Chapter 8

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{Narrator pov}

Red was just sitting in his house that he built then he looked at the time, he jumped up and got ready then left. He made his way to waterfall and knocked on the gray door before coming in, then saw G, He walked up to him and sat down, and started talking with G.

You Must be wondering what in the world is going on and who is G?

Well that's easy to answer.

It has been 3 years since the last event or rather the fight between red and classic, And red he went into the forest and over time he made a small cabin no one can find and 1 year ago he found or more rather wondered into waterfall and came across a gray door and of course he knew who that led to the one and only G, or better known as Gaster. he walked in they talked and over time red always came over to talk to G but G always told red to go at a sertin time but red never questioned it, but he does miss classic but he does not let that dwell on him and his actions. But with Classic and papyrus, papyrus was sad for a short time because he missed red, but over time he decided to hid it since Classic was upset with red at the time but now Classic has completely forgotten about red, he only remembers a red jacket so he always was on the watch for the red jacket, he also often visited G, but he could stay longer than red, Now that I have you guys caught up lets continue.

Red- Also G before I leave I wanna bring you a book tomorrow ok?

G- *smiles*

Red- heh alright i'll be on my way now bye!

Red picked up his stuff and put them away then he made his way to the door. he exited the room and closed the door then he made his way back into the forest.

{Meanwhile with classic}

Classic was on his way to talk with G he had come early so he could talk more with G, but when he made his way to the door, as soon as he was about to turn the corner he saw the door open, he hid around the corner and waited to see who they were, then classic's eyes widened. His vision went blurry for a second because of the water, causing him not to get a good look at the person and once he cleared his eyes he saw a red jacket enter the forest, Classic wanted to follow because he was confused and sorta shocked that after 3 years he saw the red jacket that haunted him, since none of the monsters he was familiar with. But he did not follow he decided to ask G who that was, and if he did not tell then he will follow him tomorrow. Classic went to the gray door and just entered then walked straight to G.

Classic- Hey G, who was that?

G- *shrug and confused face*

Classic- you know what I mean G, the one with the red jacket

G- *signs* 'That was my friend he visits everyday'

Classic- Do you know his name?

G- *signs* 'He wishes to be secret but his name starts with R'

Classic- R.... that sound familiar.....

G- *signs* 'he used to know you but you soon forgot about him'

Classic- Wait I used to know him then why aren't you telling me everything?

G- *signs* 'Like I said he wishes to be a secret and I promised him'

Classic- fine... now anyways how are you

The 2 talked meanwhile red went back to his cabin and went to sleep, the 2 had very different plans for tonight red had his normal plans and classic plans to go early and see who the red jacket is.

Night falls and as quickly as it falls the sun rises.

Red looked at the clock and saw he had a few hours before he visited G, so he cooked he ate he read, and finally it was time to see G. Red got ready and took a book with him then headed to waterfall, then once he reached the door he knocked and then walked in, closing the door behind him, he walked up G immediately and sat down taking out the book.

Red- Hey G! look here is the book

G- *smiles*

Red- I knew you would like it!, after all it is about hands and I can also learn while we read!

G- *smiles larger*

Red- heh welp lets get reading then

The 2 red for the whole time together that he did not notice he stayed over the would normally him and G were talking to each other in signs as they read. (the book is dictionary sized) The 2 had so much fun signing to each other and reading they did not notice the door opening and closing. Meanwhile classic had just walked in and saw the red jacket person and it seemed neither of the 2 noticed classic was there, classic slowly walked up to the 2 but before he could reach the main room the jacket person got up

Red- I would love to stay here more but it seems I have over did my stay, I hope to see you again tomorrow G!

G- *signs* 'you too red'

Red- See ya!

Classic panicked and teleported out of the room and around the corner which he was around last time. then he saw the door open, this time he saw the person clearly it was a skeleton like him and he looked very familiar it was at the tip of his tongue. But then he remembered what G signed to him 'you too red'. Classic thought about it then realized the figure he quickly walked after it, soon after a bit he found him and 'Red' was still walking finally they got to a small cabin where 'Red' sighed and walked right in, classic just looked at the place it was in snowdin and this is a deep hart of the forest, classic wanted to talk to the person but he wanted to wait till tomorrow, Classic soon walked into the forest getting closer to his home, he decided just to walk around the forest and go home since he did not know which way he came from. Once he got home he called to papyrus and papyrus was in the kitchen but a little sad

Classic- Why so chilled to the bone bro?

Papyrus- its nothing brother just miss someone

Classic- miss who bro?

Papyrus- nobody brother... you don't exactly like the person anyway...

Classic- just tell me who bro

papyrus- fine, his name was red, he lived with us until 3 years ago but when you guys went out and came back, you came back angry and you did not want me to say or speak of red... I just miss him... and I heard from a monster that 3 years ago he was getting bullied or something because he was different? I did not know what it ment. so yeah. I just miss red...

Classic soon paused.... after hearing this description he knew who his brother was talking about but it did not click.... he needed a push for his memories to come back...

Classic- Bro if you don't mind can you tell me more about this red fella, it seems I have forgotten about him

Papyrus- Surprising that you forgot him...

Classic- what do you mean?

Papyrus- I mean he was....

To Be continued

{Thank you for reading chapter 8!}

{1291 words written}

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