8: His choice

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The next day Taehyung and Jungkook had spent the whole day in a jealous battle. Wanting to be the one to help Jimin and take care of him in such an intimate way. Thumb wars, arm wrestles, singing battles, rap battles and video game tournaments where happening constantly. At the end of that day Jimin sighed in frustration. He didn't know what to do. He didn't want to tear the two friends apart but it was obvious their jealousy was getting the best of them. Not to mention he didn't know who to choose. There where so many reasons to choose either of them.

He frowned deeply, rubbing his eyes out of exhaustion and holding his head in his hands while he sat anxiously on the couch. "-you're kidding! You know for a fact I'm so much more gentle than you!!" Taehyungs yelling became clear once again as the two of Jimins roommates brought their fight into the living room. "Why do you even want to be chosen, huh?? Are you a nasty pervert?!" Jungkook yelled back in retaliation. "I could say the same about you!" The elder yelled, getting closer to Jungkooks face in anger. "That doesn't answer my question, idiot!" Jimin whines at their fighting and finally stood up.

He ran to the two of them and pushed them away from each other, getting in the middle. "Would you guys stop already?! You've been like this all day!" He exclaimed, tired and with a headache. "Listen.. I don't know who I'm picking yet.. you have to wait until the deadline tomorrow. So please.. stop with the fighting. It's making me not want to choose either of you!" He admitted. Taehyung pouted sadly, "I'm sorry Jimin..." and Jungkook looked down, hiding his eyes behind his long black curly hair, rubbing the back of his neck. "I'm.. s-sorry too.." he said shyly. "This.. is gonna be a long 24 hours.."

At 02:37 Jimin lay awake in his bed, laying on his back and staring at the ceiling with stress still weighing down on his chest, feeling like someone had been sitting on him. "Dammit.." he muttered to himself, tossing himself to the left and looking lazily out the window. His body was so exhausted but his eyes and brain where wide awake. His thoughts running crazily like a stampede of wild horses. Taehyung. Jungkook. He just couldn't decide. He didn't really know how he felt about either of them. He hadn't exactly ever had a real healthy relationship. The only one he had was with.. he shook his head. He didn't wanna think about that man again.

On one hand, Taehyung was creative and inspiring. As well as extremely talented. He was fancy, elegant, regal. Yet at the same time he was kind, gentle, honest, friendly and cute. He would be the type to cup your cheeks in a gentle manner, like holding a warm coffee cup in snowy weather. On the other, Jungkook was humorous, fun, athletic, dark aesthetic, manly and sarcastic And yet quiet, shy, soft hearted and kind. He would be the type to do push-ups above you and kiss you every time he went down, and be jealous and protective of you always. Jimin liked such different things about both of them. And he knew for a fact they would both be gentle with him and treat him well.

He just couldn't choose.


It was time. Jimin stood in front of the couch as the two of them sat at opposite ends. "Well. The time has come Chim." Taehyung said, nervously fiddling with his hands. "Yeah.. time for you to choose who you want to have.. s-sex with." Jungkook said, becoming shy at the word sex. Jimin bit his lip and looked at his feet with an uneasy sigh. "There's so many things about both of you I love. I love such different things about both of you. I trust you both so much and I love your friendship together... I just.." he looks at each of their faces, studying their expressions before closing his eyes and coming out with it. "So I'm choosing neither."

"What?!" Jungkook exclaimed in shock. "But why Jimin..?" Taehyung asked gently. "I just.. I cant pick between you two... it's just.. it's too hard for me I can't do it.. I'm sorry." The three of them stayed completely silent, only listening to the breeze from outside. "Then.. you don't have to choose." Taehyung states, standing up very seriously. "W-what do you mean..?" Jimin asks shakily. "Take is both." Taehyung says. Jungkook thinks quietly before nodding to himself and standing up too, looking straight into Jimin's eyes very seriously. "I.. I agree.. let us both help you Jimin.. let us take care of you." He says, a very sweet smile on his face, his voice calm and gentle.

"B-but.. that'll be awkward.. a-and-.." he starts, his cheeks turning a deep red hue. They both walk forward, each taking one of his hands. "We're okay with it Jimin.." Jungkook states. "We don't mind sharing you at all. We just want to take care of you. But it's up to you. You get the final say." The taller brunette says. The two of them look at him expectantly, waiting for an answer. "B-but.. how.. how could I possibly do it with both of you.. I don't understand." He says softly. "Does that go against what Dr.Kim said..?" Jimin asks shyly. "Why don't you let us show you how Jimin." Taehyung says, inching closer to Jimin as his voice deepens.

Jungkook chuckles and comes closer to him too. "It's your decision Jimin. But we would be more than happy to oblige in taking care of you together. Just say the word and we're yours." He says, his voice deep and husky. Jimin gulped thickly, biting his plump and pink lower lip. He thought long and hard. It would help him. They wouldn't fight and Jimin didn't have to choose between them. He couldn't exactly see anything wrong with this conclusion. So he took a big deep breath and looked up at them. "Y-yes.." he says. "Please.. take care of me.. both of you.." his voice calls out. Well, he didn't have to tell them twice.

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