vii. school day

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➳ 𝕤𝕠𝕟𝕘 𝕤𝕖𝕝𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟: 𝕙𝕖'𝕤 𝕤𝕠 𝕗𝕚𝕟𝕖 𝕓𝕪 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕔𝕙𝕚𝕗𝕗𝕠𝕟𝕤

NOVEMBER 7th, 1955

STORING AWAY her bike on the front lawn of the high school with the make-shift parking for the various rides scattering every inch of greenery before the building, it was hard for much of anyone to walk around it. Let alone find a place to park their own as Donna was doing now. "Well if it ain't my little Mary."

She cringed at the very nickname and turned back to see Match coming up behind her. Extending an arm out to lean on the handlebars of a bike parked in front of her left her unfazed from the short distance between them. It was sad to be accustomed to this kind of harassment, but the boy was always overly determined.

With her friends not there to accompany her as they usually were, however, it left her defenseless. Struggling with letting go of using them as a crutch for any sort of conflict she wasn't prepared to do so this morning either. "So what do you say about you and I going out to the dance this Saturday?"

"No thanks. Now I've gotta be heading to class, alright?" He snatched her wrist forcefully to stop her from running off, Donna looking down to the hold he had on her terrified. Watching Lorraine be put through it with Biff was one thing, but she always was strong enough to get herself out of the situation. Donna was never good with confrontations. "Let me go."

Persisting with his propositions, Donna turned her face to try and keep her distance between them as he leaned forward with a suggestive smirk. "Not until you say—"

"She doesn't have to say anything." The teenagers turned back to Marty now coming forward, her heart racing over him getting involved now. Constantly throwing himself into places where she was was one thing, but in the middle of seeing her being ridiculed was another. She didn't want to be painted as a damsel to the stranger who still barely knew her, even though she more often than not portrayed herself to be one.
Match only watched on amused to play along with the threatening behavior the blue boy had. "Now let her go."

"Match! C'mon!" Donna looked out to Skinhead and 3-D calling him out to join them to have her worried their main stooge would arrive if he stayed out here any longer.

The crony let go of her to shine one last smirk before parting ways. "See you later, Mary."

Leaving her alone with Marty, he nervously rubbed the back of his neck after having come to her aid suddenly. Her brown eyes turned up to him overly large despite the bully now being gone, her reaction directed towards the meaning of him acting out so reactionary. "Um, are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm okay." She smiled over his open timidness to continue to gather the rest of her school supplies from within her basket. "Thanks for that."

Enjoying the sight of her eyes shining out to him he nodded, relaxing himself again to her comforting nature. "Anytime?" Trying to make her way back to the school, she glided past him nonchalantly. Her skirt just brushing against his pant leg for him to continue to have their interaction last just a little while longer. With the stories now associated with the flawless, pristine girl, it served as yet another additive weight on his shoulders. To have way too much knowledge on the future than he possible should have or was responsible enough to have. "Hey Donna?"

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