Chapter 9

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(Narrator pov)

Papyrus- He was your... Boyfriend after all...

Classic then got a major headache soon he fell to the ground grasping his head, his headache got more intense as time went by, papyrus soon helped sans up and carried him to his room and laid him down, he wanted to stay with classic, but classic insisted to be alone, so papyrus left classic with his thoughts, classic soon fell asleep even with his headache.

~ In classic's dream / Classic pov ~

I found myself laying down on the floor, I slowly got up with a groan but then I saw myself and 'Red' laying in bed together I was confused then I saw 'Red' wake up and tilt his head, and I noticed he blushed a bit, and after a few minutes I noticed I shifted a bit and 'Red' moved a bit and got from under me, then he sighed, I noticed 'Red' grabbed some paper and wrote a note and I read

'Dear classic if you wake up and im not here don't worry I went for a tiny walk if I don't return by morning then im most likely dead


I noticed 'Red' leave the building so I followed him, I felt like I had to for some reason, I feel as if this red person is important to me but I don't exactly know why, I followed 'Red' into the forest i heard a snap and turned around and it seemed 'Red' did too, but luckily it was only a bunny, although that was quite strange. 'Red' walked over to it then knelt down petting the bunny, then i saw people come out from the bushes and grab 'Red' From behind while someone else covered his mouth, I tried to yell to save 'Red' but nothing came out so now i can only watch and see how it goes... i saw 'Red' try to free himself but it was no use, then i saw a monster kick 'Red' in the spine... sending him to the snow faster than you can blink... there were surrounding him i looked away and i could hear bones snapping and cracking... i looked back and 'Red' started to fight back and i somewhat smiled i don't like violence but they beat up this person for no reason! Then i saw red had a red bone in his hand and dust all around him, then i saw him turn around so i did too, and i saw a civilian running towards snowdin, i still did not know how to feel, he dusted all those monsters but... they started first.... m-maybe what 'Red' did was not so bad at all? i mean it is bad but i like to think of it as self defence (idk how to spell T^T) and i think by what he is wearing i think he is from a different universe i believe i think from the description ink gave me for au's 'Red' is from underfell and ink told me that place is not as loving as the rest so i need to keep that in mind. anyways i followed 'Red' back home, he cleaned his jacket and as soon as it was done he put it back on and headed back to the room then i noticed that he threw away the note then got on top of me? and kissed my forehead!? then he fell asleep... i dot know why he would kiss my forehead but maybe... papyrus said 3 years ago he was my boyfriend... i wonder what happened... Suddenly the night turned to day in a second...

I saw my eyes slowly open and I saw myself blush, maybe because it was because 'Red' was on top of him. I saw myself try to get up but got hugged by 'Red' I saw myself sigh and he just laid there, both of us sat there for awhile then I saw 'Red' slowly wake up and he flushed and got of of me? if that makes sense I don't know. The 2 talked for awhile then I saw them exit the house and start walking then I soon recognized where they were heading... They were heading to when 'Red' killed those monsters... Then I saw myself make a hard stop I looked ahead and I don't know what to think, because I know what they did to him first but... my past self doesn't... The 2 talked about what laid infront of them... red acting a bit then I saw the bunny that ran come forward with a few others. The bunny girl then escalated the whole situation...

???- What if I said I saw 'Red' kill those monsters

Then everything took a turn for the worst... I saw the group of monsters back up and walk away meanwhile the 2 bickered I decided to follow the group and I saw them huddle.

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