Gay werewolf

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Is Gabriel a werewolf?

Stupid question, I know, but I'm pretty sure I heard him mumble something that very conveniently sounded like mine. Also, the way he's looking at me right now is making me wonder if perhaps I'm his mate. Or maybe my hair is his mate, because he keeps looking at them as if unicorns have come to life, which would be very funny because he's a werewolf.

He's not a werewolf, dumbo. Does this guy seem to give off dominant, alpha vibes? If anyone you know would be a werewolf, it would be North.

Thank you, conscience, for helping me with that very difficult-to-reach conclusion. It's not like I already knew that werewolves aren't real, or that North is the embodiment of broodiness.

"Do you like my hair?" Gabriel asks, his crystal blue eyes brimming with uncontained excitement, and I have a feeling he's up to something. Luke looks at him curiously, not saying anything. I look at Gabriel's rich brown hair, the ends shy of touching his shoulders, a little shorter than Luke's. The strands at the front have been dyed blonde, tucked behind his ears in a middle parting that suits him.

"I like what you've done with them." I answer honestly, and he looks happy, and a little.....uncomfortable? Not used to compliments, then. "The strands at the-" I'm not done with telling him just how great his sense for all of this is, when he cuts me off. "Can I have your number now?"

Say what? I have known this guy for less than a minute and he already wants my number. Even Luke is looking at his friend as if he's never seen him before, so it seems this is not a regular occurence. Maybe Gabriel's not usually as confident or straightforward with girls?

He looks a little impatient now, and says, "Isn't that how this works with you girls? You compliment each other's shit, and then all of a sudden you're best friends?"

So he wants to be my friend. This is confusing. I've known my group of friends since I was younger, so it's easy to converse with them, but all of a sudden meeting these new people I find myself unable to act properly. Is that how you make friends nowadays? He has known me for no more than two minutes and he's asking me for my number, though I understand now that it's for a different purpose than I originally thought, but how can I just give it to him?

"Why would you want my number?"

"You have fucking gorgeous hair, and the next time you get a haircut, it's going to be from me."

My eyes dart towards Luke, and he has a look of understanding on his face. His eyes encourage me to go along with it. Gabriel's words and stature are also more confident now, as if this is his area of expertise, and I don't doubt it. One glance at his hair, his laid-back yet put-together outfit of a neon tank and jeans, and the studs in his ears to go along with it tells me he's the kind of guy who expresses himself with fashion, or maybe it's the other way around, and it's fashion that expresses him.

"How can I just give it to someone I just met?" I ask, "What if you're an axe murderer?" Cliché, I know, but this allows me to stall and get to know his reactions a little better. Gabriel is quick to answer. "If I would've been an axe murderer, this fucker" he points toward Luke, "wouldn't be alive right now."

I know it was a joke, but Luke seriously looks like he's been betrayed by his own family. He puts an arm around Gabriel, squeezing him a little, and exclaims, "We are supposed to be best friends, Gabe! I'm hurt."

"Oh, please. You just ran out on me while we were shopping for you."

The way they interact with each other, the way they're so comfortable around each other, it's clear they've been friends for a long time. They could almost be a couple, if not for both of them being boys. Wait, what am I thinking? Anyone can be together nowadays, it's not like it's a crime to be homosexual. God, no matter how open you might be to everything, society still installs into you what is supposed to fit into their tiny, stereotypical box of norms.

I decided to voice my query. "Are you guys together?"

Luke is quick to reply, although his face and tone clearly depict his confusion. "Of course, we are together."

Gabriel, however, seems to understand my question, and starts backing away from Luke. His eyes are wide, and his hair brushes his chin as he shakes his head with the most horrified look on his face. "Nope, nu-uh, nada, fucking hell to the no." He doesn't stop mumbling his disagreement, denying the possibility in every way possible.

Luke gets a mischievous look in his eyes and goes closer to Gabriel again. He puts his arm around his friend once again and plants a sloppy kiss on his cheek. Gabriel looks like he's about to faint from disgust and mortification. "It's okay, Gabe. I'm sure Sang doesn't mind. Do you, Sang?" Luke questions, his brown eyes filled with laughter as they meet mine. I'm about to answer that I'm more than okay, for the fun of it, of course, and would love to see them kiss, but Gabriel seems to have recovered from his trauma and begins to give me a clarification.

"Don't listen to him. Luke's being a lying fucktard. I'm straight, okay? I've never even kissed a guy before."

"You've never kissed anyone before."

"Shut up, you dumbass! I'm not gay." Gabriel scolds Luke and looks back to me,continuing his rant, as if a switch has been turned on, "In fact, to prove it to you, I really feel like kissing the shit out of you right now."


It's not even been 24 hours and already so much has happened, mostly weird things related to my non-existent love life. First, North thinks I want to hook up with him, then Lake accuses me of secretly dating Cody. And now, hopefully the last, but definitely not the least, Gabriel, who's known me less than 10 minutes, admits that he wants to kiss me.

Can life get anymore crazy?

Gabriel looks like a fish out of water as he opens and closes his mouth like he didn't mean for what he said to come out, his cheeks all red. Luke's cheeks are all red too, but for an entirely different reason.

He's laughing and coughing and patting Gabriel on the back and trying to say something to him, but it's unintelligible. I reel in the urge to burst into giggles. Luke's chortles are contagious, but I know for a fact just how painful a case of word vomit can be.

Luke's laughs have now turned to quiet chuckles and Gabriel's eyes are looking everywhere but at me. "Give me your phone." I turn toward Gabriel. He is too shocked to refuse and puts it in my hand. I put in my number and return it back to him. He looks at his phone, looks at me, looks at his phone, looks at me. Phone. Me. Phone. Me. Phone. Me.

"You are most definitely not an axe murderer, so there." I incline my head towards his phone. He beams, and Luke, who was off somewhere in his head, looks between the two of us. "Wow", he whispers.

Suddenly, a deep, baritone voice reaches my ears. "Hey Gabriel, I informed them where to drop the stuff at. Should we leave? Mr.-", the boy looks up from his phone and takes in the scene in front of him. He's wearing black slacks, a white button up, the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. Brown waves gently brushed away from his face, brown eyes filled with a fire that seems to flicker as they meet my green ones. It's like a gentle fire on a cold night, it's warmth engulfing me, every piece of me.

And all at once, I'm left wondering exactly what day today is, that all these pretty boys just won't stop coming.

If I will make it out of this fire alive or burn for eternity.


AN: Royalty has arrived people, if you know what I mean. *Wink* Have a great day guys!

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