xxx. candle in the wind

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➳ 𝕤𝕠𝕟𝕘 𝕤𝕖𝕝𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟: 𝕥𝕚𝕝𝕝 𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕟 𝕓𝕪 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕞𝕚𝕝𝕝𝕤 𝕓𝕣𝕠𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕤

NOVEMBER 13th, 1955

CURLED INTO the seat blissfully unaware of what was yet to come, Donna continued to sleep through the events of the night prior. Feeling a hand resting against the back of her gently she smiled in content to lean closer into Marty beside her. Both enjoying their company for however much time allowed them to. That is until he was broken out of his tired state by the Doc rushing over to record his findings from last night.

Yawning awake first he looked down to Donna still asleep under his arm. Kissing the top of her head she only smiled in return as he lifted himself out of her embrace to confront his friend. Barely making out his mumblings this early he attempted to get rid of any last sleepiness still lingering by rubbing his eyes. "Hey, Doc? Doc," He attempted to gain his attention

"Undoubtedly, this was some sort of residual image—" Doc muttered under his breath before turning around to face him. Screaming over his presence without either of them having said anything, the Doc then tripped onto the hoverboard to begin flailing backwards to land on the organ in the sitting room that let out a sound perfectly in tune. Marty caught the hoverboard in his hands to watch on in surprise over the dramatic display.

The noise was enough to have Donna understandably lift her head to try and find out what was going on. "Is everything okay? Who screamed?"

"The Doc did, it's fine." Judging by his tone that it was actually not fine she decided to join him as well to brush off the uncomfortable dress she still had on from the dance. "Doc, calm down okay? Just calm down!" Marty told him. "It's me! Marty!"

"No! It can't be! I sent you back to the future!" He yelled out, still with a look of terror.

Donna nodded, trying to calm him down as well. "That's right, Doc, but he came back again. Marty came back from the future. Don't you remember last night, when you fainted and me and him brought you home?"

Not believing their words, the Doc left the organ hurriedly to be as far away as he seemingly could in his own home. "This can't be happening! You can't be here!" The pair watched him continued to be stubborn and move in the direction of his bathroom to hide there. "It doesn't make sense for you to be here! I refuse to even believe you are here!" Slamming the door behind him both teens continued to try and explain the situation as best as they could.

"Look, I came back to 1955 again with you, the you from 1985, 'cause we had to get a book from Biff. So once I got the book back, you— that is the you from 1985— were in the Delorean and it go struck by lighting, and you got sent back to 1885!" Huffing over having explained this in one go, Donna blinked twice over to him. Even with hearing the story again, it made less sense each time.

"1885?" Doc caught on from inside the room. The two turned to the door opening to have him eye them suspiciously over this not being believable and he looked between them as if they were playing a trick with him. "That's a very interesting story, future boy, but there's just one little thing that doesn't make sense. If the me of the future is now in the past, how could you possibly know about it?"

Donna pointed to Marty who held up the letter sent from the Doc himself. "You wrote me a letter." Looking at the pieces of paper in his hand he then took them from Marty to read over to himself, noticeably still wary of his being here. As he was doing this the pair began to toy with one of the Doc's inventions, of which he had previously tried to use on Marty.

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