UA Entrance Exam (Chapter 6)

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After the event that has transpired, Izuku completely stopped talking to his parents completely, they tried several time to apologize but he mostly ignored them or tell them I don't have time, Izumi, Shoto were informed that there recommendation was rejected by UA and were told about what happened Shoto wasn't to happy with this but accepted it, As for Izumi surprisingly she didn't get angry or upset she knew that she had to pay for her action sooner or later and was grateful that UA didn't ban her completely which Izuku noticed and was happy with the development of his sister and started to talk to her more and invite her to dinner which made her more happy that Izuku forgave her but she knew not take his kindness for granted and swore to never harm anyone ever again.


When I walking down I overheard a conversation between Toshinori, Inko and Izumi so I hid myself and listened on the conversation. I hear Toshinori say- Izumi, I am so sorry to inform that sadly UA decided to reject your recommendation. Izumi replies- really, what happened. Toshinori replies with- Don't worry you are allowed to take the normal entrance exam and it's not your fault we are the one who should be blamed for this "INSERT WHAT HAPPENED WITH NEZU, IZUKU".  I was expecting Izumi to get angry that her recommendation was denied by UA and thought she would go on a rampage but surprisingly she took it well and said- It's Okay dad, mom I don't blame you nor Izuku I knew there would be consequences for my action and I am grateful that I wasn't banned from entering UA and this way I could prove not only to Izuku but to everyone that I got in with my own power and hard work and I will better myself. hearing this for the first time I smiled a genuine smile. I hear Dad and mom telling her- Spoken like a true champion we are proud of you, do your best if you need anything call us. and with that Both Toshinori and Inko left.

I decide to sneak behind her and gave her one of the biggest hug, she was caught off guard when she saw it was me before she could say anything I cut her off by saying- I forgave you Little sis and I am happy that you realized your mistakes and started bettering yourself, I thought that after you learn that you had your recommendation rejected that you will get mad but you surprisingly took it well and admitted your mistake. after hearing this Izumi started crying and started hugging me (well it was more like crushing than hugging) she kept saying- Thank you so so much Izuku, You don't know how much I've wanted to hear this words from you I've been beating myself for breaking my promise that I made to you when we were kids. after recovering from the bear crush while still hugging her I told her while laughing- I knew that you didn't mean to bully me and that the Bakugo's twin attitude rubbed on you in the wrong way. she laughs at my joke and I give her another big hug and a long kiss on her forehead which made her blush a little because she didn't expect that from me so I tell her- let's be the brother and sister we were supposed to be. which she nods by giving me a kiss on the cheek and telling me- I love you brother and thank you for giving me this chance to redeem myself I promise I won't take you kindness for granted. Which I respond with- I know you will and I love you to little sis. 

After that we started going out to the arcade to play games which surprisingly was fun and decided to tell her my plan about cleaning a beach that was similar to Dagobah beach but was twice as big so we decided to clean it with me cleaning half of the beach and her the other half and since we both were well built it took us around 5 months. Our parents noticed our relationship and were happy for Izumi since they knew she was hurt as much as them and hoped that they could one day be forgiven. As for me and Shoka (I decided to change her name from Shota to Shoka) well you probably have guessed it we started dating after she confessed one day while we were talking it took her a lot of stuttering to tell me her feelings which I happily agreed by giving her a long kiss on her lips which lasted for 30 seconds before we had to separate for air she of course after she realized what just happened she got a nosebleed and fainted making me laugh and smile I still remember as if it was Yesterday.

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