Sugar Rush

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Luke's POV

Sneaking into this store to get away from Gabriel's shopping spree was the best decision I have ever made in my life. And that is saying something, because just a few months ago I had taken a dip in a chocolate fountain.

Don't worry; the people thought I fell in on accident. If only they knew.

This store's sweets section has three candy-filled aisles that go on for miles. Ooh, that rhymed.

Since there was no vessel that would be big enough to carry all the sugary goodness I was craving, I settled on one of the big carts. Skipping through this candyland, I begin putting everything I want in the cart. Which, in case you don't know, is everything.

I am going at full speed, and so is my cart, which is the reason I fail to notice the girl standing just a few feet away in the aisle until it is too late. I try to stop the cart, but in my panic only end up releasing its bar and it goes straight towards the girl. She's quick to move out of the way and I'm entranced by the way she moves.

Gracefully. Like a ninja.

Maybe we could be ninjas together.

I am snapped out of my daydream by the sound of crashing. I look towards the source of the sound to see that a bunch of milk powder boxes have fallen down from a rack, creating an absolute mess. I move closer to it along with the girl, and we share a wide-eyed glance.

A member of the staff notices the mess we made, shaking their head, and the girl quickly begins to put the boxes back in their place. Her hands move fluidly, setting the boxes neatly on the rack, and we all know what follows.

No. Not a daydream. I know when to put them aside-I am seriously lying right now, but never tell this ninja girl that-and get to work.

I help her in putting the boxes back, and as soon as the staff member is out of sight, I let myself get lost in the girl's movements once again. I can't help but begin laughing as I think about all the pranks we could pull as a team, and just how ridiculous our first meeting is, because I know for a fact that we will have another meeting, and another, and another, and another.....

The girl starts laughing along, no doubt from the ridiculousness of our situation and oh my god, if it isn't the most perfect sound I've ever heard.

It is now that I really look at her. Her skin is fair, like creamy vanilla, and her green eyes light up like stars as she continues to laugh. Her blonde hair are clipped up on her head, twisted up like only an artist can do, like swirled, golden frosting.

And her lips are the most perfect cherry on top. Full and pink, the corners of them lifted up as she laughs, I can't help but think what it would be like to kiss them.

Hmm, cherry lips.....

It's like she is a living, breathing cupcake. I unconsciously lick my lips at the thought.

Miss Cupcake seems to notice that I have stopped laughing and am now staring at her like a creep. I put the rest of the boxes back as she looks at me with her head tilted curiously. Once I'm done, I turn towards her, the very best of my cheeky, sweet smiles on my face. "I'm Luke. I'm also very sorry for this." I motion towards my cart. "She just wouldn't stop. Sugar rush, you know."

She smiles, like she knows something I don't, and says, "It's alright. You don't need to worry, I love being almost run over by candy monster carts."

"Ah, I really am sorry. I didn't mean to 'almost run you over'. It was great you moved out of the way on time." And that you didn't get hurt, because I would really like to see you again without you trying to take revenge on me.

"Quick reflexes", she says with a shrug.

I'm about to ask her name when someone comes from around the corner and jumps on my back, nearly choking me with their hands on my neck.

"Oy fucker, I knew you'd be here somewhere, playing with all this sugary shit.....", he trails off, probably seeing the blonde beauty in front of us.

I love my best friend, I really do, but damn if his timing doesn't royally suck.


AN: Luke and his daydreams are here!!!

QOTD: Y'all have that one person who just has the worst timing? It's my mum for me.

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