pansy blushed. "How about we just get to know each other a bit?"

"Okay," Hermione replied, and thought before saying, "What's your favourite class here?"

"Probably Defense Against the Dark Arts to be honest. My favourite teacher was Professor Lupin though. He was practically the only one who wasn't evil, besides Professor Snape, and Lockhart. Though he was a big fraud so, yeah."

"You would have loved the DA then. We had one of the best teachers ever."

"Really, who?" Pansy questioned, growing quite intrigued.

"Me." Hermione and Pansy both jumped.

"Harry! When did you get here?" Hermione asked, still recovering from the slight scare.

"Somewhere around Lockhart being a fraud. And might I add, Parkinson, that I wholeheartedly agree."

"What I meant was why are you here? Shouldn't you be off with your gir-" She stopped herself there, and cleared her throat. Harry furrowed his brows, looking her dead in the eye.

"Be off with who?" He asked, confusion spread all over his face, before looking at Parkinson, his eyes going wide. "What me? No, I have no idea what your talking about. Well, I better get going. Lots of homework. Bye!" he rambled, quickly exiting and shutting the door behind him. 

"Well, that was odd." Pansy said, puzzling over his strange reaction. Hermione looked at her, studying her face. But all she saw was perplexity. Funny, she could have sworn Pansy had had something to do with Harry's strange departure.

"Yes, it was."


Harry paced his room, thoughts running in his head like crazy.

Did Malfoy tell Parkinson? Did she tell Hermione?  Will she care? I mean, is there really anything wrong with being friends with him? He's not evil or mean or bitter. He's kind, sarcastic, bit of a drama queen, not to mention that he whines all the time. It's cute, really. Did I just call Malfoy cute?! No, I didn't say that, the stupid voice in my head did. Oh, shut up. Wait, did I just tell myself to shut up? Merlin this is getting confusing.

Harry groaned in frustration, and went out into the common room. On the way, he ran into someone, falling down from the impact. Malfoy.

"Sorry," the blond said. "Didn't see you. Merlin Potter, are you okay?" He reached out his hand for the other to take. Harry was just about to do so, when a door opened. He mouthed a quick 'sorry' before yelling, "Watch where you're going, Potter."

"Shut up, Malfoy," Harry growled back, before standing himself up. Dean and Seamus just walked past the two, giving them odd looks.


"This might be harder than we thought, D." Seamus said as the walked into the common room after Harry and the Slytherin's little dispute.

"I don't think so. The sparks are already there, they just have to realize it. Besides, after our plan, they'll be together within the week." Dean responded, laughing slightly.

"Yeah, I guess your right. Now get over here and kiss me," Seamus demanded, turning to face the taller boy. Dean chuckled before caressing Seamus's face and pulling him into a loving kiss. Merlin, his boyfriend was great.


A/N: Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii guys. How's it going? About the title, I guess it was kinda leading you on, in a way, but I literally could not think of anything else. Also, do any of you know what Dean and Seamus are planning, because I don't...yeah, I should probably get that figured out. I just don't know if I want to go stereotypical Drarry story, or something kinda original. Anyway, hope you liked the chapter. Have a delightful day!

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