Chapter 7

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{Bullying and Cursing}

(Narrator pov)

Classic pulled his hips back and as soon as he was about to trust inside of red they both heard the front door open loudly.


Both boys quickly went to put on there clothes and clean up. As soon as they finished papyrus barged into the room.


Red & Classic- Hey pap/bro...

Papyrus- Well I just wanted to know if you 2 were awake you would usually be asleep though

Classic- Really? I did not think so I think that's really-

Papyrus- Brother No

Classic- SANS-sational!

Papyrus- Sans! no puns!

Classic- Aw, why not bro?

Papyrus- you know I hate them brother

Classic- fine fine, but no promises

Papyrus- *sigh* I'll be heading out then I just wanted to tell you both that I was here Bye sans by red!

Classic and Red- Bye Pap/Bro

Papyrus soon closed the door and red just crouched down and tried to sleep on the floor Blushing, remembering what just happened before papyrus interrupted. Then Classic kneeled down and got close to red's ear.

Classic- We will finish this later~

And with that classic left red a blushing mess, The day went on somewhat normally Red sat In the room all day just thinking and sleeping, Then classic walked in while red was sleeping. He walked up to the bed and got ontop of red and fell asleep on him. During the night red woke up and felt something warm ontop of him, Hugging him. Red moved his head a little to see classic ontop of him sleeping, red blushed, Red wanted to go for a tiny walk but was aware that if he moved then the same thing might happen like yesterday, So he stayed, besides he did not papyrus hearing his moans. A few hours passed and classic started to shift a little bit, Making it so he was half ontop of red, red took this opportunity to move from under classic, once he got out he sighed. He found some paper and a pen then left a note for classic if he woke up, then left the building. It was night right now, you could barely tell but everywhere had a dark tint suggesting it was night time. Red walked through snowdin enjoying the silence then he heard a snap he turned around quick but it was only a bunny he walked over to it, which was slightly in the forest and knelt down petting the bunny, then all of a sudden he got grabbed from behind while someone covered his mouth so he could not scream nor, speak. Red tried to wriggle from there grip but ended up getting kicked in the spine, sending red down to the snow in an instant. Red looked up and saw small figures they were shadowy but he could tell they were not monsters from snowdin, red then tried to get up but one of the monsters put one of there feet on him pushing him down then red got ready to attack the monsters did not back down, they red started to slay them one by one, when he finally dusted them all he put down his attacks then he heard a scream he turned around quickly and saw one of the civilians running towards snowdin

Red- 'Well sh*t'

Red thought he could care less though but thank got he put on his hoodie, because they probably would have suspected classic if he did not, then red made his way back to the house, he teleported into the kitchen, since it was still nighttime. He took off his jacket and put it in the washer since they was monster dust all over it, he turned it on and it was luckily not that loud, after awhile red's jacket was finally washed and dried he put his jacket back on and went up to classic's room. Once he got in he saw classic still sleeping, red threw away the note because it was no longer important and decided to do something risky, he got ontop of classic and kissed classic's forehead then fell asleep.

In the morning classic's eyes slowly opened and blushed quickly when he saw red ontop of him, he did not know why though, classic went to get up but was instantly hugged by red, Classic sighed and stayed where he was until red woke up. A few hours later red's eyes slowly opened to be met with classics, red flushed quickly and got off of classic

Classic- Morning red

Red- m-morning classic heh

Classic- So what do you wanna do today?

Red- I don't know

Classic- we could walk around the forest?

Red- 'sh*t' sure 'why the f*ck did I say that!?'

Classic- you ok red your sweating?

Red- huh oh no im fine, lets go

The 2 got ready and made there way downstairs, surprisingly they were up before papyrus so it was really early, the 2 exited the house and made there way to the forest. not knowing some people followed. The 2 walked and talked until classic made a hard stop.

Red- anyways like I- um classic you ok?

Classic- Red....look forward.....

Red- um ok-

Red looked straight ahead and stopped abruptly it was dust.... he knew whose dust it was and who the culprit was, knowing this red gulped silently.

Classic- what monster would do this...

Red- 'sh*t'

Classic- I will find this person and give them a piece of my mind... what are your thought of this red... Red?

Red- U-um well, 'sh*t!' I agree w-with you

Classic- are you ok?

Red- w-well since I've *gulp* been away from m-my universe for a long time I thought t-this one was safe so...

Classic- It's okay red. Don't worry we will find the person and get rid of them

Red- y-yeah

???- What if we said that person is your friend

The 2 turned around quickly and saw a group of monsters with pitch forks and torches, red saw a monster in the front and it was that monster from last night, red cursed at himself in his mind, meanwhile classic did not know what to think.

Classic- w-what

???- what if I said I saw 'Red' kill those monsters

Classic- he would never!, red you did not do this did you

Red- '*lots of cursing*' um... it was for a good reason ok!

Classic- what good reason is there to kill monsters!

Red- you know my history classic, its not something you can just drop

Classic- But still!

The 2 continued arguing and the monsters have left, they came here to do what they came to do, then the argument got more heated as time went on. Then classic shoved red into the snow.

Classic- I don't know why I dated you in the first place. you just kill, you probably never even loved me...


Classic- Don't show your face around me ever again

Red- B-but classic I-

And like that.... Classic was gone.... Red sat in the snow..... helpless... he sat there not knowing what to do... he felt like crying and his soul felt like it was shattered, Red then got up and walked deeper into the forest....

To Be Continued

{thank you for reading chapter 7 also sorry these took so long TvT School takes allot of energy}

{1235 words written}

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