i. girl happy

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➳ 𝕤𝕠𝕟𝕘 𝕤𝕖𝕝𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟: 𝕞𝕠𝕟𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕞𝕒𝕤𝕙 𝕓𝕪 𝕓𝕠𝕓𝕓𝕪 '𝕓𝕠𝕣𝕚𝕤' 𝕡𝕚𝕔𝕜𝕖𝕥𝕥

OCTOBER 31st, 1955

THE ROOM SEEMED to spin in the haze that accompanied the music now filling the early morning space. Donna lay back with her eyes shut as the low-grade 45'' vinyl rapidly spun on her record player. There was something different with whatever was happening in the music industry these days, the bootleg copy of some up and coming blues and country artist just proving it.

Looking towards the cover of the attractive man on the front, it made some sense that at least the change was going towards the right direction. "DONNA!" She quickly flailed over her mother banging on the door loudly to fall off the bed out of surprise. Her mother peeked through the door without Donna having given her permission to do so to now find the young girl trying to collect herself on the floor. Seeing the needle of the record player now spinning off over the end of side A, the woman heaved a deep sigh at the state she was in. "Pick yourself up, you're gonna be late for school."

The calendar on her vanity marked it to be yet another dreary Monday here in good 'ol Hill Valley. A place in which you either stay here long enough to see yourself become your parents or—

Well that was what ended up happening regardless of anyone's hopes and dreams.

Rushing down the steps of the home to barely be able to kick on her saddleback shoes, she looked over to her mother caring for her newest addition to the family: her two year old brother. Donna partly thought that her being eighteen soon meant she'd finally be able to live her whole life without having to deal with the responsibility of both being an older sibling and one with such a great age gap. Her parents, however, decided to prove her very much wrong.

Barely looking up from the morning paper, Donna's father glossed over to her rushing herself to eat the bowl of cereal. "If you wanna get yourself some breakfast you wake up early for it. Don't rush yourself like that, have some manners like a proper lady should."

"Sorry father," She barely mustered out to now slowly scoop out a spoonful of cereal. Seeing it was now 7:55 with the school being at least a 15 minute run from her home on the east end of town send Donna dropping the spoon back into the bowl. "Darn!"

Her mother immediately heard the curse word being uttered to turn her attention towards her daughter in distaste. "Did I hear you—"

"School, gotta run, talk later," Donna quickly spoke in order to avoid her second fight with her parents before breakfast. Getting out the bike from the backyard with the very little time she had to arrive on time, she went off into a quick speed to head out to school.

Riding past the houses now decorated for the Halloween festivities for tonight, she especially looked on over to the Brown Estate. Everyone in town had some rumour or two to spread regarding Doctor Emmet Brown. None of them were true she assumed, considering they didn't particularly benefit to the high status his family had seemed to attain. There was still a sense of uneasiness she had whenever she rode past the mansion, like some of those rumors may hold a sliver of truth between the lines.

Finally arriving over to the pristine school to see a lack of students crowding around to signify she'd arrive late, Donna only prepared herself for the lecture she was going to receive if Strickland were to catch her getting here late. Since he was also closely associated with her father meant she'd receive an earful over this when she'd come home today. Quietly tiptoeing through the empty halls had the young girl peeking towards every corner. It was this game the school principal seemed to enjoy playing with the students. You could feel safe all you like, but the minute you get comfortable—

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