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Taehyung came in to a mostly quiet house. He could hear Jungkook shouting at his game upstairs all the way from the front door and he began to laugh quietly. As he came into the livingroom he saw Jimin on the couch, holding a cup of some kind of warm liquid with his eyes fixed on the tv. He looked cute and snuggly. "Hey Chim!" Taehyung called out to him, smiling wider when the small blonde smiled back at him. "Welcome home! How was the shoot?" He asked, getting up from the couch to greet his roommate at the door. "It was good.. but unfortunately we're filming my last episode soon." He says with a heavy heart.

"But then we can all watch it together. I think you'll like it." The taller male says as he makes his way into the living room. "Jungkook made dinner.. your plate is in the microwave." The smaller male said as he picked up his mug again and took a sip. "Hey.. I wanna show you something. Wait here." The brunette spoke before quickly jogging up the stairs, fetching his saxophone from its case and bringing it down. "Wow! I didn't know you could play that!" Jimin says, excitement taking over his face. "Oh yeah. I'm not exactly great at it but I have a lot of fun with it!" He says before putting the mouth piece to his lips.

Jimin listened with a smile. Even when Taehyung played the wrong notes every now and then, he still smiled and admired him. When he was finished the performance, Jimin stood and clapped for the taller male. "Wow! That was amazing!!" He exclaimed in a cute voice. Taehyung grinned widely at the compliment. Jimin was just much too kind. "Thanks, Chim. Anyways, Tomorrow Jungkook and I planned to go to the club a few cities over and we'd really like you to come with us." He said, flashing his dashing smile and inching closer to Jimin. The elder of the two flushed deeply and began to feel extra shy.

"I.. Really don't know about that.. You guys know how shy I am." He spoke gently, shaking his head quickly. Taehyung sighed sadly. With the two of them, Jimin has become more open over time and he really loves his lively personality. He reached forward and gently grabbed the other's smaller hands and looked into his eyes. The grey in his eyes seemed to deepen, like a pool of whites, blue's and grey's mixing in a beautiful harmony. Jimin felt hypnotized by them. "I know.. But I promise we'll be right next to you the whole time! It might help you break out of your shell." He says, His deep velvet voice gentle and smooth.

"Well, Okay. But if I don't like it then never again." Jimin replied, defeated. Upon hearing this, Taehyung cheered excitedly, hugged him and rushed up the stairs to tell Jungkook. Jimin was worried about it but for some reason he felt so safe with the two of them. Like nothing could ever hurt him when they where around. Still, considering his past he refused to let his guard down just yet.


Today was the day. Jimin hadnt been to a club in.. a while. Yes he'd been to one before but that was a long time ago and he would rather not think about it. He looked himself in the full sized mirror of his new room and bit his lip as his brows netted together in worry. His hair was parted and styled slickly against them sides of his forehead, he wore blue contacts and had some brown and black eyeshadows on the ends of his eyes, his cheeks and lips where dusted with a soft red. He looked amazing. However, it reminded him of his old self. A him that he didn't want to think about.

His legs and thicker thighs and bottom where in some tight black ripped jeans paired with a black belt, his white and black colored t-shirt was tucked in as a loose hanging necklace hung under his collarbone. On his pretty white neck sat a black choker and his ears dangled with shimmery earrings. The blonde sighed and reached over to the bedside table, picking up his rings and sliding them on his small delicate fingers. Finally he walked into the living room, feeling shy about his appearance.

The other two turned and felt the air knock out of their lungs. Jimin looked unbelievably sexy to both of them. They where used to the soft, cute and gentle side of him. But neither of them could deny his duality now. "Woah.." they mumbled in unison. Jungkook was more cold so he just stood there, trying to pretend he didn't care but he couldn't stop his wandering eyes. Taehyung however walked closer to him with a raised brow. "I knew you where cute before but.. wow.. Jimin you look amazing."

Immediately at Taehyungs compliment his confidence rised exponentially and he raised his head with a dashing smile. "W-we.. should go.." Jungkook stuttered, clearing his throat and trying to avert his eyes from the eldest male in the room. "Yeah you're right.. it's already 19:30. Who's driving?" Jimin asked. To which Taehyung raised his hand. "I'm not really big on drinking.. alcohol is kinda gross. So I opted to be the designated driver."

When they got there all eyes where on the three of them. For good reason considering they where all handsome men. People whispered, smiling, gossiping and giggling as they walked by. Wondering if they where celebrity's. Jungkook lead them to the bar and ordered his usual with a wink the the bartender, who pretended to be disgusted but inside she was biting back a grin. Jimin looked at the options of fruity girly drinks and cringed. "Can you get me a glass of just straight whisky please??" He asked to the woman behind the counter.

The two males with him looked at him with confusion and he laughed awkwardly. "I actually really like alcohol.." he admitted shyly and took his glass happily from the bartender, reaching into his pocket for his wallet. "Stop." Jungkook commanded. "I got it." He spoke trying to keep a tough guy act. Jimin giggled to himself at the sight and placed his wallet back in his pocket, drinking down his whole drink in one go. "Are- you sure you'll be okay drinking like that??" Taehyung asked with worry in his tone. "I'll be fine. I can hold my liquor pretty well. That first one is just to loosen up." That's when the two of them realized Jimin was a much different person than they had been lead on to believe.

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